Polygonal Converter.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Knife is implicite!
A simple Boolean Diff makes the tricks! :)

EDITED: 27 Mar 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Ronamodeler (RON_A)
Max, I repeated Frenchy's little model above; and it worked as shown. But extruding other faces does not work, and results in an error [2] or error [4].
Can you explain a little about these errors, and what things to avoid before invoking sub-D command? I have seen some very complex models work fine in other demos.
Thanks for your fantastic tools!!
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6674.281 In reply to 6674.280 
Hi Ron,
The extrude tool sometimes split edges to parts. Try to select all edges and run Merge command.
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 From:  wastzzz
Thank you Max. Great work.
OT: We need a dedicated page where users can upload the latest version of their scripts. Asap. We can't follow the threads everytime to be sure of getting the newest version.
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
subdSplit 0.9
now it uses pointpicker instead of slider
I'm very satisfied with the results

This version is close to 1.0.. Need to fix a couple of rare bugs :)

>>We need a dedicated page where users can upload the latest version of their scripts.
I made a site several months ago, but I haven't free time to fill it with information. Maybe someone help me?
Anyway, you can download all latest versions of my scripts here: http://moi.maxsm.net/media/files

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Finema
6674.284 In reply to 6674.283 
really nice work Max !!!
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 From:  3dcnc
very nice!! amazing. Thanks for taking time to work on this new plugin.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Very very cool ! Bravo!

but you don't answer me about an automatic selection of all new faces "Splited" at the end of the sSplit function?
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Thank you Max - these tools keep getting better.

Can you explain usage of the Repeat check box on the latest Split tool?

I get stuck with an dialog box that I can't close, saying to pick an edge or a face, even though I already have a selection.

Ed Ferguson
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6674.288 In reply to 6674.286 
Frenchy Pilou
>>but you don't answer me about an automatic selection
Forgot about this. Sorry :)
When you asked me I tried to do this, but I couldn't done it successfully :(
When MoI joins separated parts it changes ID's of the faces. So I can't find which faces are new created.
At the moment I know only way to do it: create a new style. assign it to a new faces. join surfaces. restore selection. revert styles.
It will work, but I don't like this method.
I think we should ask Michael about this :)
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6674.289 In reply to 6674.287 
Hi Ed

>>Can you explain usage of the Repeat check box on the latest Split tool?
I can't explain because my script doesn't use it :)
added "norepeat noautolaunch" key to disable it.
script reuploaded.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6674.290 In reply to 6674.288 
No problem :)
We shall make some clicks more! ;)
...and waiting some Michael's tricks :)

Ps I will start in a second the Last Max Plugins' versions! :)

EDITED: 28 Mar 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
In Plugin Subdivision what is the use of the View Control Points
as we can't select them! ?

Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6674.292 In reply to 6674.288 
Hi Max,

> When MoI joins separated parts it changes ID's of the faces. So I can't find
> which faces are new created.

Yeah that's just basically how ID values work - they are basically tied to a specific version of an object. When an object is edited in any way, the new objects generated from that then have their own new ID values as well.

Maybe instead of setting up a style to track it you could assign object names to the faces you want to track, I think they should persist across the separate as well.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
6674.293 In reply to 6674.291 
""""""""In Plugin Subdivision what is the use of the View Control Points
as we can't select them! ?"""""""""

You can preview the point structure you are making. One of the unique things about max's script is it will generate "solids" that will show their points, like a revolve object does....
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 From:  adamio
Impressive work Max, thanks for sharing :)
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
How in the heck did I miss this! This is an awesome set of tools Max!

I can't wait to see you future progress with the sub-d tool in Moi.

Two things I'd be interested in:
1) A way to sub-D with an open face. The perimeter around the open face staying pretty much static except for it's own division.
For an example, if you divided a cube with a missing face, you would end up with sort of a cup shape.
2) If only there was a way to take existing Moi multi-surface solids and convert them into polygonal structures much like the .obj export works, except in a live manner that allows for sub-D to work on it.
In effect a melty tool for an existing Moi object.

But what do I know? My head is spinning of the possibilities of incorporating some pseudo organic character into any Moi model. ...it's like a teaser T-spline.
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
6674.296 In reply to 6674.295 
Mike - I was wondering when you were going to join the party :)

I'd like to see a way to delete a section that resulted from a split. For example, after making a box and Spliting it into sections, I'd like to be able to remove some sections.

Right now I can delete faces, but that leaves a hole. I'd like to go from the top object to the bottom object (without the missing faces). I know I can make the solid object using Splits and extrusions, but the ability to remove a section becomes important when you're well into a project and realize you need to remove a section.

Ed Ferguson


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 From:  BurrMan
6674.297 In reply to 6674.295 

For #2, look at the "subd classic" command. It has a button for planar and catmull clark. It may be tricky on native moi, but with split, you may be able to fix up ngon areas first...

That may be the start of the area you are refing ........
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
6674.298 In reply to 6674.297 
And it would be awesome if the new one could work on open edges like that.
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