Hmmm, what would cause this?...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
671.3 In reply to 671.1 
Hi Will, can you please post the .3dm file for that object? It will help if I can examine the geometry over here.

But from your LW Modeler screenshot, it looks like those pieces are not booleaned or actually attached to the central piece, and it also looks like the outside module is an open surface, not a closed solid.

If you get things cut up and joined together, then MoI will know that those pieces are all part of one continuous "skin" and will have the normals all consistent between different pieces.

If you've got objects that are just positioned next to each other but not joined together, then MoI does not know that they are supposed to be connected, and each one will get processed separately. Then combined with this is that the normal direction for an open surface may not always point in the direction that you expect, but for a closed solid it always should. Mirroring will typically reverse the normals for an open surface.

The cracky thing looks strange... not quite sure what is going on there...

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
671.4 In reply to 671.3 
Hi Michael, yes, those are just seperate objects I'll recreate the two outer pieces to be one part and then boolean add that to the sphere, that'll help me stop seeing the cracks on the edges in my renders (earlier I was just sinking them into the sphere's surface a little bit...)

The normals aren't a biggie though (keeping in mind your suggestion about open surfaces) - it was the cracks that had me head scratching but that appears to be a Lightwave issue. (Lawd I don't want to buy Cinema 4D after all I've invested in LW (books, plugins etc.) nor do I want to buy Modo!)

Just trying to find a workflow for myself here...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
671.5 In reply to 671.4 
Yeah, cracks between edges are the other part that is solved when you have a fully joined piece. MoI will do extra work along shared edges to ensure shared vertices between the meshing of each surface.

Since Modo is going to support vertex normals in the next version, I would assume that LW will do it pretty soon too... At least I hope so. That would make it easier for you to stick with LW.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
671.6 In reply to 671.5 
Yes, again it looks like it has to do with Lightwave's Perspective camera vs the Classic one which renders fine (of course that was also at work with my DELL and its lowly Intel (non-3D accelerating azz adapter...)

I would imagine that I'd get the same here at home though - I'll find out in a few...

As far as LW, yes, I have so much invested in Lightwave (coming in at v6.5); time, plugins, books etc., I'd hate to move on to something else over this but I'm not sure I'm as optimistic about Newtek improving this just because Modo is going to get improved, unless they're locked in some kind of never ending battle (reminds me of that Star Trek episode with Frank Gorshen; the half-black/half-white dudes... hmmm, seems like a fitting analogy :-p )

Yes, I would imagine Newtek has to stay competitive with Modo since basically (IMO) they're the same app - Modo is rapidly catching up as it is - I guess time will tell...

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