Slide along path curve
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 From:  Tim (BLADEST)
720.3 In reply to 720.2 
Thanks Michael,

I wasn't expecting it for 1.0 , I just thought it was a useful tool.

Agood workaround though, I still don't use copy and paste to their full advantage

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 From:  Michael Gibson
720.4 In reply to 720.3 
Hi Tim, yeah sometimes there are some good tricks that you can leverage by using undo in combination with Copy/Paste that are not too immediately apparent.

The other good one is to use it to kind of "resurrect" an older version of something.

To do this, undo back to the version you want to resurrect, and select it and do a copy. Be careful at this point not to do any kind of operation that actually changes geometry because that will clear the redo stack. Then redo all the way back to the end, and then hit paste. That will essentially insert the older object into your current model.

- Michael
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