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 From:  WN
6925.558 In reply to 6925.557 
Hi, Michael.

G:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta Sep-10-2020

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.559 In reply to 6925.558 
Hi WN,

> C:\Users\Vladimir\AppData\Roaming\Moi\SetDefaults.js

It should go in the startup folder in there:

- Michael
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 From:  WN
6925.560 In reply to 6925.559 
Hi Michael.
In this directory are the files of Maxim and it confused me, I just had to try.
Thank you, everything works, the other tabs are closed but I think I'll figure it out, or as you say it will take a couple of seconds.

In SidePane, I swapped lines 234 and 235, an open tab with dimensions became available, which is exactly what I need. The rest is from your script.
Thank you for your help.

EDITED: 19 Oct 2020 by WN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.561 In reply to 6925.560 
Hi WN,

> Thank you, everything works, the other tabs are closed but I think I'll figure it out, or
> as you say it will take a couple of seconds.

Hmmm, yes it looks like when the startup scripts are run the main window has not yet been sized and that then runs into some trouble with the mechanism that compacts side pane palettes when the window is sized smaller.

I'll see about running the startup scripts slightly later than they currently are so the original script can work ok.

- Michael
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 From:  fcwilt

Currently the IncrementalSave feature (which I use all the time) adds a two digit suffix.

Could there be a way to specify the number of digits, say 3 or 4?

Perhaps some entry in the .INI file?

Thanks much.

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 From:  bemfarmer
6925.563 In reply to 6925.562 
First save as ...99 :-)
- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.564 In reply to 6925.562 
Hi Frederick, yes like Brian writes above the IncrementalSave is not limited to only do 2 digits, it will go up to as many digits as you need.

The only part about 2 digits is that it adds a 0 padding in front if it would otherwise only be making a single digit.

One thing that I could do to make the zero padding more flexible would be to pay attention to any zero padding in the current filename and make sure to maintain it. So that way if you wanted 4 digits you could name your current file file_0001.3dm and then it would make file_0002.3dm, etc... - no ini setting required with this method.

- Michael
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 From:  fcwilt
6925.565 In reply to 6925.564 
Hi Michael,

My bad - I wrongly assumed that seeing 01, 02, 03 that it was limited to 2 digits.

So could you have an entry in the INI file that specified the format of the suffix?

Nothing fancy, perhaps just allowing for letters and a place holder character for the digits.

For example an entry of " v0000" would append " v0001" , " v0002 ", " v0003", etc (without the quotes of course).

But your idea of using the end of the first file name I create would work as well - but it requires me to remember to do it - which, at my age, may or may not happen. ;)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.566 In reply to 6925.565 
Hi Frederick, I've set it up using the method of preserving existing padding.

> But your idea of using the end of the first file name I create would work as well - but it
> requires me to remember to do it - which, at my age, may or may not happen. ;)

If you forget there isn't much consequence, it will still save.

- Michael
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 From:  fcwilt
6925.567 In reply to 6925.566 
Hi Michael,

So if I create the first file and it ends in " v0001" the next incremental save would end in " v0002"?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.568 In reply to 6925.567 
Hi Frederick,

> So if I create the first file and it ends in " v0001" the next incremental save would end in " v0002"?

Yes, in the next v4 beta that's how it will work.

- Michael
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 From:  fcwilt
6925.569 In reply to 6925.568 
I am now a happy camper!

Thanks much.

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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Hello Michael,

Hmm... Maybe I missed something.
Does the Detail button not provide the opportunity to copy the value of a Dimension?


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 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
Hi Michael,

Is the value of the decimal precision property preset (Options / Dimensions / Formatting / Decimal display) available for read access via the API anywhere? Thanks.


EDITED: 22 Oct 2020 by FAHNOE

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.572 In reply to 6925.570 
Hi Mindset, re:

> Hmm... Maybe I missed something.
> Does the Detail button not provide the opportunity to copy the value of a Dimension?

It does not, but that is a good idea to put in.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.573 In reply to 6925.571 
Hi Larry,

> Is the value of the decimal precision property preset (Options / Dimensions / Formatting / Decimal display)
> available for read access via the API anywhere? Thanks.

Yup, you can get a list of annotation presets using moi.geometryDatabase.getAnnotationPresets(); , and then each preset object has a whole bunch of properties on it:

   presetIndex (read-only, position in preset list)
   setFont() (function that will show font picker dialog)

The one for Formatting > Decimal display is the formattingDecimalPrecision property, it can be an integer number from 0 to 7 for the number of decimal places to show.

- Michael
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 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
6925.574 In reply to 6925.573 
Awesome Michael, you've thought of everything!! I'll give it a whirl.

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Message 6925.575 deleted 16 Jun by IGNITER

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