how did you find moi?
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
LOL! I hope Pilou reads this, so we can crown him as the MoI king.

— Metin

——————— — 3D (print) design • animation • artwork • illustration • visualization

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 From:  PaQ
I find it alone !!!! ... not, I think it was Pilou post, but I don't remember where :O)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
And me I have discovered at the very very beginning of Moi from a guy from the regreated (hacked) PushPullBar ( a Sketchup forum)
His name was Sigue2000. Many thanks to him! At 29-08-2006. For me it's him the real discover of Moi!
(look the thread - I was the second on the readers of the news! ;)

A after of course i made some publicity on some forum! :)
(First was Zbrush!!!
(funny to see my first try! :)

And after that was the explosion over the 3D planet! :)

EDITED: 3 Nov 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Supagoat
6995.28 In reply to 6995.20 
I was getting into 3D printing and tried just about every 3d package out there under $500. Or so I thought... My search went deeper and I found MoI and after using it a bit I knew it was the one.
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 From:  hep
I was looking for a easy to use 3D program back i 2006 and have used it since, tested all the beta's and now in v3. i have been using it for a lot of different designs- industrial designs, bicycle's, small buildings and also 3D printing - it's perfect :-)
yesterday i even persuade my new empoyer to buy a license since it would be much easyer to fullfill my job as a manufacturing engineer if i had an easy to use 3D program to do all the illustrations and suggestions i come up with.
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 From:  shayno
I was introduced to moi by a dear friend Robert Springford who unfortunately passed away in July 2013. ( 3 packs of cigarettes a day will do that to you )
He was a guru at rhino and dispaired that I could not easily learn it, he suggested I buy moi and I have had the pleasure of using it for 3 years for my jewellery manufacturing business.
V3 with scripts and keyboard shortcuts for everything built up from the forum is a treat to use , thanks Michael for all of your help over the years.
Best addon for ver 3 " the flow command with history enabled" brilliant.
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 From:  mattj (MATTJENN)
I first downloaded the software demo about 5 years ago, but i was sceptical about the packaging :-)

After struggling like hell to get anything done in lightwave and Modo and liking solid works but too expensive, I had a play and filleted a few weird shapes. BOOM it was very easy to do and didn't crash!!! I was sold, since then I've mentioned it to everyone who cares to listen. I know almost always begin a project in MOI and finish in MODO. They play very nicely together.
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