Yet another shape.
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 From:  WillBellJr
694.6 In reply to 694.5 
These are some great tests I must say - they really get you to think nurby-nurby!

As Michael said, I'm seeing a sphere with a portion of the surface extracted - the edges however sound like a loft or something dealing with a profile.

The indentations seems to me look like they should be created seperately (using circles of differing levels and perhaps a profile curve used as a 2-rail sweep? This is then somehow boolean'ed or blended onto the main surface (definitely not sure of that one?)

Figuring this one out would definitely be a great lesson!

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 From:  Jesse
694.7 In reply to 694.6 
Hi All,

I took a stab at it.. I trimmed a sphere with the curve.
then trimmed the resultant surface with a circle.
then a smaller sphere was drawn in the hole
the new sphere was scaled 1d
it was then scaled up 3d by 10%
the flattened sphere was trimmed by the tri-shape surface
then a fillet was added

I did it quickly so the shapes are off.. I should have looked back
at the image while I was doing it! It sort of gets you there, but
but Michael probably has a smarter solution. ;-)



Oops, Michael had already post his method.. it would help if I read the
other responses before I post mine.. sorry.


EDITED: 21 Jun 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Jesse
694.8 In reply to 694.7 
Here's the file.


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 From:  Tim (BLADEST)
694.9 In reply to 694.8 
Hi Michael,
I was playing around with this, is it possible to project a point to a surface? if you project a circle onto a surface you lose the centre ,a point marked is useful
regards Tim.
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 From:  Jesse
694.10 In reply to 694.9 
Tim is right....the hole isn't round..that's why I scaled the sphere up.. actually, it's hard for me to tell from the image, but an ellipse with variable fillet may have been better to duplicate Johnny's model..


EDITED: 21 Jun 2007 by JESSE


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 From:  WillBellJr
694.11 In reply to 694.9 
You should be able to get the center if your center snap is on? Move the cursor near and around the object until you see "cen".

Good questions about snapping points to surfaces - easy to determine however...

Yes, it worked for me.

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 From:  Jesse
694.12 In reply to 694.11 
Hi Will,

That's a good idea...For what I draw, the construction lines really help a lot to position my curves, so I find if all the object snaps are on
all the time, and the straight snap is also on all the time (unless it occasionally prevents me from doing something),
it's not hard to find the center of anything. So even if a curve isn't planar to the control plane, you can lay down a construction line on the edge of a circle at a quad point, snap to a perpendicular point on the other side and then the mid point of the construction line is your center. I almost never use grid snaps, they annoy me when I forget to shut them off! :-)


EDITED: 21 Jun 2007 by JESSE

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 From:  Tim (BLADEST)
694.13 In reply to 694.12 
Yes I can make it work now, if you have say a circle it will project on its own, straight down, with a point though I have to put in a construction line and then tell it what direction to project, I didn't realize that

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 From:  Jesse
694.14 In reply to 694.13 
Thanks, I'm going to try to remember that good.

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 From:  WillBellJr
694.15 In reply to 694.14 
Actually isn't there a way to temporarily disable grid snaps?

I think I remember holding down shift one time and it freed up the mouse movement? (Or am I going crazy??) I seem to remember doing that while drawing some curves in MOI one time?...

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
694.16 In reply to 694.15 
About grid maybe this can help you :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Jesse
694.17 In reply to 694.15 
Hi Guys,

Thanks, but remembering shortcut keys is a little too much for my feeble brain at this point,
but I *would* like to know how you type into the forum with bold print.:-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
694.18 In reply to 694.15 
> Actually isn't there a way to temporarily disable grid snaps?

Hi Will, nope, not by default. You could set up a shortcut key if you want for toggling it on or off though, let me know if you want the script for that.

What you may have seen is that if you move over top of some geometry, you can start to get smooth movement with the "on" snap, that's because object snaps have precedence over grid snaps.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
694.19 In reply to 694.17 
Hi Jesse - for bold or italic use these HTML tags:

Type this: <b>This will be bold</b> to get this: This will be bold

Use <i></i> for italics.

And of course you can also do this too, but it can start to get annoying... :) :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
694.20 In reply to 694.13 
Hi Tim, sounds like you figured out the point projection - yup unlike a planar curve a point doesn't really have a perpendicular direction associated directly with it, so after you start the project command you have to pick 2 points to define the projection direction before it will generate the projected point.

- MIchael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
694.21 In reply to 694.1 
Ok, here are some steps.

Let's make kind of custom curved sheet for the shape of the main body, this will show you how you can tweak the shape more than just using a sphere.

To begin with, I used Curve / Freeform / Control points to draw this curve in the Top view (start with an origin snap):

Then I mirrored that, joined the 2 mirrored pieces, and then turned on points with Edit / Show pts and selected and deleted the center point to fuse the 2 segments into one segment. That just guarantees no creases and a simple construction result later.

Then I switched to the right-side view, and drew this one:

Then again, mirror, join, and fuse segments. That should give you these curves:

Then I selected the curve that was drawn in the top view, and did Construct / Sweep, selected the other curve as the sweep rail to generate this surface:

At this point you can tweak the curves to fine tune the surface shape. This is a pretty straightforward way to create a kind of custom curved sheet to use as the base surface for a form.

Now for the cutting outline - I switched to the front view, and used Draw curve / Freeform / Control points. To help in drawing this one, before I placed the first point I did an initial click, hold-down-and-drag on the origin to create a construction line to use as an alignment snap. Anytime you are in a draw command, you can click, hold down and drag (instead of click and release) to create a construction line. These are useful as snapping and alignment guides, you can do quite a bit of things with them like extend lines, line things up, find the midpoint between any 2 points, etc... In this case I used it to make it easy to snap on to the Y axis. I drew this:

I probably should have spent a little more time on that one, I was just doing this pretty quickly. I think the bottom part is kind of too thin. Anyway you get the idea. I mirrored that, and again joined and fused segments, and then selected the surface, ran Edit / Trim, selected the curve, and discarded the outside piece to create this:

All right, I'll do this one in a couple of installments, I'll return with more on this one later on.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
694.22 In reply to 694.21 
I think the second installment will have to wait until tomorrow...

- Michael
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 From:  Johnny (JOHN_A)
694.23 In reply to 694.22 
Hey, no problem Michael. I appreciate you taking any time to address these sorts of issues.

It's all good :)
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 From:  WillBellJr
694.24 In reply to 694.23 
I appreciate it also Michael and PLEASE include this in your documentation - showing answers to these quizzes are time well spent training people on how to best use MOI!

Now let me go practice making arbitrarily shaped sheets!

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 From:  eddi
694.25 In reply to 694.1 
Ok, here a basic set
File Basic0, use SweepCommand with option PointyEnd, select the new object, use ShowPtsCommand and move the highest point.

File Basic1 is new result

File Basic2, use BlendCommand

File Basic3 is new result

Is rough basis, for detail must you to much with profile-curves to play
BestReg`s EDDI

EDITED: 4 Jul 2007 by EDDI


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