Open MOI .3dm files in Rhino (v2)?...

 From:  WillBellJr
Hi Michael, much to my surprise last nite I attempted to load a .3DM file I started in MOI into my Rhino v2 package and got a msg dialog stating the file was a "newer" version and couldn't be opened...

I guess it surprised me cause I've been opening Rhino .3DMs in MOI without even thinking about it.

I also remember reading here where you stated that the .3DM format is pretty standardized and that McNeel would probably not change the .3DM format all that much either since it would break a lot of other wares...

Is it possible for you to add a checkbox or something that would allow MOI to save to the "old" Rhino format? (Not sure what differences may be within the file obviously.)

It's not a biggie, but it would be nice allowing me to use both tools to the maximum.


EDITED: 27 Oct 2023 by ZOOEN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
676.2 In reply to 676.1 
Hi Will, I think that bi-directional copy and paste should be working with Rhino v2.

So to move things quickly from MoI to Rhino v2, give this a try - copy your object inside MoI, and then go to Rhino and paste. You need to leave MoI running during this procedure.

That should cause MoI to place a Rhino v2 format file into the clipboard. I actually haven't tested this with V2 myself though, can you see if it works ok?

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
676.3 In reply to 676.2 
Okay, thanks Michael - I'll try that out later tonite when I'm home ;-)

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