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 From:  paulrus
Is there a way to get it to reload the customized CSS you created previously?

If it already knows the file path, it'd be great for it to load the existing CSS file and let you go from there. I made some changes but realized I made my background too dark. Unfortunately when I reloaded MoiGUI my changes didn't appear, so I apparently need to start over. I tried Load Template, but that doesn't seem to load CSS files.

Otherwise this is a really neat tool. If it would let me start to change icons, fonts, etc., it would be phenomenal.

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 From:  chippwalters
7245.9 In reply to 7245.8 
Use the save template to save the customized moi.css template for MGB. Use the load template to load the template you just saved. This way you can continue to tweak your design.

MGB program does not parse the moi.css file directly, which would be called 'round-trip' CSS editing. Writing a full blown WYSIWYG round-trip CSS editor which correctly parses *any old CSS* is a full-time job for a team of programmers as it would necessarily need to handle all sorts of flavors (and mistakes) of CSS. I enjoy MoI but don't have that kind of time to spend.

If you save the template, you can reload it. The background screen settings are set in the Options panel and are not stored with the MoI.css file so you shouldn't have any problems reloading the "newly generated from your old template" moi.css file.

Changing Icons could be done. I'm not sure about changing fonts as I suspect there are limitations to the GUI framework Michael uses-- especially considering WINE.
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Thank you! Great app.
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 From:  chippwalters
7245.11 In reply to 7245.10 
Thanks Max to you, too, for all the great work you do for this community!

Let me know if I missed any selectors.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7245.12 In reply to 7245.9 
The UI font is automatically set onto the <body> element as part of the processing that happens when an HTML document is loaded, the setting for it is in moi.ini, under:

UIFontName=Century Gothic

The font size is also set in the same way and it can be adjusted in the Options dialog under the "General" section with the slider for "UI size".

- Michael
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 From:  Jay (JAYGEE)
7245.13 In reply to 7245.12 
This is really fantastic, Chipp! Thank you very much!
How can I change this grey text color?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
7245.14 In reply to 7245.13 
Hi Jay & Chipp,

re: How can I change this grey text color?

See here for a description of where the CSS that controls that color is located:

- Michael
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 From:  chippwalters
Okay. I'll trying get that fixed tonight. Is there anything else that's missing?
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 From:  Jay (JAYGEE)
I'm not sure if changing the "CloseWindowButton" Backgroundcolor Change is working...


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 From:  Michael Gibson
7245.17 In reply to 7245.16 
Hi Jay & Chipp,

re: I'm not sure if changing the "CloseWindowButton" Backgroundcolor Change is working...

There are 2 different window close buttons, the first one is a <moi:WindowControlButton> with id="Close" - that one is one that you will only see on the Windows version when it is a maximized window, it will be a close button in the upper right corner of the main window. That one is controlled in moi.css by:

moi\:WindowControlButton#CloseWindow:hover img {

moi\:WindowControlButton#CloseWindow:active img {

The one that Jay shows below is in flyout menus, that one is a <moi:SmallCloseWindowButton>, it's controlled in moi.css by:

moi\:SmallCloseWindowButton:hover {

moi\:SmallCloseWindowButton:active {

- Michael
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 From:  chippwalters
7245.18 In reply to 7245.17 
Hey guys,

Sorry..been in meetings all day with lawyers. As I mentioned, I still don't have a windows image for my VMware here at home, so it will be awhile before I can get to Windows specific changes.

I'll try and see what I can get to this evening.
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 From:  chippwalters


Fixed the aforementioned issues. Press button check for update (dot 1) to load the new version. No need to restart.

The (dot 4) close button now has more properties and works correctly. The (dot 3) properties field now had a custom text-color property you can set which overides the CSS in the SidePaneContextArea.htm for the text-color.

Please NOTE: If you've previously *saved* a template from MGB, and then load it, you will now need to press the (2) RESET button for any individual item which has been updated since last saved. In this case, all you need to do is reset the two shown areas (4 & 3).


On another note, is there any sort of CSS which I can access to define the text input highlight text and background color (5)? FWIW I tried variants of:

::-webkit-selection {
  background: green;
  color: yellow;
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7245.20 In reply to 7245.19 
Does the dowloading address of the new version is always the same ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  chippwalters
7245.21 In reply to 7245.20 
Hi Frenchy,

The URL for the application will stay the same. But, (and this is important) when newly downloaded from the web it will ONLY run the older version. You **MUST** press the check update button to download the latest version.

So, once it is installed, you never have to install again (unless I make changes to the core engine). Just press the check for update button and you will always have the latest version.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7245.22 In reply to 7245.21 
Thx for the Infos!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Jay (JAYGEE)
Don't want to niggle, just two things:

Would be nice changing

the hover Color here:

Background here:

and here:

Color of the pressed PushButton:

Thanks a lot. Rest should be fine! :-)

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 From:  chippwalters
7245.24 In reply to 7245.23 
I'll look into where I can find the CSS. Thanks for sharing. Probably get to it this weekend.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7245.25 In reply to 7245.23 
Hi Jay & Chipp, just some quick notes on the location of the CSS for those:

> the hover Color here:

That's a <moi:LabelButton>, the css for its background colors for hovered and active (when clicked down) are in moi.css:
moi\:LabelButton:hover, .label_button:hover {

moi\:LabelButton:active, .label_button:active {


> Background here:

That one is in StyleMenu.htm, in a stylesheet in the <head> element, the one for id="Container":
			#Container {


> and here:

That one is in EditStylesDialog.htm, in a stylesheet in the <head> element, the one for id="StylesContainer":
			#StylesContainer {
				border:1px solid #CCC;


> Color of the pressed PushButton:

That one is in moi.css, the one that controls the active state of a moi:PushButton :
moi\:PushButton:active > div {
	-webkit-box-shadow:inset 0px -1px rgb(255,255,255), inset 2px 2px rgb(180,180,180);

- Michael
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Message 7245.26 deleted 15 Feb 2015 by YUAN

 From:  Yuan
7245.27 In reply to 7245.25 
Hi Michael,

There are three places don't know where to change the color, please help to solve. Thank you very much!

Background here:

and here:

Color of input


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