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 From:  wastzzz
6864.53 In reply to 6864.52 
In my opinion just one is enough. You know what would make a difference? Basic dimensional constraints (on 2d shapes).
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 From:  wastzzz
Adding to wish list: Clipping Planes as described here
Just a display modifier would be fine to begin with.
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 From:  apagg
Hi since this is my first post i want to say thanks for a incredible program.

Dimensions in any form would is my main wish for new features in Moi. I mainly use Moi for making models that will be manually fabricated or machined. How it is now i either import into Viacad or just write dimensions by hand. Doing this in Moi would greatly speed up the process.

- Andreas
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
There is also In Sketchup 3 possible positions for basic dimension!

And slighly different in the Layout section for the Pro Version!
Possibility to incline the text!

EDITED: 18 Nov 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
6864.57 In reply to 6864.45 
Hi Michael,

-> Re: Extrude face - negative numeric entry

I found out I had a prehistoric shortcut assigned to "-" !!
Yes, negative extrude works great, nevermind this one.

-> Re: Dimensions

Sketchup style dimensioning would be great, other options could be added in the future if needed.
I really like the idea of a simple dimension tool.

Just throwing ideas:

Perhaps a specific scale could be useful, especially when exporting to pdf.
It could be controlled by a text size entry, the arrow scale would follow.
If you enter nothing in the text size, scaling would be automatic

If it's easy maybe adding a "follow dimension orientation" checkbox would be useful.

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
6864.58 In reply to 6864.56 
-> There is also In Sketchup 3 possible positions for basic dimension!

Maybe a node for the text position would be nice, you could manually change it if the default position doesn't fit.

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
6864.59 In reply to 6864.50 
Hi Michael ...

Yes, a simple 'face the screen' would be great. This should work fine for plan view (which is mostly what I use for working drawings) and for 3d, as well. If possible one should be able to select a font and font size, too.

If this were implemented I would be able to do about 90% of my work without leaving MoI. Line weights and a couple of styles (dashed) would bring it up to 95%

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 From:  gbing
6864.60 In reply to 6864.46 
Hi Michael,
in Sketchup, for dimensions, you can choose "Align to the dimension line" and not only "Align to screen" (see "Window" - "Model Info" - "Dimensions").
In my opinion in Sketchup app dimensions are useful only as modeling aids.
It is in Layout app that dimensions are useful for construction documents.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6864.61 In reply to 6864.60 
<< in Sketchup, for dimensions, you can choose "Align to the dimension line" and not only "Align to screen" (see "Window" - "Model Info" - "Dimensions").

Yes! :)

For obtain that you must double clicked on the text!
Then call the Info's Entity ! So an individual property!

EDITED: 19 Nov 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Umdee (BFEDACK)
Suggested MAJOR Improvements:

1. Improved Fillet - In my experience, it often takes a couple dozen seconds to produce the same results that 123d Design, FreeCAD, Fusion 360, ViaCAD, and others generate virtually instantly.

2. Surface Matching -

3. Surface Rebuilding -

Features 2 and 3 would be particularly useful for patch modeling workflows, and with the above three developments, I would no longer have a need to use other CAD software.

Suggested MINOR Improvements:

1. Customizable Viewport Navigation - I prefer MMB rotation, Alt + MMB panning, and Ctrl + MMB zooming. Currently, I use AutoHotkey to get this behavior, but it would be better if the option to do so were built into MoI.

2. Pick Viewport Center - I would like to be able to press a button to set the viewport's center to a point directly under the mouse cursor and on an object. Perhaps, this is possible with scripting, but I'm not aware of any ray cast functions.

3. Zoom to Center - The option to zoom to the center of the viewport would be greatly appreciated by people like me who dislike zooming to the mouse cursor. Currently, this is only possible by using the zoom button.

4. Z-Axis Viewport Rotation Inversion - Currently, if you rotate the view by dragging the mouse from left to right, the scene rotates counterclockwise as seen from above. This means that the scene rotates in the opposite direction as expected when viewing from the bottom. One solution would be to automatically invert this behavior to rotate the scene counterclockwise as seen from below once the view passes a certain threshold. If this explanation doesn't make sense, I am proposing that the viewport rotation be handled like Blender or Maya instead of the current way that is like Modo.

5. Lit Sphere/Matcap Shading - This is achieved by mapping the x and y components of camera space normal vectors to a square image of a shaded sphere. The mapping is offset such that the normal vectors (0, 0, 1) and (0, 0, -1) correspond to the center of the image texture. Not only would this enable massive libraries of lit spheres to be used in MoI but also it would provide a "poor man's" zebra stripe shader for surface continuity analysis (

I hope that my suggestions don't portray MoI as inadequate. It is a fantastic product and an absolute pleasure to work with.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Constraint and dimensions are not so bad here!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.64 In reply to 6864.62 
Hi Umdee, thanks for your requests!

