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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.15 In reply to 6864.12 
Hi Metin,

>Right now my workaround is to set the CPlane to a new object orientation every time, and
> switch to a front/side/top view to get the rotate/scale gadget around my selection. But
> that's too elaborate.

Check out here for a script that will set the cplane to the 3D view direction, that might help to ease this process somewhat:

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
6864.16 In reply to 6864.15 
Hey, that's great, thanks for the pointer, Michael!

Just added this to the list (no high priority for me, but very welcome nonetheless):

• A smooth / relax function for a selection of curve / surface points, with an adjustable strength / number of iterations.
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Added (medium priority to me):

• Viewport navigation enhancements:

— Resizable viewports in the quad view, so you can make one or two views larger without having to switch to a full-screen view.

— Ability to switch to a left / back / bottom view in the quad view, in stead of having to go full-screen for that.

— A camera / viewport roll control (e.g. middle or right pen/mouse button together with Alt, Ctrl or Shift).


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.18 In reply to 6864.17 
Hi Metin,

> — A camera / viewport roll control (e.g. middle or right pen/mouse button together with Alt, Ctrl or Shift).

See here for how to set up a shortcut key to do this:

> — Ability to switch to a left / back / bottom view in the quad view, in stead of
> having to go full-screen for that.

Set up the following script on a shortcut key and it will allow you to do that - when you trigger it, it will reverse the view that the mouse is over:

script: /* Reverse view under mouse */ moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.reverseView( moi.ui.getActiveViewport().name );

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
6864.19 In reply to 6864.18 
Muchas gracias, señor Michael! This is very useful.

——————— — 3D (print) modeling • animation • artwork • design • illustration • visualization

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 From:  wastzzz
I wanted to stop throwing my two cents, but here I go again.
While MoI is an excellent tool for modeling (best I ever used so far), at the moment it lacks some very important features that are mandatory to start competing with other software on the market.
For most of us, modeling is fun, but it's pointless if we cannot easily produce the technical documentation needed. And you know that, you cannot deny that you HAVE to switch to another software for that. For example I had to import into Rhino for making simple sections, which is absurd.

Modeling and drafting:
- Dimensions and simple constraints (ref.
- Simple drafting tools such as line types and thickness as properties of a style, text, hatches.
- Dynamic boolean difference,
- cutting planes for making the production of technical drawings faster and in a non-destructive way. They help a lot during the thinking process, too.

Project management:
- Instances.
- Nested groups.
- Please an optimization in the object stack when in isolation mode. In complex scenes, drawing starts to become sluggish.

So that's really all.
Thank you for your time.
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
6864.21 In reply to 6864.20 
Max ...

Yes ... those are the ones I wish for, too.

I wince a little every time I have leave MoI to finish my working drawings.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.22 In reply to 6864.20 
Hi Max, I do think that all those things will get into MoI eventually, but re:

> at the moment it lacks some very important features that are mandatory to start
> competing with other software on the market.

It's just never really been a primary focus for MoI to have to "compete" against other software, the focus in MoI is about trying to make it quick and easy to do simple things. If you need to do things outside of that for your particular field of work, then it's totally normal and expected that you would use MoI in combination with other software that does those other things. As long as MoI does something useful for you, that makes it a useful tool. It does not have to do everything you need in order to be useful.

I hope that sort of explains things a bit, as to why MoI does not yet have those particular features that you need.

However having said that, I am definitely trying to add to MoI's feature set over time and eventually I think it will do all these things you are asking about.

Until then using MoI alongside other programs is actually what I expect for people to do.

> And you know that, you cannot deny that you HAVE to switch to another software for that.

I've never denied it, in fact it's what I recommend !!

- Michael
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 From:  wastzzz
6864.23 In reply to 6864.22 
It's not like I am saying that all that stuff is needed to work better, that is just a list of what in my opinion is missing to make it a complete package: if I would have to choose strictly, a big optimization in our workflow would be having Instances, Nested-Groups and Cutting-Planes. We have to be able to output all the drawings we need directly from MoI. Then, of course, we have our favorite software for lay-outing, dimensioning and printing, so these things are not top-priority for many of us.

> It's just never really been a primary focus for MoI to have to "compete" against other software

That's a shame, MoI has everything it takes to compete with other software, and with just few new features, it should compete with the head held high. You are doing an excellent work. You should be more proud of yourself!

Thank you,
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)

• A manifold mesh check and vertex weld treshold value in the polygon format export dialogs. Now sometimes an exported mesh turns out not to be manifold, but after auto-selecting the non-manifold edges of a mesh in Blender and welding the vertices with a certain treshold, the mesh becomes manifold and suitable for 3D printing.

——————— — 3D (print) modeling • animation • artwork • design • illustration • visualization

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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)

• Saving of mesh export settings with MoI 3DM files.

——————— — 3D (print) modeling • animation • artwork • design • illustration • visualization

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 From:  DrNo (BERGKATSE)
I find Moi so much easier to use than Rhino but I find myself still using Rhino for everything. The three things I would wish for in Moi are blocks, importing of meshes (many times I have to create around another model and most times it's mesh.. ug!), and the use of rhino plug-ins. OMG imagine Moi + grasshopper or Evolute! *DROOL*
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.27 In reply to 6864.26 
Hi DrNo - use of Rhino plug-ins is pretty much not at all feasible because plug-ins are very specifically built to run inside of a particular environment, so they are highly dependent on everything being set up exactly as it is in Rhino. Various services like how the UI works, how point picking works, how selection works, etc.. etc.. are all somewhat different in MoI than in Rhino. Direct plug-in compatibility would only be possible if MoI was set up to be an almost 100% exact clone of Rhino and of course if it was set up like that then what would be the point of having MoI in the first place...

