V4 feature request:
As the list of keyboard shortcuts grows, the need for sorting options and/or a search function for that list in the Preferences section grows along with it. It'd be great if you could click on the Command row header to sort the shortcut list by commands in alphabetical order. A search function would be even better, preferably instantly showing commands as you start typing in the search field, and with an option for searching keyboard shortcuts or commands.
For inspiration you can take a look at Blender 3D's Preferences ➔ Input section.
Additionally, in the regular UI (outside of the Preferences) Blender has a Spacebar menu that allows you to type in any command, and the result updates as you type, giving you quick access to commands. It'd be great if MoI also offers suggestions of Commands you might mean to type as soon as you start typing a command in the input field.
Many thanks in advance,
visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design — https://metinseven.com