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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Hi Bob,

Additionally, if you want to know the length of a circular — or any other — curve, you can use Michael's easy UnwrapCurve plug-in command:

UnwrapCurve is also very useful in conjunction with the Flow function, to avoid distortion in the flowed result.

Have a nice weekend.

— Metin
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 From:  Bob (APTIVABOY)
Thanks all,

Sorry I wasn't more clear, I meant having the datum displayed on the screen with the lines and circles. Its like a HUD on a fighter jet - you want to keep your eyes on one thing, not going back and forth. I'm probably nitpicking an outstanding program, but whether I'm using Geomagic or another CAD program, having the geometry displayed on the main screen with the shapes is simply easier for these old (and, repidly aging!) eyes.


PS. Geomagic interoperability would be outstanding, pretty please? Its how I was introduced to MOI, through the then-Alibre Design, and it would make things so much easier. I like doing basic shapes and organic shapes in MOI, and then exporting them to Geomagic for detailing and fine tuning. Going through a third file format in order to import/export files between the two isn't always ideal.

Thanks for listening!
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 From:  bemfarmer
6864.34 In reply to 6864.33 
There are prior posts on copy and paste from MoI to Alibre.

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.35 In reply to 6864.33 
Hi Robert,

> Sorry I wasn't more clear, I meant having the datum displayed on the screen with the lines
> and circles. Its like a HUD on a fighter jet - you want to keep your eyes on one thing, not
> going back and forth.

The problem is that those types of displays can easily turn from "Heads up" to more like "Greatly obscuring the actual model you're trying to see"...

It's a general point of emphasis with MoI's overall design to try and avoid popping things up in your face that might get in the way of you seeing your actual design, so having numeric inputs and readouts more often off to the side helps fit in with that more.

> Geomagic interoperability would be outstanding, pretty please?

Well, there is already interoperability using STEP (or IGES or SAT) file formats.

Could you maybe be more specific about what particular thing you'd be gaining by avoiding that route?

It tends to be difficult in general to support private application formats that are unique to just one specific application. MoI is used with a whole bunch of different programs, not just Alibre and it makes things easier for me to focus on a core set of neutral and widely supported file formats rather than separate ones for every different program.

So I'm sorry it's probably not very likely in the foreseeable future. Maybe at some point in the future I'll have an SDK set up for MoI where other programmers will be able to extend it with their own additional code, maybe then Alibre would be able to make use of that to implement what you're asking for here themselves. It will probably be a while yet before I will be able to focus on opening up an SDK for MoI though, it requires a lot of effort to support other developers.

- Michael
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 From:  Bob (APTIVABOY)
6864.36 In reply to 6864.35 
Thanks for the background. That explains a lot, and I do appreciate it.

In terms of interoperability, I'd like to see more import/export options available in MOI. This is more of a Geomagic issue (the newer release is buggy as heck and has trouble opening even simple STL files). I'm not completely sure which other import/export options I'd like to see, but I know I'd like to see some more. I was recently trying to help a friend open some autocad and Lightwave files, and we went in between about ten different platforms, all of which claimed that they could open at least the autocad files, but nope, they couldn't. The more options that are available, the easier it is to transfer files, etc., and I could see myself using MOI more than I currently do. That's probably not a great answer, but that's what I could come up with.

Thanks for listening.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.37 In reply to 6864.36 
Hi Bob,

> I was recently trying to help a friend open some autocad and Lightwave files, and we went
> in between about ten different platforms, all of which claimed that they could open at least
> the autocad files, but nope, they couldn't.

The thing that's kind of tricky about AutoCAD files is that there are a lot of different kinds of data that can be contained inside of them, everything from 2D drafting entities like lines, arcs, and dimensions, all the way to polygon mesh objects. There is kind of a jumble of a lot of different possible things that they can store.

Some programs only read certain categories of objects, like a 2D drafting program will maybe only look for drafting objects and skip the other kinds of objects.

That's possibly what you were running into there.

> The more options that are available, the easier it is to transfer files, etc., and I could see
> myself using MOI more than I currently do. That's probably not a great answer, but that's
> what I could come up with.

I can appreciate that "more is better" with regard to file formats... But unfortunately it takes a lot of concentrated effort to do a good job at supporting any one particular file format, there is usually a lot of work involved. So it is good to be more specific about which formats in particular would help the most.

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Added to the wishlist:

• A 'quick mesh preview' — option to press a keyboard key to preview the polygon structure of the current scene, based on your preferred mesh export settings. I would find this very useful for determining the best orientation, rotation and/or location of objects, especially when they need to be combined using Boolean. Even better would be a (simplified) real-time mesh structure overlay mode on your NURBS objects.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.39 In reply to 6864.38 
Hi Metin,

> • A 'quick mesh preview' — option to press a keyboard key to preview the polygon structure
> of the current scene, based on your preferred mesh export settings.

Set the following as the command part of a shortcut key:

SaveAs c:\test.obj

When it's given a parameter like that, the SaveAs command will use that as the file name rather than popping up a file name dialog, so you'll go directly to the mesh export after that shortcut key is triggered. When you're done looking at things push Escape to cancel out.

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
6864.40 In reply to 6864.39 
Thanks Michael, that's a great tip!

I'll reduce the wish to only the realtime mesh preview mode, which I can imagine is a future function, when PC's have gotten a bit faster.

— Metin

——————— — 3D (print) design • animation • artwork • illustration • visualization

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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)

Wishes for V4:

-Groups (Selectable as one objects)
-Blends that would work anywhere on a 2d curves and trim the rest.
-Blends - Continuity on-screen handles
-Fillet - Radius on-screen Handles
-A special jojo command that would draw rabbit tracks.
-Simple dimensioning system

Tweaks :

Extrude face - negative numeric entry

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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Merci for your additions, Marc!

