Problem with shell and other newbie questions

 From:  Glenn Claes (GLENN)
Hi everyone,

I'm having a problem with this object that i'm drawing.

-I made a revolve of an ellipse and trimmed some curves on the surface.

-Then i selected these cut out shapes and performed an inward shell.
I removed the outer shell to get the result i wanted.
Result, one side is perfect, the other deformed.

My conclusion for now is that the left over line (arc) of the original shape is the cause of this problem.
However i'm not able to remove this line before or after trim or inward shell.
How do i solve this?

As an additional question.
I have noticed that when you join lines and for example revolve them, you will still get a surface which is cut into 2 surface sections
Is there a way to solve this?
Mainly to keep my drawing clean and not to have any unnecessary lines etc.


I also noticed that when you join or rejoin separated surfaces, that the seems remain.
Is there a way to rebuild the surface or some other command to make the surfaces really into one surface?

As a result of this, i noticed that when i use the flow command that i can not select the entire joined surface as a target surface.
Altough the surfaces are joined together and can be selected as one surface in order to move it or something.
This does not seem to apply when using FLOW.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6683.2 In reply to 6683.1 
Hi Glenn, to answer your additional questions first:

> As an additional question.
> I have noticed that when you join lines and for example revolve them, you will still get a
> surface which is cut into 2 surface sections
> Is there a way to solve this?
> Mainly to keep my drawing clean and not to have any unnecessary lines etc.

Yes, in general when you construct a surface from a joined curve, the segmentation of the curve will come through as separate faces in the generated result.

In order to avoid that, you will want to eliminate the segmentation in the curves before using them for construction.

Probably the easiest way to do that is to use the Rebuild command:

You can also fuse curve segments together by turning on control points and then selecting the point where 2 segments meet and deleting it.

Once you have done that, the curve should not then separate into different pieces when you use Edit > Separate on it.

> I also noticed that when you join or rejoin separated surfaces,
> that the seems remain.
> Is there a way to rebuild the surface or some other command to make
> the surfaces really into one surface?

Currently the Join command only glues edges together, it does not try to merge 2 surfaces into a single larger surface - right now there isn't any tool in MoI for doing that type of surface merging. I do want to add that in the future but the main thing to do currently is to focus on making your curves made up of single pieces instead of multiple segments.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6683.3 In reply to 6683.1 
Hi Glenn, re: shell problem

> My conclusion for now is that the left over line (arc) of the original shape is the cause of this problem.
> However i'm not able to remove this line before or after trim or inward shell.
> How do i solve this?

It looks like the sheller didn't do a good job processing the trimming boundary, that weird pinching look is the result of something being mangled in the structure of the trim boundary of the face, something like there is a big gap between trim pieces or something like that.

You can solve it by doing an "untrim" and retrim of the bad surface, there is some information on this in the object repair tutorial here:

I've attached a version of your model that has been repaired - the basic steps are:

First select the bad surface and run Edit > Separate on it, so that it is an individual surface and not joined to other surfaces.

Then select one edge on the surface, then use Ctrl+A to select all edges, then hit Delete to do an "untrim" which removes the current trim boundary and recovers the full underlying surface. There's more info on untrim in that object repair tutorial and also here:

At this point you'll see the entire inside offset surface, which seems to be ok itself - during some part of its boundary processing the sheller seems to have improperly omitted the small "seam curve" piece that goes to the pole.

Then you need to use Edit > Trim to trim the surface with the other edges of the surrounding pieces to get the proper final piece. It can then be joined to the other pieces.

See the attached 3DM file for the result of these repair steps.

- Michael

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 From:  Glenn Claes (GLENN)
6683.4 In reply to 6683.3 
Hi Michael,

Sorry for my late reply.

Thank you for rebuilding the model.
I will try to do the same following the steps that you described to me.
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