How can I avoid the small step of a sweep?
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 From:  BurrMan
6605.3 In reply to 6605.1 
Use network. Also, re-align the bottom curves to be centered properly so you don't get a little bunch at the tip.

Turn on points for the 2 bottom curves and window select the center 2 and drag them over to the top rails position.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6605.4 In reply to 6605.1 
Hi simba yeah like danperk writes above it seems to be a problem with the scaling rail getting confused about how to deal with the non-planar profile curve.

If you make the profile curve to be totally flat as in the attached example it should help.

Then if you want to have a slant on the end use draw in a slanted line on the side view and use boolean difference to cut off the end with the slanted line.

The alignment tuneups that Burr mentions above are also a good idea as well.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6605.5 In reply to 6605.1 
Hi simba, so I did a bit more investigation, and the specific issue is that your scaling rail doesn't quite extend far enough. One part of how the scaling rail works is that it interacts with a vertical direction from the side rails. But in your case here your scaling rail stops a ways before the end of the side rails and so it does not end up covering the entire range of the sweep.

When a scaling rail does not cover the entire length of a sweep, the sweep reverts to the regular non-scaling-rail version in spots where the scaling rail is not hit, that's what causes that sudden step problem.

So another way to solve the problem is to just extend your scaling rail a ways so that it covers the entire area directly above the rails, like in the attached version. The sweep will then work even using your non-planar profile curve.

It's a bit easier for things to naturally line up with each other if the profile is planar though.

- Michael

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 From:  simba
6605.6 In reply to 6605.5 
Thank you that helps a lot!
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