- Michael
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 From:  DrNo (BERGKATSE)
6864.28 In reply to 6864.27 
Well pardon me for saying, and I mean this as a compliment, but isn't Moi supposed to be? Moi has many of the same features and works the same way. Both NURBs(3dm). If you've used one you can pretty much master the other. The main difference IMO is that Moi is much more streamline, easier to use and better than Rhino. I was modeling something in Rhino earlier and I realized that what took me 3 steps in Rhino I could have done in 1 step with Moi, but I was also incorporating meshes so I was forced to use it. If Moi gets any better and more well known, Rhino is going to be in trouble!

I think a more valid question is, if there's Moi(v4+), what's the point of having Rhino?

I realize the plug-in thing is huge and not likely but there's always that mesh idea. ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.29 In reply to 6864.28 
Hi DrNo,

> Well pardon me for saying, and I mean this as a compliment, but isn't Moi supposed to be?

Not really... MoI is focused on a much different kind of use case - Rhino is meant to be comfortable to AutoCAD users, while MoI was designed to be comfortable to people without any CAD experience at all. Those are pretty significantly different primary targets...

> Moi has many of the same features and works the same way. Both NURBs(3dm).

Well yeah, but that's just because I designed and created both of them. So certainly there's a lot of the same base "Design DNA" between both.

> The main difference IMO is that Moi is much more streamline, easier to use and better
> than Rhino. I was modeling something in Rhino earlier and I realized that what took me
> 3 steps in Rhino I could have done in 1 step with Moi, <...>

Yeah, since I created Rhino I am particularly familiar with various design problems that I ended up baking into it with and I've designed many of those out when creating MoI. In a certain sense MoI is kind of like a next generation Rhino (solving problems in Rhino's overall workflow approach) but not quite because like I wrote above the primary targets of who is really meant to be using each one is pretty different and also impacts a lot of things.

For Rhino there is an emphasis on just providing a lot of functionality and tools and not worrying so much about the complexity that results in having so many things present in the software. MoI has a very strong emphasis on keeping the UI to have a light and fluid feel and it's more important for MoI to protect that quality than it is to just pile on features, even if it means that it does not work for certain kinds of workflows like your mesh based one for example.

- Michael
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 From:  Bob (APTIVABOY)
Mine are:
- additional import/export options. I find it odd that MOI is sold with Alibre Design/Geomagic through the Geomagic people, and yet neither can read the other's native files. I'd love to see Geomagic import/export, at a minimum.
- ability to really customize the workspace. Call me old fashioned, but I'm sorta lost without the File/Edit commands and everything else being at the top of the screen, like so many original Windows programs were and many still are. I'd like to be able to do that.
- perhaps I'm missing it, but I really like (in most other CAD programs) having the physical dimensions displayed as I create a line, for example; the length of the line is displayed on screen as I pull and place the line. Or, when I create a circle, I like having the circumference displayed as I enlarge the circle. This would allow for more precise sizing and placement.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6864.31 In reply to 6864.30 
Hi Bob,

> - perhaps I'm missing it, but I really like (in most other CAD programs) having the
> physical dimensions displayed as I create a line, for example; the length of the line is
> displayed on screen as I pull and place the line.

The distance between the last 2 picked points (and so for lines it's the length of the line you are drawing), is displayed in the distance input in the UI which is located here on the bottom command bar:

> Or, when I create a circle, I like having the circumference displayed as I enlarge the circle.
> This would allow for more precise sizing and placement.

For a circle there is not any readout of circumference, but there is one of radius or diameter in the command options area, which will update as you move your mouse around:

For most commands the feedback will be either in that XYZ / distance / angle control on the bottom which applies to all point picks, or to a control in the command options area which has stuff specific to the individual command.

Hope this helps,

- Michael

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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Hi Bob,

Additionally, if you want to know the length of a circular — or any other — curve, you can use Michael's easy UnwrapCurve plug-in command:

UnwrapCurve is also very useful in conjunction with the Flow function, to avoid distortion in the flowed result.

Have a nice weekend.

— Metin
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 From:  Bob (APTIVABOY)
Thanks all,

Sorry I wasn't more clear, I meant having the datum displayed on the screen with the lines and circles. Its like a HUD on a fighter jet - you want to keep your eyes on one thing, not going back and forth. I'm probably nitpicking an outstanding program, but whether I'm using Geomagic or another CAD program, having the geometry displayed on the main screen with the shapes is simply easier for these old (and, repidly aging!) eyes.


PS. Geomagic interoperability would be outstanding, pretty please? Its how I was introduced to MOI, through the then-Alibre Design, and it would make things so much easier. I like doing basic shapes and organic shapes in MOI, and then exporting them to Geomagic for detailing and fine tuning. Going through a third file format in order to import/export files between the two isn't always ideal.

Thanks for listening!
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 From:  bemfarmer
6864.34 In reply to 6864.33 
There are prior posts on copy and paste from MoI to Alibre.

- Brian
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