Michael yes English is not my native, and to be polite etc I have to spend time translating it to English with google translate. From my side I can not see any harmfull sence in my messages, may becaus of English is not my native. I did not say subD plugin is bad, I just wander that people are so happy using it, that it is, nothing more.
This is waht I said:
Hay guys, I just watching this theme and always want to say, that primitive stuff that you made with SubD plugin in MoI could be made 20 years ago with regular SubD and not so primitive but much more advanced. But looks like you are happy like kids, making that simple stuff, so do not going to break up you happiness :D))!
I put smiles in the end to show that I am joking and not going to abuse anybody.
What is wrong with this I reallly do not understand or is it here some not primitive results of using subD plugin?
May be it is because of the language this problem I do not know.