difference between arc and freeform curve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6581.12 In reply to 6581.4 
Hi Burr,

> Can we get weight editing?

Yeah eventually I think that will get added in, I want to have some point properties that show up when you select just one point and I guess weight can be included there.

It's not really all that useful though.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6581.13 In reply to 6581.5 
Hi nos,

> yes, I vote for that to. Now, in cases where I need a real
> arce in a curve I have to use two tools to get a cure done.

That will still really be the case even if you could edit the weight, because it has to be set to a very specific particular value (like square root of 2) in order to generate an exact arc piece.

It's better to use one of the arc tools when you want to make an arc.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6581.14 In reply to 6581.9 
Hi nos,

> btw, would it be possible to have a shortcut for switching on/off
> the cornerpoint option while drawing a freeform curfe?

Yup, you can do that currently by holding down the Ctrl key when you click points, when you hold down Ctrl it's the same thing as if you had checked the corner point option.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6581.15 In reply to 6581.11 
Hi Brian,

> Just wondered if rebuild uses weights?

Nope, rebuild does not use weights itself.

Weights in NURBS curves are primarily useful for generating conic sections related stuff, not really for general purpose fitting operations. They way they work is kind of hard to deal with intuitively, they work by a projection of 4D coordinates into 3D by dividing the x,y,z coordinates by the weight value. But the math works out well doing this for generating conic sections though.

They can sometimes be used as a curve editing tool, when you manipulate the weight it will have an effect of pulling the curve more towards that point. That's not very often used though but it's the main reason why I would add it in later on at some point.

- Michael
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 From:  noskule
6581.16 In reply to 6581.13 
hi michael
but isn't the "very specific particular value" allways the same when the the distance between a curfe point and a previous and a following corner point is identical? The identical distance I can do simply with a constration line / reorient.



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 From:  Michael Gibson
6581.17 In reply to 6581.16 
Hi nos,

> but isn't the "very specific particular value" allways the same
> when the the distance between a curfe point and a previous
> and a following corner point is identical?

I guess maybe so, I don't quite remember the details off the top of my head. But you would need to type in some kind of formula for generating the weight value. That will probably be pretty weird, I don't think it will be very useful for what you are talking about.

For a segment like you show above you can use Draw curve > More > Conic for that - when each endpoint of the conic is snapped on to the end of a curve, the intersection point between those end tangents will be available as a snap point for the middle shoulder point pick, it will show as a tan/tan snap point. Then put in a rho value of 0.5 to make an ellipse conic, the ellipse will be a circle if the conditions are right for that.

- Michael
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