> 1. Customizable Viewport Navigation - I prefer MMB rotation, Alt + MMB panning,
> and Ctrl + MMB zooming. Currently, I use AutoHotkey to get this behavior, but it
> would be better if the option to do so were built into MoI.

You can get the first one, the MMB rotation by setting the option under Options > View > Rotate/Pan/Zoom options > "Rotate with middle button" checkbox (6th checkbox down on the left).

> 2. Pick Viewport Center - I would like to be able to press a button to set the
> viewport's center to a point directly under the mouse cursor and on an object. Perhaps,
> this is possible with scripting, but I'm not aware of any ray cast functions.

Try using the "Zoom area" button on the viewport bottom toolbar for this - the first point that you pick for the area to zoom in on will become the center of the new view, make the zoom rectangle fairly large to make for not much change in zoom in/out level.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Out the fact that you can use it directly by loading a Moi File Sat (free for hobbysts - students) click *Do I qualify for Free Use?
some ideas here ;)

EDITED: 20 Nov 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Umdee (BFEDACK)
6864.66 In reply to 6864.64 
Thanks Michael.

I didn't know that about the Zoom Area tool. However, that is too cumbersome for frequent use. I've taken a peak at the scripting documentation and come up with a rough solution (posted in a different thread).
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 From:  trc (TERRYC)
There are ten items on my list:

1 - Dimensioning
2 - Dimensioning
3 - Dimensioning

You get the idea.

You cannot communicate your designs without dimensioning.

Luckily, MOI provides good Sketchup support.

11 - a guide / measurement system more like that found in... you guessed it... Sketchup.

BTW, I don't particularly like modeling or navigation in Sketchup.

12 - Material support (ability to "map" image files to surfaces), also important for the communication thing.
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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Don't know if this idea was already suggested, but it would be really great to be able to save the 3dm file with an optional preview icon that would make the content visible in file explorer without having to load it.

Also, as a reminder, we had talked about a verification upon save... for example, provide an error in case the drive mapping fails.

This is the best software I have ever known. I love MoI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.69 In reply to 6864.68 
Hi Mindset,

> Don't know if this idea was already suggested, but it would be really great to be able to save
> the 3dm file with an optional preview icon that would make the content visible in file explorer
> without having to load it.

I would like to have this, but it's more involved than just saving the preview icon in the file - I would also need to write a plug-in for Explorer that handles extracting the icon and getting it to Explorer when it asks for it, Explorer all by itself doesn't know how to grab the icon out of arbitrary file types. Then also I'd need to write a similar plug-in for Mac as well.

It's certainly possible to do all that, it's just a fair amount more work than only putting in an icon in the file.

> Also, as a reminder, we had talked about a verification upon save... for example, provide an
> error in case the drive mapping fails.

Yes having error messages for more kinds of failure conditions for file writing is still on the todo list.

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
6864.70 In reply to 6864.64 
Hello Michael,

>Try using the "Zoom area" button on the viewport bottom toolbar for this - the first point that you pick for the area to zoom in on will become the center of the new view, make the zoom rectangle fairly >large to make for not much change in zoom in/out level.

is it possible to set the rotation-centerpoint by a simple click with the middle mouse button? I know this feature from Catia V5 and it's very Handy - no menu clicks-no Icons-no additional Keyboard-keys. The view gets also centered to the new centerpoint.

Kind regards
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.71 In reply to 6864.70 
Hi Karsten,

> is it possible to set the rotation-centerpoint by a simple click with the middle mouse button?

Sorry no it is not possible to do that currently - right now there is not any way to assign the middle mouse click to a custom action. Also it would probably be kind of awkward to attempt to do that since in MoI when you're in selection mode you don't see feedback on pointpicker things like object snaps, so it would be a kind of semi-blind (meaning without regular snap feedback) to try and do that as you're describing.

But the "Zoom area" button mentioned above is available at the top level UI, it's not on a nested sub-menu. It's the button on the bottom of a viewport here:

You can also set the rotation pivot point to the center of the selected objects by using the "Reset" button on that same viewport toolbar. Often times that's the easiest way to do it.

- Michael

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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
6864.72 In reply to 6864.71 
Hello Michael,

thanks for the answer - and sharing your minds.
But one Thing I didn't understand - what is it caused by, that the Event for "click", can't select a custom command?
I understand the described catia - function like that:
The middle or a right click selects (maybe blind) an element or - if there is no hit -creates an intersection point with an invisible plane (depending of the Viewport alignment) and do an viewport reset.
Or is it in principle not possible to get click- and "mousebutton down Events alternatively?

Thanks in advance
have a nice day


p.s: Maybe combinations of Buttons:-)
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