Distort Curve script
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 From:  bemfarmer
6659.46 In reply to 6659.45 
Post 27, version 0.9
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 From:  mark1
6659.47 In reply to 6659.46 
Mhh, must have overlook that. Thanks!
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 From:  mikebres
Any idea what I might be doing wrong? Unzipped version .09, copied the files to a script folder identified using Custom UI. Also, tried putting the files in the command folder. I'm using version 3 of MOI.



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 From:  bemfarmer
6659.49 In reply to 6659.48 
The function init() is in the .htm file.

So is the .htm file missing from the /Commands folder?

(extension cannot be .html)

- Brian

This error occurs when the DistortCurves.htm file is missing, (or misspelled), from the Moi3.0 /Commands folder.

EDITED: 14 Dec 2014 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  mikebres
I checked. It's spelled correctly, plus I added the updated htm file from the forum. Any other ideas? :)


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 From:  BurrMan
6659.51 In reply to 6659.50 
In your screenshot you have an "underscore' at the beginning of the command?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6659.52 In reply to 6659.50 
Hi mike, yeah like burr mentions it looks like you've got one version with an underscore and one without maybe?

The original error message you posted here:
was an error in _DistortCurves.js, with an underscore in front of it. Like Brian mentioned previously that error probably had to do with the .htm file missing.

Meanwhile the screenshot you posted above of the 2 files (http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6659.50) has no underscore in it. So I'm not sure if you have 2 different sets of DistortCurves commands in there one with underscore but missing the .htm file and one without underscore with the .htm file but possibly not being the one that is getting triggered by your shortcut key.

What do you have in your shortcut key?

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Underscores are not necessary, they are just a method introduces by Max to separate Moi's basic set of scripts from "added" scripts.

They amount to spelling the name of the script differently.

So if the spelling differs in the /Commands folder from the spelling in the Options/Shortcut key location, the name is not recognized.

Also I think that the .htm file must be spelled exactly the same as the .js file, (with different extension of course).
There are two names in the Commands folder, and two names in the Options/Shortcut key location.
(All 4 names spelled exactly the same, all 4 names without underscore, or all 4 names with underscore.

I think that the above statements are correct?

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6659.54 In reply to 6659.53 
Hi Brian,

> I think that the above statements are correct?

Yup, or at least very close!

Normally you will have 2 files in the /Commands folder just like you describe, with one ending in .js and one ending in .htm, both of which will have the same name in front of the file extensions.

Then in the shortcut keys there is usually just one entry there, and it should have the common name part. So for example if the plug-in files are: myplug.js and myplug.htm, then in the shortcut key you would put myplug as the command name.

- Michael
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 From:  mikebres
Hey folks.

I have tried it both ways. With the underscore and without. The error in my screenshot was straight from the zip file to the folder. When that didn't work I tried other possibilities. So far none of them have worked.

However, I'm beginning to think maybe it has nothing to do with this script. I also get the moi.ui.commandUi error with the FXGraph script and a couple of others.

So what the heck could I be doing wrong? I thought these scripts were simple to use. Drop them into the command folder and use them.

Okay, re-read Michaels message. Do I need to put them in a shortcut? I was just trying to use them straight from the custom UI.

EDITED: 16 Dec 2014 by MIKEBRES

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6659.56 In reply to 6659.55 
Hi Mike, yeah the normal way to use them is to set up a keyboard shortcut and then push that key to trigger it.

Go to Options > Shortcut keys, and push "Add" to put in a new entry, in the Command part of the shortcut key put in: DistortCurves (or _DistortCurves if the files start with an underscore).

If you're trying to use them from the CustomUI, how is it that you're setting them up there exactly? I guess they are probably being run as an "instant script" instead of being run as a "command". When a command is launched, there are various other things that happen like the command system loads the .htm file that contains the command's UI part (and sometimes some of the code too), but when script code is launched as an "instant script" those things don't happen and so that's probably what you're running into at least that's my best guess currently.

Anyway, please try setting up a keyboard shortcut and see if that works ok for you or not.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6659.57 In reply to 6659.55 
Hi mikebres,

I see that you have "My.scripts" and also "All.scripts" in the custom ui. Maybe that is the problem?
I've never set up that way. I think Burr had some such posts a while back, in the custom ui discussion?

Maybe here: http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI&msg=6507.58

Normally using the scripts is "easy."

The original Moi Shortcut key method should work well, and "easy." Both methods can be set up, and work "side by side."

- Brian

EDITED: 17 Dec 2014 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  BurrMan
6659.58 In reply to 6659.57 
Does your ini file have an old path in it?
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 From:  mikebres
That was it. It needed to be setup as a shortcut. For future reference how are we to know which way to set it up?

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 From:  BurrMan
6659.60 In reply to 6659.59 
The customui just automatically finds and uses "what you have"... ot comes kindof preconfigured with some stuff " hence the underscore command that doesnt exist... i suspect your config files arent setup quite correct.
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 From:  mikebres
6659.61 In reply to 6659.60 
The config for MOI, or the Custom UI? Thanks.
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 From:  BurrMan
6659.62 In reply to 6659.61 

Check your MoI ini file to see if it has an executable path in it and if it pointing at the installation you are using...

Also, I think I remember the customUI comes with some of the commands "preconfigured" with some of the scripts/commands, and included that underscore.... It's been awhile, so I don't remember off the top of my head, and I am not at my install setup to check the original stuff...

Either someone else can chime in on it, or I'll get a look a bit later and get back to you....
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