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 From:  Michael Gibson
69.14 In reply to 69.13 
Yes, I just verified it - you didn't model anything wrong, trimming those surfaces by the curves has a bug where it doesn't do a clean cut right near the end where there is tangency.

It looks like the mechanism that projects curves on to surfaces doesn't deal with grazing tangent conditions that well (which tends to be a quite difficult area of calculation). However, there is a proper handling of these things in actual surface-surface intersection rather than curve projection. So as a workaround, I extruded your trim curves out (using both sides option) and used the extruded surface as the cutting object. this then generated a good cut. If this seems to be a recurring problem area with projected curve trimming, I may need to internally switch to this to an extrude and surface-intersection method instead of a projection method.

Anyway, I've attached a model using the surface trimming workaround, it behaves well now.

- Michael

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 From:  Linker (KJELLO)
69.15 In reply to 69.13 

Looks like you're right.
Testing a few times now it looks like the workflow I described will always produce a bad trim on the first try. *However* Hitting CTRL-Z and then redoing the trim always seems to fix the problem. I've done this 4-5 times with different files now.

1: turn on snap to grid.
2: draw a dome-like curve
3: extrude it
4: create an arc for trimming the corners (Like in the file I supplied earlier)
5: do a trim of the extruded object with the ark

You now have an object with a malformed trim at the corner(s)

6: Hit CTRL-Z
7: Redo trim (Not CTRL-Y)

You now have an object with a good trim at the corner(s)

(Edit: looks like we both found a workaround at the same time:-)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
69.16 In reply to 69.15 
> You now have an object with a good trim at the corner(s)

Hmmm, I was able to repeat this over here too. That is quite odd.

Maybe it is a clue that some setting on the object (such as a tolerance value for an edge) is not set properly and gets fixed somehow when the object is restored through the undo process....

- Michael
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