Function Draw Curve Polygon
Kill first polygon curve generator if not need
The trick : Select volume so a solid but sSplit need only faces!
So after select volumum (solid) use the Browser button for choise Faces ;)
Then use sSplit !
Et voilĂ
Frenchy Pilou
>> what is the difference with View Points and use the Edit Frame ?
No differences in the v0.5. Check the new one.
My script determines center by averaging a source points. Edit frame uses boundary box center.
>> Does it possible to have Ngons like this ?
It's possible, but not now. My subd script doesn't support ngons.
>> Brilliant work like this shouldn't go unrewarded.
>> Can I suggest you get a Bitcoin wallet and start accepting donations through it?
Thank you. I'll think about it :)
Amazing. This makes a great bit of software even better. I cannot believe that this has become a toolset available in MoiV3. I was secretly hoping we might have it in V4.
It opens some exciting opportunities for the students I teach.
I have one question.. Do you plan to update MoI in nearest future? I mean x86 version. I will be happy if I could get some new features (and js functions) :) If it possible, of course..