Cycles for MoI
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7208.91 In reply to 7208.89 
Hi Stefan, re:

> Because i don't know if it was tested under OS X i like to ask if you or Michael, or
> anybody else knows how to change the script so that it no longer writes in MoI's Temp
> directory and how to start the Cycles program with your script under OS X

Can you give some more details? What is the MoI Temp directory that you're referring to, and what is currently being written there, and what directory do you want it changed to write to instead?

I'm not familiar with this script myself but if I started out knowing some more details that would help.

- Michael
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
7208.92 In reply to 7208.91 
Hello Michael,

i used Max's Cycles script from here:

and it writes all files (.xml, .obj, .mtl) required for Cycles in MoI's drive_c/users/Wineskin/Temp/ folder.

I then copy those files to my Desktop in a folder and run then Cycles from the command line.

I would like to be able that the script does not write into the MoI app, instead i would like to see that
it writes for example to a folder on the Desktop.

Best regards

EDITED: 30 Oct 2016 by STEFAN

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hello Michael,

here's the path seen from terminal:

Best regards

EDITED: 30 Oct 2016 by STEFAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7208.94 In reply to 7208.93 
Hi Stefan, so the temp path is set on line #59 in hte file _Cycles.htm which currently has this:

	var tempPath = moi.filesystem.getTempDir();

To make it go into a directory on your desktop try changing that first trying an OS X native path like this for example:

	var tempPath = '/Users/stefan/Desktop/Cycles/';

Let me know if that makes the files go to where you wanted them or if it still doesn't work.

This may also help the auto launch of cycles to work as well, let me know if that part still doesn't work. At least one problem with the auto launching part was giving cycles a Windows/Wineskin style path name as a parameter instead of a mac native file path, and since cycles isn't a wineskin app it won't understand a Wineskin type path.

- Michael
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Michael,

thank you so much for your quick help! Now it works perfectly. It saves in the proper location and starts Cycles too! :-)

Best regards
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7208.96 In reply to 7208.95 
You're welcome Stefan, that's great that was all it took to get it working on Mac!

- Michael
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)


I tried to find the download for Cycles Standalone /for Windows 8 and XP) but did not find it.

Any tips are warmly welcome !

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7208.98 In reply to 7208.97 
Hi Tom,

have you tried this one?
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
7208.99 In reply to 7208.98 
Sorry Max, I did not realize that Cycles is included in the link on your homepage !
So I will try to get it working now - thank you !!
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 From:  DavidDan
7208.100 In reply to 7208.98 
Hi. I tried downloading , but i think the file is corrupted, can you please help me somehow.
Thanks a lot for the scripts u make!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7208.101 In reply to 7208.100 
Hi David, I just tested downloading and it seemed to be fine over here. Did you get a message when trying to unzip it that the archive is corrupted, or was it some other error? I'd recommend deleting it and trying to download it again.

- Michael
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 From:  Yuan
7208.102 In reply to 7208.98 
Hi Max.
I downloaded, But the file is corrupt. Can you upload it again?

EDITED: 17 Apr 2018 by YUAN

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 From:  pafurijaz
Very sad, this was not more developed, this was the best free option rendering engine for Moi3D if developed.. Is old 5 years..
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 From:  Franz

I let myself be seduced and wanted to try cycles. Unfortunately nothing worked. Even though I made a backup of all moi files I played back, I can still use the snapshot function of Max Smirnov in custom ui (Moi V3), but the *.png images are not saved in snapshots anymore. Can anyone help what could be the reason for this?

--> have already discovered the bug. snapshots was no longer released, don't know why - did windows want me not to come to bed again (night work)?
(The folder snapshots was changed to read-only, that must be changed back again to writeable.)


EDITED: 15 May 2020 by FRANZ

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 From:  Yuan
7208.105 In reply to 7208.104 
Hi Franz,
First of all, your operating system must be 64-bit, not 32-bit, because Cycles is a 64-bit program, it cannot run on a 32-bit system. Then, according to the method described by Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV), put the Cycles related files into the corresponding directory. The following is the effect I run through Wine under Slax (linux), MoI version V3 looks pretty good. If you use the Windows operating system, it will be easier to run.


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 From:  Franz
Hi Yuan and all!

Thanks for the help. I must have had an error in the installation before.
Now cycles runs, but I can't figure out how to set the output size. My rendering result I get is very small.
Please again for a hint.

Thanks a lot

For the test i used first.3dm from


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 From:  HansChristian

First post here :-).

If anyone still wants to use the cycles port the zip-file actually can be extracted. Windows cannot on its own but 7-zip (open source) extract the files without any problems. Im running Moi V4.

I can't figure out how to update cycles when shifting camera view. The script doesn't seem to be the same as described on page 1. Also I wonder how to make materials more metal like as some of peoples screen shot shows.

Anyway Happy New Year


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7208.108 In reply to 7208.107 
Maybe this can help you ;)

Good luck for find that you want!

EDITED: 1 Jan 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  HansChristian
7208.109 In reply to 7208.108 
Thanks I understand :-). I just don't know where to edit the materials. In the styles panel in Moi there is only an option to choose color.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7208.110 In reply to 7208.109 
I am affraid that you must enter something like that inside Styles!
not enough friendly for me - i prefer all ready made! :)

Sorry in French

Shaders disponibles
[D:20] = Diffuse: Roughness 20% par défaut (0-100)
[G:20] = Glossy: Roughness 20% par défaut (0-100)
[S:10] = Glass: Roughness 10% par défaut (0-100)
[E:1000]= Emission: Force 1000 par défaut (0-...)
[V:100] = Velvet par défaut: Sigma (0-...)
[C:xx] - Toon : Smooth 0-100
[T] - Translucent
[A] - Ambient occlusion
[TR] - transparent shader
[CH] - checker texture
Shader Mixtes
[E:xx:xx] - Emission : Puissance (0-...) : Size (Spot; optional)
[G:10 C:30] - Glossy:10 + Toon:30 (50/50 defaut)
[G:10 C:30 70] - Glossy:10 + Toon:30 (30/70)

EDITED: 1 Jan 2021 by PILOU

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