Distort Curve script
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
BurrMan, I made this Helix in previous post like in your video but insted of draw it by hands I used FX Graph by Max Smirnov that Pillow mentioned to produce randomly destorted curve.

Max, great thanx!!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Very cool one for a more randomly world!

A little glitch! French version but...

Blocked Moi! Sorry I can't save the file but image will be sufficient :)
A sphere booelan Diff by a box ; Copy move only the Edges then distort but...
Select only the "edges"

EDITED: 1 May 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  BurrMan
6659.16 In reply to 6659.14 
""""""""""but insted of draw it by hands I used FX Graph by Max Smirnov """""""""""

I attempted that one first, but it is math formula oriented,, I would need to have the UI inputs be more like "more amplitude" and such, with a slider or human readable numbers.... lol

fx graph would be quicker than hand drawing. Maybe Brian or someone can combine fxgraph and flow for a 1 shot command that you wanted.....
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 From:  BurrMan
6659.17 In reply to 6659.13 
Very cool Max. I missed your post.

Now looking at your youtube, I see the "flythrough camera". Are you working on that or did I miss a post you made?
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
BurrMan, all you need with that script is enter - RMD and it will produce randomely distorted curve, or RMD*10, RMD*20 etc...

Hay guys, Michael or anybody here who can made scripts could you pleas integrate in Distort Cuves v0.8, the rebuild command?

Now you have:
1. Rebuild curve
2. Run Distort Cuves
3. And if you do not like result go back to Rebuild to rebuil it again and than once again run Distort Cuves, and you have to repeat this actions till you will be satisfied.

It will be great to have rebuild integrated into Distort Cuves script to see imediatly result ant to be able to corect it on the fly.

Max have no time to modify this script so may be you will help to finish it?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6659.19 In reply to 6659.18 
Hi Andrei, do you need all the different options and modes of Rebuild to be all built in or are you looking for one specific mode like "# of points" mode?

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6659.20 In reply to 6659.19 
Michael, one specific mode like "# of points" will be enough.

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
[Added] Closed curves support
[Changed] Distort slider values. Now Distort(10) = +- 1 unit. If you use mm unit system, Distort(10) = +- 1mm. Distort (150) = +-15mm, etc.
[Fixed] Pilou's bug. (I can't reproduce it, but I added one more check. Now this bug should be fixed. Pilou, try this version.)

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6659.22 In reply to 6659.17 
Hi BurrMan

>>Now looking at your youtube, I see the "flythrough camera". Are you working on that or did I miss a post you made?

It was a tech demo :) I have an idea to write flycam script, but I haven't free time for it.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6659.23 In reply to 6659.21 
Thanks Max!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6659.24 In reply to 6659.21 
Works fine this time! :)
Except maybe some lines and curves of the Sphere ?


EDITED: 2 May 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  BurrMan
6659.25 In reply to 6659.24 
"""""""""Except maybe some lines and curves of the Sphere ?"""""""""

The curves/lines need more points. Are those "2 point entities?"
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 From:  BurrMan
6659.26 In reply to 6659.18 
"""""BurrMan, all you need with that script is enter - RMD and it will produce randomely distorted curve, or RMD*10, RMD*20 etc..."""

Perfect. Thanks Andrei.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6659.27 In reply to 6659.18 
Hi Andrei,

> It will be great to have rebuild integrated into Distort Cuves script to see imediatly
> result ant to be able to corect it on the fly.
> Max have no time to modify this script so may be you will help to finish it?

An updated version with rebuild built in is attached.

@Max - changes were: added a "Rebuild" checkbox and an input for number of points to use.

Added a RebuildCurve function and split init() into 2 functions init() and initpoints() so that when a rebuild option changes initpoints() can be called to extract points again.

Thanks for making this script Max!

- Michael

EDIT: updated script to copy properties on to distorted version so style and object names will persist.


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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6659.28 In reply to 6659.27 
Thanx Michael, works great, but one thing is have to be fixed for example if curve have 50 units long it works good but if curve for example have 2000 units long it does not work, nothing distorting... I have to enter value by hands.


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 From:  Andrei Samardac
And little tutorial, how I use this script to make curtain, in project I am workin on.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6659.30 In reply to 6659.28 
Hi Andrei,

> Thanx Michael, works great, but one thing is have to be fixed for example if curve have 50 units
> long it works good but if curve for example have 2000 units long it does not work, nothing
> distorting... I have to enter value by hands.

That doesn't have anything to do with the rebuild part, it's just how the script is currently set up, it uses a sort of base displacement of 0.2 units.

If you'd like something that's relative to the overall size of the curve rather than a more fixed size displacement, try changing the randomizePoints() function inside _DistortCurves.htm to this:

			function randomizePoints()
				for ( var i=0; i<curves.length; i++ )
					var size = scurves.item(i).getBoundingBox().diagonalLength / 20.0;
					for ( var p=0; p<curves[i].length; p++)
						curves[i][p].dx = size*(Math.random()-0.5)/5;
						curves[i][p].dy = size*(Math.random()-0.5)/5;
						curves[i][p].dz = size*(Math.random()-0.5)/5;

This version puts in a scale factor that's related to the bounding box size of the object so the displacement on your 2000 unit long curve should work a bit more naturally this way.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6659.31 In reply to 6659.30 
Michael, Thank you I'll try :)

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
And sweet candy!!!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6659.33 In reply to 6659.32 
> And sweet candy!!!

Ha, good one! Finally a case where some wrinkling in loft was useful... :)

Loose loft looked too smooth for this case.

- Michael
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