Running MoI from Dropbox

 From:  chippwalters
I've spent a bit of time trying to perfect the best way to run MoI IN SYNC (settings, moi.ini, commands, UI, etc..) on two computers-- the one at home and the one at work.

After a bunch of jumping through hoops and editing the WINE config files, I've rethought the problem and as usual I was just making things too difficult.

I'm on a Mac. The best plan is to just run MoI3D from Dropbox directly.

1. Copy the MoI over to a folder on my Dropbox.
2. In Finder, hold down the Option key and click on Go menu and select Library. This will take you to the hidden Library folder.
3. From Library, go to Application Support / Moi folder and select both moi.ini and moi_v3_license.key and COPY (Command-C).
4. Right-click on MoI Dropbox) and choose Show Package Contents.
5. Navigate to drive_c / moi folder and Option-Command-V (move both files). Now moi.ini and moi_v3_license.key are in same directory as the MoI

Voilá, the app should be able to be launched from both computers as long as they are using the same Dropbox account. Keep in mind, ONLY ONE LICENSE PER USER! Do not use this technique to share copies of MoI as not only is that illegal, but it also hurts the company as well as us paying users!

(Michael, feel free to delete this if you think it is inappropriate).


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 From:  chippwalters
7073.2 In reply to 7073.1 
OK, it turns out Dropbox is having a helluva time trying to sync the Moi In fact, it hasn't done it yet, period. Turns out there are over 3000 files in the .app package and I think that is creating issues for Dropbox-- why? I don't know.

I've tried now for a week to sync it and it won't upload. Ended up trashing my whole Dropbox folder and resyncing from scratch. Took a day to complete and then Dropbox got 'stuck' (downloading files list..) again and wouldn't sync anything else.

I'm now trying to zip the MoI app, and *that's* taking quite some time as well (6-8 min) just to zip it. If anyone has any better idea on how to do this, please make a suggestion. Maybe Google Drive?
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 From:  shayno
Hi Chip
It might be a mac thing :) I use windows and its about 80mb
I just dragged a copy of my entire moi3d folder from the program files into my dropbox folder.
I have the ini, my startup template, and V2 and 3 licience in the moi folder (as I use it as my USB portable version also )
At a meeting today with my laptop dropbox synced itself and I could run Moi straight from it .
When I saved a new object with Max's custom UI it updated the drop box and was available in my workstation back at work.

Works brilliantly especially for designs I did at the meeting that I can access from dropbox without having to copy them in.

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 From:  RHolmes (RICOHOLMES)
Oh good grief, stay away from Google drive -it'll only make things worse.

I had similar issues with the sheer amount of files in some directories (moi is actually far from the worst, but i was also shocked the first time i saw the count for such an efficient program)

I'm not fond of bashing software or services but Google Drive just cannot compete with Dropbox.
As I (still happily) use Google for every other service i thought it would make sense to consolidate it and move my large pro Dropbox account over. Big mistake.
That was 4 months ago, and as of yesterday I gave up. I miss the stability of Dropbox

Moi is superbly portable on Dropbox - the object library functionality of CustomUI also means assetts are "just there" when needed (saved some embarrassment recently at a client meeting and I'd forgotten two essential products.)

So stick with it.. the file count is only a problem on initial indexing and sync.. :)
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