hull section sweep error

 From:  simba
Hello again,

I've played with the attached hull section for a while but can't find the error causing that each rail (top) and the scaling rail creates an independent sweep.

How can I avoid that.

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 From:  bemfarmer
6607.2 In reply to 6607.1 
I see three sweeps, with three rails. One curved on top, one curved left, one curved right.

Sweeping with just the two side curved rails, not the top slightly curved rail, seems to generate one sweep, but top is not curved.

This is not an answer.
- Brian

Edit: now I see a gap at top of one cross section?
Both cross sections have a gap at the top.

The top curve does not intersect one end profile. It needs to be rotated.

Maybe the left halves of the profiles do not quite match the right halves?

Two rails are duplicated.


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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
Like Brian said, the profile curves weren't closed and your rail curves needed alignment.

You can see the status of a curve by selecting it and looking in the top right to make sure it's closed.

The best way to avoid this is to use snapping to make sure points are where you want them.

File attached with updated curves in a new Style layer:

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 From:  BurrMan
6607.4 In reply to 6607.1 
A couple of the others have pointed out some issues.

Here is a video of cleaning up the curves:

I also re-visited your last post and noticed that the profiles weren't planar and added that to the end as another operation. (In that end, second one, I forgot to make the bottom points planar with the align tool after I moved them. This can create a non-tangent area that would need to be address)

Must be cleaner in the generation of your curves.

Also, your working way out away from the origin? If your working on some very large space station or something that requires that, it may be best to create your parts at the origin then assemble them into place far away later...

EDITED: 6 Apr 2014 by BURRMAN

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