— Metin

——————— — 3D (print) design • animation • artwork • illustration • visualization

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
6864.43 In reply to 6864.42 
Hi Michael ...

When you get around to dimensions please have a quick look at Sketchup's dimensions for 3d models. Just what I often need.

I am not a Sketchup fan but they did get this right.

In the meantime 'MoI rocks'.

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 From:  wastzzz
6864.44 In reply to 6864.41 
+1 Marc
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.45 In reply to 6864.41 
Hi Marc, that's a good sounding list of stuff to try and get in!

Re: Extrude face - negative numeric entry

Could you maybe describe this one a bit more? Negative numeric entry should be working already for face extrusion. For example if I select this face:

If I run Extrude and type in -5 and push enter I get this result:

Positive values will go towards the outside of the solid and do a boolean union onto it, and negative values will go inwards and cut it with a boolean difference.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.46 In reply to 6864.43 
Hi eric,

> When you get around to dimensions please have a quick look at Sketchup's dimensions for
> 3d models. Just what I often need.
> I am not a Sketchup fan but they did get this right.

That involves one of the big decisions to make - whether dimension text should be always be displayed as simple vertical "on screen" text, or whether the text should behave more like an object itself and get viewed at different angles.

SketchUp does it the "always vertical on screen" way and Rhino and AutoCAD (and I guess a lot of other "traditional" CAD programs) do it the other way with the text being made up of lines and curves that have their own orientation in model space.

So in SketchUp you get a look like this:

While in Rhino things look more like this, note the difference on the text:

When you zoom out, in SketchUp the text remains at the same size no matter what zoom level you are at, this can lead to some crowding:

In Rhino, the text is associated with a model space size and when you zoom out the text goes smaller as well. This helps avoid crowding but the text can also get illegible as well:

When zooming in, the SketchUp text again remains the same (it's always the same no matter what zoom level):

In Rhino the text gets pretty big when you zoom in on it, this tends to be kind of strange:

So the question is, does the SketchUp style of "always facing you" text work ok for what you need or does that create problems for certain circumstances?

- Michael

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
6864.47 In reply to 6864.46 
Hi Michael ...

There is no perfect way, I suppose.

The advantage I see with Sketchup is that one can rotate the view considerably and still see the dimensions. It is possible, I think, to change the text size if it gets out of proportion. This is also true of Rhino, I believe.

With Rhino, changing the view point of a 3d object can skew the text so as to be unreadable.

For 3d details I now often simply set the perspective view I want and then annotate with some other software so the the dimensions and notes always face the reader. This is pretty awkward and time consuming but work better than Rhino's method.

I have not tried ViaCad yet so I don't know what the protocol is. I'll give that a try in the next day or so.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.48 In reply to 6864.47 
Hi eric, re: ViaCAD - ViaCAD seems to use the same method as Rhino and AutoCAD where the dimension lives on a particular plane in model space, not the SketchUp "text always facing you" method. It seems that the vast majority of CAD programs do it the non-SketchUp way as well, which does make me a little bit worried about doing it differently... However, the SketchUp way does seem to simplify things quite a bit.

> For 3d details I now often simply set the perspective view I want and then annotate with
> some other software so the the dimensions and notes always face the reader. This is pretty
> awkward and time consuming but work better than Rhino's method.

Yeah the SketchUp way is the closest to adding in annotations in a 2D illustration or bitmap editing program, with just purely 2D text pasted onto the result.

What about with 2D plan views, the Rhino method actually works fine for those views rather than 3D views is that correct?

Then the next question is - does the "screen oriented" method cause any inherent problem in plan views? In some cases I suspect the answer is "yes" unfortunately, here are a few examples where it was helpful to have orientable text in the dimension:

These sorts of oriented annotations kind of come along automatically with the Rhino/AutoCAD way.

So I guess I kind of need to know - is that kind of orientable text a "must have" feature for dimensions or would it still be useful to have dimensions in MoI even if they were all only screen oriented text?

Now that I dig into SketchUp's dimensions a little more I see that there is an option under EntityInfo where you can change a dimension to either be screen oriented or not.

Of course the more kinds of special modes a particular feature has the more difficult it is to develop it.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
6864.49 In reply to 6864.47 
Hi Michael ..

I did a little more experimenting. The Rhino system does work pretty well for most situations for dimensions of 3d objects ... have to rework some of them if rotating the view.

But, in the best of all possible worlds one could toggle to get paper face for dimensions (like Sketchup) and text (with text and dimensions text sizing options).

ViaCad is more like Rhino ... I still find ViaCad a little clumsy to work with but, I suppose that is because I spend little time there.

This sounds like a lot of work so I don't suppose you'll get very far with it very soon. I know it is not top priority.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.50 In reply to 6864.49 
Hi eric, well it has definitely been requested quite a bit and it is something that MoI needs to have in order to be a more full-fledged CAD program.

But it's definitely easier to implement things that don't have a whole ton of options in it, so I am interested if just a "face the screen" (SketchUp like) type text display only would work ok for most cases to start with or not...

I guess the question is would that also do the job for a lot of plan view annotations as well, or is it absolutely necessary to have rotated plan-view text as in the above images that I was showing.

If other people have specific needs or expectations for how dimensioning should work in MoI now is a good time to speak up.

- Michael
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 From:  wastzzz
6864.51 In reply to 6864.50 
More importantly, there are standards for dimensioning.
Both ways are used, with pro and cons.
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