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 From:  Anis
6875.31 In reply to 6875.30 
Congrats Michael... :)
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 From:  sandykoufax (JEONGHO_KIM)
upgrade finished!! :)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Cool! ;)
The beta v4 will start in no time! :)
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 From:  Ronamodeler (RON_A)
Congrats, Michael! And thank you for a great work of software!
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 From:  OSTexo

Excellent work as usual, it's application of the year in the 3D CAD space in my book.
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 From:  Schbeurd
Congrats for this release Michael !

Happy MoI user since beta version of August 13 2006...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Thanks for the kind words everyone!

Upgrades have gone out now to people in: US, UK, Canada, France, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Belgium, Russia, Italy, Austria, Germany, South Korea, Hong Kong, Finland, Netherlands, Poland, Uganda, and French Polynesia!

Quite an interesting and diverse group!

Seems to be going well so far... If anyone runs into any problems please let me know.

- Michael
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 From:  Nicolinux
6875.38 In reply to 6875.37 
Hey Michael,

About those people who just ordered v2 a little while ago - do we have to do something or will there be an email with the updated key and download link?
Can't wait, can't wait :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.39 In reply to 6875.38 
Hi Stefan,

> About those people who just ordered v2 a little while ago - do we have to do something or will
> there be an email with the updated key and download link?
> Can't wait, can't wait :)

There will either be a web page that you'll go to and put in your v2 license key there and get the v3 upgrade, or I might try to set up an e-mail that gets sent out to everyone. Either one of those I will have to do some custom coding and setup to do though so hopefully sometime next week.

- Michael
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 From:  milkywaif
Excited! I'm gonna upgrade too... as soon as possible :)
- Evren
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 From:  BurrMan
6875.41 In reply to 6875.37 
"""""""""""Upgrades have gone out now to people in:""""""""""""""

That's insane, for a one man operation! Just incredible...

US, Hawaii here....
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.42 In reply to 6875.41 
Hi Burr,

> That's insane, for a one man operation! Just incredible...

It's interesting how it's worked out - I guess some kind of side effect from not doing advertising and relying on word of mouth through the Internet has led to things being spread out internationally quite a bit.

And of course it works out well that I don't have to physically ship something to all those places...

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
No one has made an announcement on the Alibre/Geomagic forum yet.
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 From:  BurrMan
6875.44 In reply to 6875.42 
"A word of mouth approach"

Ah yes. I would also take a shot and say maybe a little to do with MoI's "artist" base... guy's like Frenchy and PAQ who may never interact with the manufacturing world of CAD products...

One may never buy solidworks/NX/PTC to make game assets....

I think your vision on the product is real, made with great care and good insight, and well thought out. I dont think there is anything that can stop that train!

It hasnt been officially released yet... just here in the forum.....

EDITED: 20 Sep 2014 by BURRMAN

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6875.45 In reply to 6875.42 
Thanks Michael for your dedication to this fine software, always enjoy using it.

> And of course it works out well that
> I don't have to physically ship something to all those places...

Can I order a CD? ;)

That's okay will download soon :)

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 From:  Nicolinux
6875.46 In reply to 6875.39 
Michael, you could (but I guess that's too late now), add this to the first start license checking of MoI. This way you'd spare yourself the hassle to setup a page or email licenses to people. I mean, MoI asks for a license on the first start anyway. If it then detects a v2 license (I don't know if you encode the purchase date in the license code), checks the date and automatically generate a v3 license.
On the other hand I am not sure if you want to ship the license generating code with MoI. Some idiots could try to crack it.

However, I just asked because I can't wait. Never saw v3 and I don't know anything about the new features. Maybe I'll try the beta in the mean time :)
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 From:  dinos
Thank you Michael for this solid release.

Its been quite a journey watching the development process.
And what was amazed me the most was that the beta versions where just as stable as the previous release version. Never had a single crash.
I feel like i've been using 3.0 for a long time, but with new features being added all the time :-)

Cant wait for the V4 ride to begin!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does the 3.0 "educational" released?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.49 In reply to 6875.46 
Hi Nicolinux:

> If it then detects a v2 license (I don't know if you encode the purchase date in the license
> code), checks the date and automatically generate a v3 license.

Unfortunately the purchase date is not encoded inside the license key itself so there isn't really any way for it to know when to auto generate a new license unless it would do something like contact a web server. That would then involve stuff at both the client and web server sides though... Probably more work overall.

Good idea though if it was more feasible!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6875.50 In reply to 6875.48 
@ Pilou,

> Does the 3.0 "educational" released?

No, not yet - the educational version ordering is handled for me by a separate company called Studica. It will take me a little bit of time to contact them and get them update their own order pages and stuff like that.

Hopefully that will be able to happen sometime this next week.

- Michael
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