V3 beta Mar-24-2014 available now
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 From:  gunter511
6579.27 In reply to 6579.20 
Thanks so much Michael! I love moi!
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 From:  Denis (SPACELAND)
Thank you for the update Mike.

I have been searching but it seem I cannot find it, Mike how do you have the yellow circle to highlight your mouse cursor location?

Like in your youtube video.


| Coreldraw X6 | Moi v2 | Cinema 4D R15 Prime | Daz Carrara Pro 8.5 |

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6579.29 In reply to 6579.28 
Hi Denis,

> I have been searching but it seem I cannot find it, Mike how do you have the
> yellow circle to highlight your mouse cursor location?
> Like in your youtube video.

That's something that's handled by the recording software, not by MoI itself. It's just a general feature of many different screen recording tools that they have some way to highlight the mouse like that. I use Camtasia myself for doing the screen recording, it's available here: http://www.techsmith.com/camtasia.html

- Michael
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 From:  Denis (SPACELAND)
6579.30 In reply to 6579.29 
Thank you Michael.


| Coreldraw X6 | Moi v2 | Cinema 4D R15 Prime | Daz Carrara Pro 8.5 |

| Intel i7-930 | GeForce GTX-660 |
| Intel i7-4700MU | Geforce GTX-765M |

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6579.31 In reply to 6579.28 
Hi Denis,

If you want basic screen recording there is a free option which is pretty good and gives you the same yellow cursor highlight.

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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Hey guys,

I've been away from MoI for a while, doing a lot of sub-d modeling in Blender. But I recently returned to MoI for a 3D print modeling job, and realized once again how amazingly user-friendly MoI's workflow is. And now there's a new beta as well, yee-haaww! The variable fillets look great, thanks Michael!

All the best,



sevensheaven.nl — 3D (print) modeling • animation • characters • icons • illustration • infographics • logos • visualization

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6579.33 In reply to 6579.32 
Thanks Metin!

- Michael
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 From:  pokoy (MARCIN)
Seems I'm a bit late but just wanted to say how great the latest beta is! Congratulations!
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