Flow command Tutorials
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6746.17 In reply to 6746.16 
Hi Steve, I may need to see your actual file or some screenshots later on in order to really give you a proper suggestion.

It's possible that you may want to make a different kind of surface than a regular sphere as the target object though - a regular sphere in MoI is a surface that squishes down into a "pole" area at the top and bottom, and things that you flow will also get squished in those same areas where the surface is collapsing down to a single point too. The deformation follows the surface structure basically.

You may need to build a custom sort of "cup" like surface using Sweep instead of using the regular default sphere-with-pole surface. Something like this I mean:

Also if you want the deformation to work more like it's dropping down to a local area of the sphere rather than wrapping across the entire surface, there is a "projective" mode for surface-to-surface flow that can work better for that, but you would use it for getting just some curvature onto the end result not a major amount like going to a half ball. Some examples of projective mode here:

- Michael
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 From:  stevecim

Here is a screen shot of what I was getting the other night...

But tonight I'm not getting these bad surfaces.... but I deleted yesterdays file and started again now I can replicate the problem..... I must have done something wrong.....

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6746.19 In reply to 6746.18 
Hi Steve, it can cause problems if you're using a sphere for the target surface and have objects that are right at that "pole" area where the sphere collapses down to a single point.

That might possibly be the problem... If it's not that I'd need to see a 3DM file with your objects in them in order to give you some better feedback on what's going on there.

- Michael
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