Cycles for MoI
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7208.110 In reply to 7208.109 
I am affraid that you must enter something like that inside Styles!
not enough friendly for me - i prefer all ready made! :)

Sorry in French

Shaders disponibles
[D:20] = Diffuse: Roughness 20% par défaut (0-100)
[G:20] = Glossy: Roughness 20% par défaut (0-100)
[S:10] = Glass: Roughness 10% par défaut (0-100)
[E:1000]= Emission: Force 1000 par défaut (0-...)
[V:100] = Velvet par défaut: Sigma (0-...)
[C:xx] - Toon : Smooth 0-100
[T] - Translucent
[A] - Ambient occlusion
[TR] - transparent shader
[CH] - checker texture
Shader Mixtes
[E:xx:xx] - Emission : Puissance (0-...) : Size (Spot; optional)
[G:10 C:30] - Glossy:10 + Toon:30 (50/50 defaut)
[G:10 C:30 70] - Glossy:10 + Toon:30 (30/70)

EDITED: 1 Jan 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  HansChristian
7208.111 In reply to 7208.110 
Thanks. Its strange that I cant find any way to imitate that screen shot with 5 visible colors. I can only get one at a time.

I really understand and agree why you prefer to not create materials like that :-D.

By the way I really like your thread "Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)". I also love to discover new programs and possibilities for making 3D-art, Music, Math and everything in between. I have the thread as a reference if I want to dig deeper into something.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7208.112 In reply to 7208.111 
I have not relaunched Cycles for Moi but i can't understand your problem!
You can have normally any number of Styles...
(I have of course writed anything! :) must be of course something like Orange[D:20] etc...

EDITED: 1 Jan 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  HansChristian
7208.113 In reply to 7208.112 
Ah thanks. Now I finally get it. I tried it and it works. I thought there was a place to choose theese values from a menu/popup box. I didnt realise that I actually had to write it myself directly in the name of the style. I read the first post again and the values are simply just put in manually.


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