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 From:  Michael Gibson
6819.8 In reply to 6819.7 
Hi Ed,

> MoI is a great product - promote it :)

Sometimes this can be hard for me, I have a sort of innate loathing of marketing stuff in general...

In some sense I actually kind of like having the web site be pretty bare bones and have the user base made up more of people who are able to judge the software on its own merits and try it out for themselves. That's another reason why I haven't really focused much attention on it. Well really another big reason is just limited time though.

But I think I'll be ready to shift gears on that stuff once V3 is out, it should be a significant milestone.

- Michael
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
6819.9 In reply to 6819.8 
I've had an e-commerce site for over ten years now. I sell physical products, not software.

I'm not a fan of marketing either - I've always bent toward the soft-sell and geared my site toward people who take the time to read about the products. I've always assumed people would just know the benefits right away.

But the economic down-turn, along with feedback from a variety of people has moved me toward a more "merchandizing" style.

Honestly, I think all you need to start are more examples on the home page. There are ways to do that without taking up more real estate or making it hard to see on a mobile device.

Contact me if you want some examples.

Ed Ferguson
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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
I suppose everyone just wants to see you get more out of this thing Michael, which shows their heart is in the right place :) However as someone who has access to a thousand other forums/products (like everyone else) with myriad sophisticated brand languages that hammer me constantly across social media platforms, I still return here for one reason - and that's because you're at constant attention. Just do whatever floats your boat because it's worked out pretty well so far IMHO. Any constricting un-needed overheads are exactly that. If anything make the site more 'primitive'. Keep the reductionist flair, it's getting harder and harder to do. It could be your new marketing direction. 'Primitive' with a French pronunciation.

PS Just make sure there are no spelling mistakes...Huge turn off.

Also, the baby blue could do with some work (just sayin')

- Rich
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
I'm thinking just the home page the front door says a lot about a place the rest can stay as it is :)

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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
I agree. MoI deserves more than its current 'hidden gem' or 'our brilliant secret' status. :) An attractive website interlaced with cool MoI creations would surely help.

Having said that, I do understand what Michael means regarding the pleasant simplicity of this forum — it's got a friendly no-nonsense feeling, which also characterizes MoI.

So, as Danny also wrote, just a new frontpage would already make a difference.

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 From:  Rich_Art
6819.13 In reply to 6819.8 
Haha, Everywhere I show up on sites and forums etc I promote Moi3D because it is a great app.. ;-)

Keep up the great work and I hope to see a more "from this day" site any time soon... Although this one works great as well.

Rich_Art. ;-)

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 From:  nycL45
1. In my opinion, it's the software that matters.
2. At some point, if MOI3D becomes a success, we might lose the all important Michael. We get cheery and awesome help from the horse's mouth - not many apps offer that kind of support.
3. Michael seems focused on the quality of his app. That's a difference I appreciate.

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6819.15 In reply to 6819.14 
> 2. At some point, if MOI3D becomes a success...

I think there's a typing error in point 2, get rid of 'At some point' remove 'if' and replace 'becomes' with 'is' then it sounds right ;)

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