V4 Wish List
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 From:  propmaster (PWWHDR70)
Hi, Michael!

A small thing, really, and maybe someone else already requested.

I have been known to accidentally hit Remove instead of Hide when managing background images. Would it be possible to move these buttons away from each other? And/or add a warning popup any time Remove is selected?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.545 In reply to 6925.544 
Hi Patrick, if you accidentally hit Remove you can use Undo while you are still in the View > Image command to restore it.

- Michael
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 From:  propmaster (PWWHDR70)
6925.546 In reply to 6925.545 

Thanks, Michael. :)
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 From:  jo (JROY)
Hi Michael, I really like using your software.

Now, could it be possible to had another file format to your great mix? What I have in mind is the X3D file format which seems to be popular in 3D printing exchanges in the medical field and also for prosthetics. It is totally open source. It would permit somehow the exchange/integration of models created in openJSCAD (in .X3D) to MOI.

You can explore it's implementation here: https://www.web3d.org/x3d/what-x3d

It is just a wish, it would be cool...

Keep up the good work, can't wait for the finished V4 version!!!

Have a nice day,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.548 In reply to 6925.547 
Hi jo, I think that OpenJSCAD only generates triangle mesh output. That's where the model data is stored as a large number of little triangle facets. That type of data is not suitable for importing into MoI, MoI is designed to work with smooth NURBS surface model data for modeling.

So I don't think that is feasible to make a data flow from OpenJSCAD into MoI, they are designed to work with different types of 3D model geometry.

- Michael
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 From:  stefano (LIGHTWAVE)
6925.549 In reply to 6925.548 
+1 Thumbnail previews

I like idea of thumbnails where user can optionally set viewport to create the thumbnail.
Not what I'd class as essential but will help usability a lot. Likely even more valid when we get to grouping
and pullling in reference, tagged or hierarchical organised objects in future versions.
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 From:  Anoroc
I've been using MOI for some time now. It's never let me down. The only thing I'd LOVE to see is a Linux install. :)

EDIT: I did a quick search on the forums and see that some are already using Wine. I gave it a shot! So far, so good. :D

EDITED: 7 Oct 2020 by ANOROC

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 From:  none (EVALON)

Hi All,

I know that my comments are likely quite late but being a very frequent and satisfied user of Moi3D I would like to chime in with just a few wishes that would make my Moi3D user experience just a tad better:

* In the drawing I make I often have quite a lot of different objects and to me it would be feasible if it was possible to group them in "folders" sort of like what happens in windows explorer (Win7). This way a given structure could be "packed" in one folder and "clicked open" when the objects of that structure was worked on.

* Also, also considering the many objects, I sometimes find that it would be helpful if it was possible to describe what a certain object is, i.e. what it does, why it is designed as it is, and why it is placed where it is (etc.). I was thinking that it could be a note that could be attached to the object (after it was named) and maybe displayed just below the object name at the (default) right top of the UI.

* And then a wish I have made before which is to see the individual files as a thumbnail when browsing windows explorer. IMHO it would make it easier to browse drawings with many iterations so that the individual changes between each file was clearer e.g. when returning to the files after some time.

Smaller wishes to a software that I am really satisfied and pleased with ;-)



P.S.: Please disregard if someone else has already mentioned this ...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.552 In reply to 6925.551 
Hi Jesper, thanks for the feedback! Your #1 and #3 are definitely on my radar but it will need to be for a future version not v4 which is very nearly wrapped up.

- Michael
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 From:  none (EVALON)
6925.553 In reply to 6925.552 
Hi Michael,

Hope life is well in these different times ;-)

... & also pleased to hear that you will consider my suggestions in due time ...

I am BTW looking forward to trying the V4 when time allows.


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 From:  WN
Hi, Michael.
I think the dimensions tab should be open by default since it is used more often. Or make a lock for tabs that are open by default.
Or add the necessary parameters in the ini file. Also, in the settings of the text insertion tool, I need a parameter lock, for example,
I mostly use curves and I have to configure it again every time. Some settings I can make, but due to reinstalls, these settings are forgotten and lost.
I'm interested in your opinion.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.555 In reply to 6925.554 
Hi WN, well for both of those things you only have to change the setting one time in a whole program session. Different defaults would only save you like a couple of seconds for the entire program run.

It is possible to set these through script though, so if you place the attached SetDefaults.js file into the MoI appdata startup folder, that should set those up when MoI is launched.

- Michael

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 From:  WN
6925.556 In reply to 6925.555 
Hi, Michael.

I'm probably doing something wrong, it doesn't work.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.557 In reply to 6925.556 
Hi WN, are you using version 4? Where have you placed the SetDefaults.js file?

- Michael
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 From:  WN
6925.558 In reply to 6925.557 
Hi, Michael.

G:\Program Files\MoI 4.0 beta Sep-10-2020

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.559 In reply to 6925.558 
Hi WN,

> C:\Users\Vladimir\AppData\Roaming\Moi\SetDefaults.js

It should go in the startup folder in there:

- Michael
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 From:  WN
6925.560 In reply to 6925.559 
Hi Michael.
In this directory are the files of Maxim and it confused me, I just had to try.
Thank you, everything works, the other tabs are closed but I think I'll figure it out, or as you say it will take a couple of seconds.

In SidePane, I swapped lines 234 and 235, an open tab with dimensions became available, which is exactly what I need. The rest is from your script.
Thank you for your help.

EDITED: 19 Oct 2020 by WN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.561 In reply to 6925.560 
Hi WN,

> Thank you, everything works, the other tabs are closed but I think I'll figure it out, or
> as you say it will take a couple of seconds.

Hmmm, yes it looks like when the startup scripts are run the main window has not yet been sized and that then runs into some trouble with the mechanism that compacts side pane palettes when the window is sized smaller.

I'll see about running the startup scripts slightly later than they currently are so the original script can work ok.

- Michael
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 From:  fcwilt

Currently the IncrementalSave feature (which I use all the time) adds a two digit suffix.

Could there be a way to specify the number of digits, say 3 or 4?

Perhaps some entry in the .INI file?

Thanks much.

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 From:  bemfarmer
6925.563 In reply to 6925.562 
First save as ...99 :-)
- Brian
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