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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6875.45 In reply to 6875.42 
Thanks Michael for your dedication to this fine software, always enjoy using it.

> And of course it works out well that
> I don't have to physically ship something to all those places...

Can I order a CD? ;)

That's okay will download soon :)

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 From:  Nicolinux
6875.46 In reply to 6875.39 
Michael, you could (but I guess that's too late now), add this to the first start license checking of MoI. This way you'd spare yourself the hassle to setup a page or email licenses to people. I mean, MoI asks for a license on the first start anyway. If it then detects a v2 license (I don't know if you encode the purchase date in the license code), checks the date and automatically generate a v3 license.
On the other hand I am not sure if you want to ship the license generating code with MoI. Some idiots could try to crack it.

However, I just asked because I can't wait. Never saw v3 and I don't know anything about the new features. Maybe I'll try the beta in the mean time :)
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 From:  dinos
Thank you Michael for this solid release.

Its been quite a journey watching the development process.
And what was amazed me the most was that the beta versions where just as stable as the previous release version. Never had a single crash.
I feel like i've been using 3.0 for a long time, but with new features being added all the time :-)

Cant wait for the V4 ride to begin!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does the 3.0 "educational" released?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.49 In reply to 6875.46 
Hi Nicolinux:

> If it then detects a v2 license (I don't know if you encode the purchase date in the license
> code), checks the date and automatically generate a v3 license.

Unfortunately the purchase date is not encoded inside the license key itself so there isn't really any way for it to know when to auto generate a new license unless it would do something like contact a web server. That would then involve stuff at both the client and web server sides though... Probably more work overall.

Good idea though if it was more feasible!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.50 In reply to 6875.48 
@ Pilou,

> Does the 3.0 "educational" released?

No, not yet - the educational version ordering is handled for me by a separate company called Studica. It will take me a little bit of time to contact them and get them update their own order pages and stuff like that.

Hopefully that will be able to happen sometime this next week.

- Michael
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 From:  wastzzz
GG Michael ;)

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 From:  pokoy (MARCIN)
Congrats Michael on v3! Can't wait to work in MoI again :) Upgraded!
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 From:  Rich (-RB-)

Has a list of V3 vs. V2 benefits/additions been drawn up yet? Got a little lost between Betas...


- Rich
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Congratulations on a very solid release!
Always amazed at the level of detail involved while maintaining a cohesive whole.

It's been what, 4 years since V2?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.55 In reply to 6875.53 
@ Rich re:
> Has a list of V3 vs. V2 benefits/additions been drawn up yet? Got a little lost between Betas...

I'll be working on a list like that this week, the closest thing I have to that right now is the collection of all the v3 beta release notes here:

@Marc re:
> It's been what, 4 years since V2?

Yeah it stretched out to an especially long time this time, partly because of working on the Mac version during this period. I hopefully don't want to make it so long the next time, it's not good for people who are testing the trial version to be using one that's so much older than the current stuff.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
v3 trial versions are now available on

- Michael
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 From:  themonster
WOOOWWW finally version 3 is ready!!

This is my birthday present to ME today! yeahhhhh

ready and testing, lets test the new tools!!!

thanks a lot Michael for your hard work!
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 From:  senyac
Hi , I ordered MoI V2 one month ago , how do I get the free V3 upgrade ?
Thanks David
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
6875.59 In reply to 6875.56 
Hey Michael,

Thanks for putting the new trial link up! I tried it today through Wine on Linux Mint 17. It seems to work fine, but the fonts look bad; they are very thick and hard to read. See the attached image (view it full sized -- the scaled-down version of the image masks the problem a little bit, I think). I started with a clean wineprefix and didn't use any winetricks. At first I thought it might be a video problem, but the same thing happens on multiple machines with different video drivers, and I didn't have any such problems with MOI 2. Any ideas?

Image Attachments:
Size: 259.1 KB, Downloaded: 61 times, Dimensions: 1226x796px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.60 In reply to 6875.58 
Hi David,

> Hi , I ordered MoI V2 one month ago , how do I get the free V3 upgrade ?

I'll be setting up a web page where you'll be able to put in your v2 license key and then get the v3 upgrade if you've ordered v2 recently like you have.

I don't have it set up quite yet though, it will take me a few more days yet or possibly a week before I will have it set up.

In the meantime you can get the v3 beta version from here: - it's pretty much the same software as the final v3 version except that it will expire in a couple of months. But the beta version will allow you to use v3 now with your v2 license until I get the upgrade mechanism worked out.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.61 In reply to 6875.59 
Hi Dan,

> Thanks for putting the new trial link up! I tried it today through Wine on Linux Mint 17.
> It seems to work fine, but the fonts look bad;

Hmm, those fonts do look odd - sort of looks like antialiasing is not working at all.

What version of Wine are you using? The last configuration that I tested with on Linux Mint was this:

LinuxMint 16 (32 bit)
Video driver: Nouveau version 1:1.0.9-2ubuntu1
Wine: wine-1.4.1

If you're using a wine version newer than that, there is probably some bug that was accidentally introduced in Wine that is messing up the font handling.

So you may be able to solve the problem if you set up Wine version 1.4.1 for MoI to use. It's possible to do that but I think you have to build Wine yourself, not get it from a pre built package (since those want to go into one central location). See here for some instructions:

If you try setting up a build of Wine 1.4.1 and make it go into its own separate prefix like ~/.wine-1.4.1 that might work.

There tends to be quite a bit of churn in Wine and it's not unusual for especially cosmetic bugs to pop up in it and then get solved in new releases after a bit.

- Michael
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
6875.62 In reply to 6875.61 
Thanks Michael,

I'm using wine-1.6.2. Maybe I'll give 1.4 a try, or just hope a later update fixes the problem. It's not unusable anyway, just ugly. It seems odd to me that MoI 2 never had that problem, but then again I haven't run it in awhile and maybe there was an update to Wine since the last time I tried.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.63 In reply to 6875.62 
Hi Dan, the whole UI for MoI changed very substantially from v2 to v3 - in v2 all the text is being drawn by the mshtml.dll (the Internet Explorer engine), in v3 it's being drawn by Qt by way of WebKit. It's a totally different set of code doing the entire UI.

The Qt font engine uses a Windows system call GetGlyphOutline which is supposed to return a bitmap image for a glyph character with gray levels in it for antialiased areas... My guess would be that the new version of Wine is having a problem with this particular call.

- Michael
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 From:  Dan (MONTAGMAN)
6875.64 In reply to 6875.63 
I see. That makes sense, then. Thanks for your help! By the way, I will definitely be buying V3 once the student version is available. Currently the bank account isn't quite cooperating either, though. :)
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