First Model: Torus Knots
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 From:  anthony

There was nothing wrong with the pleasant-looking interface or the toolset. I didn't miss the top-menu since it's not really needed. I didn't like it because I didn't understand nurbs modeling and there wasn't enough documentation of how to get started.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
687.5 In reply to 687.4 
I see Anthony, yes definitely lack of documentation is a problem.

I'll be working on fixing that up just after the software itself is finished up, which won't be much longer...

- Michael
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 From:  jnge100
687.6 In reply to 687.1 
Hello Anthony,

Those are really great knots. Could you please give me some extra information how you made shapes like these?
Many thanks in advance.

Regards Hans
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 From:  anthony
687.7 In reply to 687.6 

Look at the third image above and note the two guide triangles. Just draw a "control-points" curve and snap to those vertices. See my knot tutorial for Blender if you get stuck:
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 From:  jnge100
687.8 In reply to 687.7 
Thanks Anthony, nice tutorial. By the way, those are beautifull knots and renders (great materials) on your site. I still have a lot to learn...........

Regards Hans
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
687.9 In reply to 687.8 
Thanks Anthony!

Set up knot in Moi and exported as OBJ.
I created a QTime movie file using trueSpace 7.51 real-time render. Output 100 1024x768 frames at 2 frames/second and compiled and down-sized frames in Photoshop 3 Ext.

EDITED: 27 Mar 2008 by SBEECH


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 From:  Michael Gibson
687.10 In reply to 687.9 
Cool! I like how you made the texture move to make it feel alive. A snake knot...

- Michael
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 From:  tyglik
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