MOI for Linux?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6840.3 In reply to 6840.1 
Hi Bob, yes as Dan writes above it is possible to run MoI on Linux currently by using the Wine system, as long as you have a good enough video driver.

Right now I don't have any specific plans for a native Linux version, but that could be possible in the future if it ends up being requested frequently enough. Currently I don't really hear very many requests for it though.

There are also a couple of factors that make a Linux version somewhat complicated to implement, one is that it's often difficult to get good quality video drivers and another is that Linux comes in a really huge number of variations and it can be difficult to deliver a precompiled binary package that works on all systems rather than a source code package that then gets compiled on each system which is how most Linux open source software gets distributed.

So somewhat difficult to support + low demand = not really a big target area currently. But I have done work for MoI v3 so that it will run under the Wine system with the default Wine configuration and not need anything else to be added inside the Wine environment.

- Michael
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 From:  jake (RAWKSTAR320)
6840.4 In reply to 6840.3 
I just installed MOI3 beta on Ubuntu linux + wine and it works great (no wine tricks, no special setups). There is a little bit of funky "noise" streaks that occur when i change views, but it goes away as soon as I click something. Also, when you mouse over a line and it highlights, it doesnt like to "un-highlight" which gets weird. Otherwise it works ok.

on the note of supporting linux, I would rather see more development of the product rather than re-development to support linux. I only use Linux because my (good) computer failed and it might be a while until I can replace it. Until then, I am rockin' MoI on an Ubuntu Laptop. Woohoo!
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