Zoom hotkey?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
672.4 In reply to 672.1 
Hi Paul, I have set some scripting stuff up for the next beta that will now allow for zooming and panning by shortcut keys.

The way this version works is it will do it on the viewport the mouse is currently over. If the mouse is not currently over a viewport, it will use the one that last had a click in it, or if there is just one single viewport maximized it will use that one.

Here are the scripts for it (again, this won't work until the _next_ beta):

Key Command

Ctrl+LeftArrow script:moi.ui.getActiveViewport().Pan( -1, 0 );
Ctrl+RightArrow script:moi.ui.getActiveViewport().Pan( 1, 0 );
Ctrl+UpArrow script:moi.ui.getActiveViewport().Pan( 0, 1 );
Ctrl+DownArrow script:moi.ui.getActiveViewport().Pan( 0, -1 );
PageUp script:moi.ui.getActiveViewport().Zoom( 0.9 );
PageDown script:moi.ui.getActiveViewport().Zoom( 1.1 );

That will set up Ctrl+arrow key for panning, and PageUp/PageDown for zooming in or out.

- Michael
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 From:  Paul (AIRGLASS)
672.5 In reply to 672.4 
Most excellent! Thanks for the effort- that's just what I was hoping for, especially the zoom.
Now I'll be able to combine the zoom with my little grid spacing script,which should make that really useful (to me, at least). The other nav keys are great too, since I've got a few other cad programs set up to use the arrow keys for navigation - makes it much easier switching between apps. Thanks again, for 3d modeling MoI is well on it's way to being the app of choice for what I do -

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