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 From:  Michael Gibson
6620.10 In reply to 6620.9 
Hi MarkkuM, well it definitely appears that your extrude is not working there... It's fairly weird that so much other stuff is doing ok though.

Tomorrow I will give it a try on Linux myself over here and see if I can repeat that or not.

- Michael
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 From:  MarkkuM
6620.11 In reply to 6620.10 
Pretty complicated stuff (like Booleans) work, which makes this even more curious. Also, earlier this also worked. Of course, the bug might be in Wine, if so, it needs to be reported; however, that needs some background, which I'm not competent to give. You, on the other hand, are more than competent... :D

But, very much thank you for your effort! There are not many devs who support Linux at all.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6620.12 In reply to 6620.11 
Hi MarkkuM, after a few false starts with driver problems, I was able to get a current Linux setup over here. But on my system everything is working fine, I can't reproduce the extrude and revolve problems that you are seeing.

Could you tell me some specs on what you are running?

I tested here with:

LinuxMint 16 (32 bit)
Video driver: Nouveau version 1:1.0.9-2ubuntu1
Wine: wine-1.4.1
MoI: v3 beta Mar-24-2014

I tested for about 15 minutes or so constructing various things and I did not run across anything that did not work...

What version of Wine are you using?

If you're on a 64-bit OS you might try setting your Wine prefix to be 32-bit that may help to avoid some bug in 64-bit Wine which might be what you're running by default and is still rather buggy-ish apparently.

See here for how to set up your wine to be 32-bit:

Basically the steps for that are to either copy elsewhere or delete your current ~/.wine directory (so that a new one will be created - note all your current installed stuff is inside of there though), and then do:
WINEARCH=32 winecfg

That should then generate a new ~/.wine directory which is set up as a 32-bit wine only, it may avoid some problems.

- Michael
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 From:  MarkkuM
6620.13 In reply to 6620.12 
Hi Michael,

this Linux box is specifically left to run at 32-bit, because I run a lot of Wine (i.e. Windows) stuff in this PC. But I have also 64-bit boxes, I just didn't want to install to several machines, because I have bought only one license from you. :D

Intel i5-750, 4GB memory
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (32 bit)
NVIDIA Driver Version: 304.116
Wine 1.7.16
Moi 3.0 beta Mar-24-2014

Photoshop, Carrara, SketchUp and Vue work in this machine, so Wine setup is working. Also huge set of VST synthesizers work (with complex UIs).

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6620.14 In reply to 6620.13 
Hi Markku, Wine 1.7.16 seems to be the current "development" version of Wine, which has stuff in it that's possibly unfinished or in progress... My best guess is that maybe you're running into some bug in Wine from running the non stable version.

According to WineHQ, the current stable release is 1.6.2, possibly that would work better for you. Over here I'm not seeing problems using Wine 1.4.1 which is just what the package manager sent down when I told it to install Wine.

Probably your best bet would be to set up a separate wine version for 1.4.1, it's possible to do that but it looks like you have to build it yourself, not get it from a pre built package (since those want to go into one central location). See here for some instructions:

I would think that it's likely that if you set up a build of Wine 1.4.1 and make it go into its own separate prefix like ~/.wine-1.4.1 that might work.

> Also huge set of VST synthesizers work (with complex UIs).

Yeah but it seems that something probably having to do with inter-process communication is not working... Your other programs just don't happen to use the particular thing that MoI is having problems with. Hopefully it will get fixed during their process of tuning up the 1.7 branch.

- Michael
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 From:  MarkkuM
6620.15 In reply to 6620.14 
I'll make some experiments, but I know for sure I need some features which are new in 1.7 series, so I don't want to downgrade...

However, I think I can report this as regression bug. Probably this will benefit others who use Wine and Moi.

Is it OK license-wise, if I try this on my other Linux box? I think I can install Wine 1.6 there.

Thanks anyway, I appreciate your efforts!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6620.16 In reply to 6620.15 
Hi Markku

> I'll make some experiments, but I know for sure I need some features
> which are new in 1.7 series, so I don't want to downgrade...

Yeah I don't recommend that you downgrade everything since you already have stuff working.

The links that I posted above are not for downgrading your existing wine but rather for how to set up multiple versions of Wine side by side, so that you could have a separate wine version 1.4.1 set up and be able to run MoI inside of that one, while not interfering with your existing set up.

> Is it OK license-wise, if I try this on my other Linux box? I think I can install Wine 1.6 there.

Yup, you can install the same license on any number of machines that you own, just as long as it's only actively launched and running on one at a time.

- Michael
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 From:  ImperfectLink
Can I suggest from a development standpoint that you target a certain version of WINE at certain settings and list them. That way the user can manage WINE versions and include that one for MOI3d. Play On Linux allows not only multiple versions of WINE per application but also has a way to do all that automatically.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6620.18 In reply to 6620.17 
> Can I suggest from a development standpoint that you target a certain
> version of WINE at certain settings and list them.

So I guess right now that version would be Wine 1.4.1 since that's the latest one that I know for sure that works.

There are no settings that need to be adjusted, MoI v3 automatically sets up the specific settings that it needs itself (and only sets them for moi.exe specifically, it does not change any global settings for wine).

- Michael


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