Hi Micheal and good morning.
Thank you very much for your detailed and clear reply!
> "...I would like a history editing function that would be an optional thing instead.
I have some ideas for this that I'd like to explore in the future but it will definitely be a lot of work involved."
I totally agree with you that a good thing it would be to give the history feature as an optional and not invasive tool.
It's a very good news to hear from you that you're thinking about something regarding some sort of history for Moi.
It's the first time I hear it.
> "... I'd recommend instead posting your top 5 wishes..."
Hmmmm....it's a very hard work :) As you saw, my wishlist it's not so compact...I'm sorry.
> "The best way to get your wish bumped up to high priority is to propose one that fits within the existing UI by extending some existing function in some way without needing to have a whole lot of new UI developed for it particularly at the top level. "
Considering that, frankly speaking which point of my requests do you consider not feasible in the immediate future ?
1) Dimensioning, instancing, and grouping are all absolutely "wanted dead or alive"
2) At least some basic "surface-continuity" tools like "Zebra stripes" and "Environement Map" like Rhino
3) G3 and G4 continuity for blend tool !! At least G3.
4) Command for ContinueCurve and Merge curve (VERY IMPORTANT for me)
5) A revisited API interface with a complete access to Knot points, control points, curvature data.
6) It would be great if it were possible have these Rhino commands : MatchSrf, SelUV, MoveUVN, Cage and CageEdit
7) Better viewport rendering : ghosted mode, better anti-aliasing, line style for the edges
8) Display of IsoCurves
9) Export to AI and PDF with more customizable line styles.
And...newer CAD Kernel, for more robust Solid operations (Shelling, Offsetting, Filleting).
Thank you very much for your support and have a nice day!