Voronoi Script or plugin
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 From:  mkdm
Hello everyone!

...another "had fun with Voronoi"
....Thanks a lot Max :)

This time : Moi3D + Rocket3F + Affinity Photo


Marco (mkdm)

EDITED: 6 Mar 2018 by MKDM

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Marco,

nice images! However i have a little suggestions, which Pilou also made once, if i remember correctly.

Is it possible that in the future you post smaller images (and your large ones in the gallery maybe)
because it takes quite a bit time to load the pages and auto resizing them. Zarkow, for example,
does this also now, with his images. Maybe look at Zarkow's images, as an example, to get the
max size for displaying images here, without resizing.

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 From:  mkdm
7177.94 In reply to 7177.93 
Hello Stefan!

@You : "...Is it possible that in the future you post smaller images (and your large ones in the gallery maybe) because it takes quite a bit time to load the pages and auto resizing them..."

I will certainly do it !!! :)

I apologize for the inconvenience...I forgot to do so.

Thanks for the reminder :)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Thank you Marco,

much appreciated!

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 From:  mkdm
7177.96 In reply to 7177.95 
...Done :)

I've changed my latest 3 images that I have uploaded here (voronoi doodles)

Now I will post images always under 280-300 Kb each.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
7177.97 In reply to 7177.95 
...Done 2 :)

I've changed also my other 2 images of "voronoi glass"


Marco (mkdm)

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  glmr
7177.98 In reply to 7177.97 
how did you make smooth edges on your gold box?
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 From:  mkdm
7177.99 In reply to 7177.98 
Hi glmr.

Well...I first chamfered in Moi the edges of the Voronoi walls, as you can see here

Then I exported in obj format and finally loaded in 3D-Coat.
There I have voxelized the imported object and applied a Shader.
Last stage, the render with 3D-Coat's Render Room using its builtin PBR renderer.

I often use this "trick" to create "quick and dirt" rendering with super smooth edges without the need to do the "fillet" stage in Moi.
Using 3D-Coat's Voxels I can get super-exaggerated smooth edges in the blink of an eye.
But in this case you need to create Voxels with very high poly count, many millions, and you need a decent CPU+GPU to do that.

But if you have time to spent and want to do the things with better precision then I'm pretty sure that you can fillet the Voronoi walls directly in Moi.

Anyway...this is just one of many ways to get "smooth" edges on Voronoi structures.

3D-Coa's way is one of my preferred, but only because it fits perfectly in one of my wokflows for "2D/3D image composition".
Quick and easy.

But it's a very personal technique, maybe others can find it too "coarse".


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7177.100 In reply to 7177.99 
<< you can fillet the Voronoi walls directly in Moi.

With some prudence!
Because there are some sharpen angles in a voronoi diagram and the input will be the best minimum acceptable of all corners!
As there are a lot of them you have all luck that your calcul fillets failed!

Maybe increase the Scale size of the all objects before make general fillet!

10 seconds for 100 objects fillets top faces : but the most difficult is to find the best accessible angle! (20 seconds :)
(I7 4 years old : not sure that the graphic card is influent to the calcul ?

EDITED: 6 Mar 2018 by PILOU

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 From:  glmr
7177.101 In reply to 7177.99 
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Added X button. Double click this button to reset a diagram.
Added Filter slider. Use it to remove extra small sides of polygons.

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 From:  mkdm
7177.103 In reply to 7177.102 
Thank you very much Max!!

Are you running for a prize ? :)
It seems that this Voronoi plugin is a sort of personal challenge for you.

Great job, great job Max!!!

Only a question, if I may...

I did some test but I can't figure out how the new "Filter" affects the output of the Voronoi.

Could you please write something about it ?

Thanks again.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7177.104 In reply to 7177.102 
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
7177.105 In reply to 7177.103 
Hi Marco

>>Are you running for a prize ? :)
>>It seems that this Voronoi plugin is a sort of personal challenge for you.
No, it's not a challenge. I just want to make a good script and then forget about it.

>>I did some test but I can't figure out how the new "Filter" affects the output of the Voronoi.
It doesn't affects the output if Corners slider set to 0. Set corners to 100 and the move the Filter slider.
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 From:  mkdm
7177.106 In reply to 7177.105 
Ciao Max!

@You : "...It doesn't affects the output if Corners slider set to 0. Set corners to 100 and the move the Filter slider..."

Perfect! Got it.
Tested and now is...perfect!!

@You : "...I just want to make a good script and then forget about it..."

OK! Then you can sleep soundly :) You created an AMAZING script.

Thanks a lot for all your effort.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
7177.107 In reply to 7177.105 
Max...your wanderful script gave me an inspiration..."How to brake in two each Voronoi cell and make a funny thing"

Look at this video : http://take.ms/pBFZS

In short the process I have used is :

1 Select all Voronoi curves
2 Apply the "mark curve start" plugin
3 Select again all Voronoi curves
4 Apply the "mark curve middle point" plugin
5 Trim the Voronoi curves with the generated points of steps 2 and 4
6 Close all the "half curves" with the command "closecurve"

You can download all the plugins I've used at : http://take.ms/uAgYy

Unzip and copy the files into the Moi's "commands" folder.
I suppose they should work also with Moi V4 but I didn't try)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  mkdm
7177.108 In reply to 7177.107 
P.S....forgot to say that I've used also another Max's custom command : "PatternSelection"

You can grab it here : http://take.ms/0F9I8


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  glmr
7177.109 In reply to 7177.105 
I was waiting for this moment sooo long. Now your script is perfect, just perfect! Thank you very much!
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 From:  mkdm
Hello everyone!

I admit I was tempted to create on the fly a brand new thread but I want to submit this thought to all "colleagues" moiers :)

The new thread I wanted to create should be : "PUBLIC THANKS TO MAX SMIRNOV FOR ALL HIS AMAZING AND PRICELESS JOB!!!"

I think it should deserve much more than this but anyway...tell me what do you think ?


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Best thanks is use the Max's scripts! ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery
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