Polygonal Converter.
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
6674.416 In reply to 6674.415 
My self-portrait after seeing the above two postings:


Ed Ferguson
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Pretty nail! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  PaQ
6674.418 In reply to 6674.415 
Hi Max,

Hope you get a good night :)

I was looking at your road map, and I'm wondering if anything is planned about a possible surface simplification in the future ? By simplification I mean less edges on the sub-d converted model.
If I remember right t-spline for example only build patches between extraordinary vertex (or something close)

In other words a quad ball with 1 level of subdivision or 5 level of subdivision give the same edge structure once converted. Of course the patches get much more control points.

I'm asking that because it will allow us to use tools like partial edges tension in software like modo.

Here for example a partial edge crease (weight) on a low res model (A). This function is very handy.
(B) on the other hand it the freezed version (so the subdivsion is collapsed).

While the polycount on (B) looks insane, the number of extraordinary is the same than (A).
If I convert model (B) in T-spline, I would get the same numbers of patches than Model (A) ... only more complex patches.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Max,

The latest SubD incarnation is fantastic - something that perhaps you could add in the future to the SubD toolkit is a Pipe Command similar to the TSplines Pipe SubD Modelling from 3d wireframes.


More food for thought.

I also agree that this toolset is becoming so advanced that a pay for model to support your efforts are worthy.

Thanks for time input.
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
>>if anything is planned about a possible surface simplification in the future ?
I called it surfaces stitching. ( I don't know is that correct name? )
It has been scheduled for version 2.0

>>I thought about such a script. Maybe someday I'll write it. :)
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 From:  PaQ
6674.421 In reply to 6674.420 
Hi Max,

Yes sorry, I didn't understand the 'stitching' term (my bad).
And I'm pretty sure you all ready talk about it previously, but boy, ... this is the longest MoI thread ever created I guess :)

Thanks for you dedicated work !
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)

- loadMesh function has been improved
- increased overall stability

To get hard edges just split object to several surfaces and then run script.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Max, this is absolutely amazing! Can't wait to play with it. :-)
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 From:  Vojtisek
6674.424 In reply to 6674.422 
That's awesome, thanks!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Cool trick for the "crease borders" ! :)

Here the French Version (even with the Alert Messages that i have never think to translate! :)

Can you put something on each start lines code (or before each line) where there is something to translate ?
Because it's an hard work to refind all lines that must be translated in your tremondous codes when there is no ressource file!

Thx by advance for that! :)

/* Careful Pilou next line something to translate! */ or something more smaller like /* */ if you want or more smaller if exist or color words or... :)
<moi:CheckButton id="preserveCorners" default="true">Preserve corners</moi:CheckButton>

EDITED: 9 Oct 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Beta9 update. Fixed bug with polar triangles with open edges.

Frenchy Pilou
>>Can you put something on each start lines code (or before each line) where there is something to translate ?
When I write a complex script I always use a lot of comments. And I delete them automatically before publishing.
So it's not a good idea for me to mark text lines with comments. I'll think what I can do.

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  BurrMan
6674.427 In reply to 6674.426 
Gave it a pretty good workout Max... Seems to always work well for how I was using it!

Did some fooling around with using SubDivClassic as a means to "un-subdiv" the parts... Seemed a way to "kindof" revert, but with shrinkage...

Wondering if the "shrinkage" is something that is more or less a known factor, or is it more arbitrary with different geometries?

I didn't want to push too deep into your future plans with the tool.....
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6674.428 In reply to 6674.426 
<< So it's not a good idea for me to mark text lines with comments. I'll think what I can do.

In my Text editor (NotePad ++) some word to translate are automaticaly in "Bold" but that not explore all! ;)
So maybe number line, color line, extra color word, ...
French version updated! )

EDITED: 10 Oct 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Finema
6674.429 In reply to 6674.422 
Just a question :
In your example, what is the command to directly split surfaces of the solid

is OK to use Separate ?

Also :
It will be great if Subdiv command wasn't destructive like Subdivision Surface in C4D ?

thanks a lot Max !

EDITED: 10 Oct 2015 by FINEMA

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6674.430 In reply to 6674.429 
<< In your example, what is the command to directly split surfaces of the solid

Maybe Select Face(s): Edit / Separate
Select All
Call _subdiv_beta9
And if you subdivide again the result you have a funny rugby ball! ;) (Not shown following)

EDITED: 10 Oct 2015 by PILOU

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Message 6674.431 deleted 10 Oct 2015 by 3DCNC

 From:  3dcnc
Hi Max.

That last post gave me an idea. Love this script. I have already donated some money but plan to give more in the future, Thanks so much. I am teaching 1st year London university students - Moi and Rhino. I think they will love this. My quick "Eames" chair.

EDITED: 10 Oct 2015 by 3DCNC

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
>> Wondering if the "shrinkage" is something that is more or less a known factor, or is it more arbitrary with different geometries?
This "shrink factor" depends on many parameters, and may varies from vertex to vertex. It will not be easy task to revert subdivided shape to its original state.
I'll try to find information about it tomorrow.

Frenchy Pilou
>>So maybe number line, color line, extra color word, ...
I will think about built-in multilanguage support.

>>is OK to use Separate ?
Yes. This is the best way. I use it too.

Thank you very much! I'm happy that my scripts is useful for you :)
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 From:  bemfarmer
I thought this paper might be of interest:

Conversion of trimmed NURBS surfaces to Catmull–Clark subdivision surfaces.


- Brian
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 From:  Paulo (MADEIRA3D)
Hello all

I'm sorry but how do I install this script?
Were do I place the 2 files?

I'm on mac.

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