New Variable Fillet Radius
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6584.13 In reply to 6584.12 
Hi Stephen,

> The screen shot is not the best. the larger fillet you can see on the right
> does not extend around the back to the left side .

But isn't it a closed fillet surface that starts and ends with the large radius size?

> so far the new release seems faster on OSX. :)

Good! There was a problem with previous releases with files getting stored in ~/Library/Saved Application State/ for every program launch and once those accumulated to a large number it could kind of gunk up the OSX program launcher mechanism. This beta should not generate any more of those and will clear out old ones which should get rid of one category of slow startup problems.

- Michael
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 From:  stevecim
6584.14 In reply to 6584.13 
>Hi Stephen,

>> The screen shot is not the best. the larger fillet you can see on the right
>> does not extend around the back to the left side .

>But isn't it a closed fillet surface that starts and ends with the large radius size?

Yes but the small radius extends past the left hand point and nearly goes all the way around to the end. , I delete the file :( , I will try again when I get home tonight. :)

Cheers, Stephen
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6584.15 In reply to 6584.14 
Hi Stephen,

> Yes but the small radius extends past the left hand point and nearly
> goes all the way around to the end.

Well yeah, it gradually increases until the end, if it wasn't a gradual increase it would not end up with the same radius at the start and end point...

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

Just wondering if you were considering this

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6584.17 In reply to 6584.16 
Hi Danny,

> Just wondering if you were considering this

It's on my list to investigate... Pretty soon here I've got to wrap things up for V3 though.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6584.18 In reply to 6584.17 
Hi Michael,

You do what you have to do, it's your baby :) as I said I was just wondering.

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