Elastica script
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 From:  bemfarmer
7001.23 In reply to 7001.22 
After doing some testing, I have come to the conclusion that the MoI Rebuild command (refit mode) does not work for the figure 8 elastica, a closed curve.
(Tested in MoI4, and MoI5beta.)
The Rebuild, # Points option worked.
Rebuild works for an open, almost figure 8 curve.
Is this a "bug" in Rebuild, or a result of the closed geometry of the figure 8? Tolerance calculation?

In other discoveries, a point count of 2 tends to make a zig zag curve.
A point count of 3 makes some different curves.
A point count of only 10 makes some fairly decent curves.

Added a help window, and cleaned up the .htm file a bit. (q.v.)

Now to tackle the rudimentary extrusion...

Name: ...Aug6Draft
- Brian


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