Polygonal Converter.
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 From:  glmr
the panel disappears or shows message "unsuppotred polygon type"

EDITED: 3 Jul 2016 by GLMR

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6674.456 In reply to 6674.455 
Hi glmr, please post the 3DM model file that you are trying to smooth when you see the error.

My guess though is that you have some faces in your object with 5 or more boundary edges on them. The converter will not work on that type of geometry, I think it requires all faces to have either 3 or 4 sides (triangles or quads).

- Michael
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 From:  glmr
6674.457 In reply to 6674.456 
this one. it is not an inported model, but just an extrusion from .ai file
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Size: 137 KB, Downloaded: 244 times, Dimensions: 951x526px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6674.458 In reply to 6674.457 
Hi glmr, well I can see right away that you've got a top face on your extrusion which has 24 holes in it, which right there is not suitable for subdivision smoothing.

In order to do sub-d smoothing, your object needs to be made up only of 3 or 4 sided faces with no inner holes in any of them at all. So instead of one single face on the top with trimmed holes in it, the top part of an object like that needs to be tiled and made up of a bunch of smaller 4 sided faces that sort of flow around the holes.

Also you'd typically have an angular cage-like object as the base object to be subdivided, with all edges just being line segments, not starting out with curvy outlines like you've got there.

Sub-d modeling is a really different approach from a drawing based one like you're showing there.

- Michael
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 From:  Karsten (KMRQUS)
6674.459 In reply to 6674.457 

try to export the file to .obj-format to get triangles and quads. Then reimport the result with the obj-importer written by Max Smirnov. After that - run the script:-)

Have a nice day
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 From:  gara (GARA01)
6674.460 In reply to 6674.422 

Hi Max,

can you help in install your subdivid beta9.

I have copied all the files (new importobj also) in the commands folder, but nothing happened.

Thank you for your help and incredible work in the created of subdivide surfacece.

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 From:  bemfarmer
6674.461 In reply to 6674.460 
Hi gara,

Did you install a shortcut key in MoI Options icon?
For example: Select Options / Shortcut keys,
and add a new entry of your choice, such as Alt+F in first column, then _Subdiv_beta9 in the next column.

or for example, Alt+/ _Subdiv_beta9

The prefix _ must match the prefix of the _Subdiv_beta9.htm and .js files. _ is not required, but its presence or absence must match.

Then close and open MoI again, load a solid polygon, such as Box, select it, and type in the shortcut key combo,
for example hold down the Alt key and type F.

(I now use Max's custom ui for Ext.scripts, instead of shortcut keys, and also use _ prefix for the non-basic MoI scripts)
Either method, or both methods may be used.

- Brian

EDITED: 31 Oct 2016 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  gara (GARA01)
6674.462 In reply to 6674.461 

Thanks Brian,

now it works!

I had miss the step to close and open again MOI

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 From:  gara (GARA01)

I have imported a simple object like a cube, and the obj importer works, but as I apply the subdivision and change the value with the slider appear an error, and if I click done the object disappear.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6674.464 In reply to 6674.463 
Hi gara, the sub-d plug-in requires the object's faces to be quads or triangles, meaning all faces should have 3 or 4 boundary edges on them.

If you have something like a 5-sided pentagonal face in your object for example, that object will not be usable by the plugin and you'll get an error and behavior like you describe.

My guess is that's what you're running into, if you're not sure then please post the 3DM model file of your object so I can take a look at your particular case.

You would need to edit the model to be made up of quad faces before you can subdivide it, you can do this by drawing in some lines and using Edit > Trim to cut things into quads, or you also might try exporting out from MoI as an .obj file using the "Output: Quads & Triangles" option (not n-gons) and then importing that back in again.

- Michael
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 From:  gara (GARA01)
6674.465 In reply to 6674.464 

Hi Michael,

I have use a simple cube for test the plugin, so it has four edge.

I have try also a cube created in moi, but the result is the same

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6674.466 In reply to 6674.465 
Hi gara, over here I'm not able to reproduce any problem using a cube drawn in MoI.

What error message are you seeing?

- Michael
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 From:  gara (GARA01)

I don't know if I attach the image in the right way, but the error is this


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Message 6674.468 deleted 31 Oct 2016 by GARA01

 From:  Michael Gibson
6674.469 In reply to 6674.467 
Hi gara, are you possibly running an older version of the script? Try getting the latest one named Subdiv_beta9.zip from here: http://moi.maxsm.net/media/files/ .

Also what version of MoI are you running it with?

- Michael
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 From:  gara (GARA01)
6674.470 In reply to 6674.469 

With this new version works perfectly.

There is a way to check the tangency and curvature?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6674.471 In reply to 6674.470 
Hi gara, MoI does not really have any tangency or curvature analysis tools currently, it's not a focus area for MoI.

But if you turn on metallic lighting and set some specular highlights on under Options > View > "Lighting options", you can look at the reflective highlights to see any major breaks.

- Michael
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 From:  gara (GARA01)
6674.472 In reply to 6674.471 
Ok, thank you Michael!
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 From:  bemfarmer
6674.473 In reply to 6674.470 
The CCC script shows some curvature lines and radii, for curves.
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 From:  gara (GARA01)
6674.474 In reply to 6674.473 
Thanks bemfarmer, but this plugin does not work with the subdivision surface
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