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 From:  Matt Gorner (MATT)
656.36 In reply to 656.34 
Wow, next build will have a LWO exporter?

Michael that is great news!!!

We use SolidWorks at work, and used to translate to LightWave using STL. Problem was, being STL it triangulates everything, even if a quads or n-gons would be fine. The fact that MOI imports IGES files beautifully and can mesh to quads / triangles or n-gons meant mesh sizes (and poly flow) were great improved.

In previous versions of MOI I too have the polygon normal flipping issues, even joining surfaces in MOI didn't solve it.

The first attached image shows the problem I had.

The latest build seems to be much better, as you can see from the second attachment

But I must thank you for an excellent piece of software, it has transformed how we import from SolidWorks to LightWave.

Out of interest, what are the chances of being able to mesh to ALL quads? Or is that not possible in order to acheive a good mesh?

Best regards
Matt Gorner

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 From:  Michael Gibson
656.37 In reply to 656.36 
Hi Matt,

> Wow, next build will have a LWO exporter?

Yup, I had not originally planned on doing this for v1, but it seems to be the only way to get n-gon polygon data into LightWave or Modo fairly reliably.

I'm glad MoI is useful to you for transferring from SolidWorks to LightWave!

> Out of interest, what are the chances of being able to mesh to ALL quads? Or
> is that not possible in order to acheive a good mesh?

It's theoretically possible, but it would require a substantially different approach to the meshing process.

The underlying NURBS surfaces are inherently quad based, so meshing just a plain surface generates quads nicely. The problem is with trimmed-away areas. Trim curves on surfaces generally go in any direction, they don't necessarily follow the same quad flow-lines of the surface.

So it's quite difficult to generate all quads with trimmed surface data, it just doesn't come very naturally, it would require a lot of complex code to try and squeeze little quads around trimming boundaries. I won't be able to dig into something that complex anytime too soon...

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
Yes, exporting an all-quad mesh would be the holy-grail of polygon exports - something I wouldn't dare try to ask for - LOL (Just thinking of Indiana Jones with all the mess he went though over the Holy Grail! I don't need skeletons flying around the room whenever I'm performing a MOI export into Lightwave! :-p )

It's nice to see so many LW'ers around here!

I'd like to say again thanks Michael for the time you're putting in to help us out. MOI is really nice with what it does and I really want to use it within my workflow - this will help a lot.


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 From:  Matt Gorner (MATT)
656.39 In reply to 656.37 
No problem Michael! Even with all quads, MOI still produces the best meshes out of any converter I've seen.

I just tested an import of a more complex object, I'm still getting polys flipped, despite joining surfaces, see attached.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
656.40 In reply to 656.39 
> I just tested an import of a more complex object, I'm still getting polys
> flipped, despite joining surfaces, see attached.

Hi Matt, was this when using an OBJ import into LightWave?

Their OBJ importer seems to be pretty buggy when trying to deal with complex N-Gons. You might try submitting that OBJ file to them so they can fix it up.

But that's why I'm doing the LWO format, because it doesn't seem to be as buggy as their OBJ importer.

In just a couple of days you'll be able to try and and see if it works better for getting N-Gons into LightWave.

- Michael
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 From:  jacobo3d
656.41 In reply to 656.34 
Hi Michael,

>You're welcome, yes I will include the LWO exporter in the next beta, it's going to probably delay the beta by a couple of days >though. Probably the bugs that you reported earlier (the filleted box and that other fillet one) will have to wait until the next one >after, but I figured that you would rather have LWO as a higher priority anyway.

Those are REALLY great news Michael. And for sure LWO is a higher priority for me, so I really appreciate
you're including that option in the next Moi beta. Seriously, thank you very much.

I agree with that; it's a shame that other 3D apps OBJ importers are not as good as they should. I can't understand how
today there's no full support for a so extended format. I think that formats like OBJ (for polygonal geometry), or MDD
(for vertex animation information), etc... should be full supported by any 3D application. But anyway... it's just a
thought... :O)

Again, I can't stop saying thank you for the LWO exporter, and for the great feedback you have with the users.
I hope all the issues we suggested over here help you in some way to make Moi a better application, instead of
driving you crazy :O)).

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 From:  Matt Gorner (MATT)
656.42 In reply to 656.40 
Yes it was an OBJ set to n-gons out of MOI. It also comes in that way if I set MOI to mesh with triangles only, so it's not just n-gons or quads that it freaks out on.

What's odd, is that it works fine for some objects and not others. I think it must get confused with objects that have 'insides' (if that makes sense!)

Look forward to testing the LWO exporter. I have a rendering job to do at the moment with CAD files coming from CATIA, would be great to have it for that!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
656.43 In reply to 656.42 
Ok, can you guys test the attached .lwo file to see if it will go into Modo and/or LightWave ok? This one was produced by the new LWO export.

There are still various problems you will probably run into, there are some limitations in LWO / LightWave / Modo that cause problems with certain types of shapes, it's the same problem Gent was showing here: - LWO does not have any way to specify the vertex normal smoothing information, instead it tries to average surrounding faces to create a shading normal, this will cause problems with some types of shapes.

If you run into these shading problems, you may want to turn "Weld vertices along edges" to OFF when exporting, that will create crisper style edges and avoid shading "leaks" between different surfaces.

When researching this, I saw this post: which says that the next version of Modo will support vertex normals, so things might get better then.

- Michael

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 From:  jacobo3d
656.44 In reply to 656.43 
It's imported perfectly in LW and modo:

The smoothing seems to be OK in both of them... did you have to turn "Weld vertices along edges" OFF for
this example?
By the way... do you think you'll be able to include for this beta the option to use "Divide larger than" only for n-gons?

Great job!! Thanks for that!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
656.45 In reply to 656.44 
Great! Thanks for testing that! I've got the demo version of Modo over here but not LightWave right now.

I forgot to mention that this version also was done with an angle of 8, which didn't seem to work well in your OBJ test above.

> did you have to turn "Weld vertices along edges" OFF for this example?

No, not in this case, this one had welding on so there is only a single point shared between each polygon. If there are mostly fairly sharp corners between pieces it will tend to be ok.

When there are smooth pieces next to longer flat pieces, that's when you'll tend to get more shading problems. The way LightWave/Modo's shading currently works, a small somewhat angled polygon can have a pretty big effect on the shading of a longer flatter polygon next to it.

I'm pretty sure you'll run into some problems with that. Your main tools to try and reduce it will be either no welding, or try to divide things into somewhat more equally sized and angled pieces. Also if you have a longer polygon with a shading error kind of stretching out along it, you might also try manually dividing the n-gon into 2 polygons with one piece being short towards the end where the shading problem is coming from. That will tend to contain the shading problem more in the new smaller piece.

Also sometimes the real-time display will exaggerate the errors even more. When you see them try doing a full rendering, it may not be really quite as bad as it looks at first.

> do you think you'll be able to include for this beta the option
> to use "Divide larger than" only for n-gons?

Only for planar surfaces you mean? Yup, I've finished this, the setting next to "Divide larger than" is now a drop-down instead of a checkbox, the choices are "Curved" (means apply the divide only to curved surfaces, not to planes), "Planes" (apply only to planes), or "All" (apply to everything).

Now I've just got to get back and finish up a couple of things that I put aside when I sidetracked to do the LWO stuff...

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
656.46 In reply to 656.45 
Thanks Michael, I'm glad you decided to bump the priority of this for us Lightwavers - obviously you realize that this means us "old folk" ("old" meaning the tech used within LW) will be able to use MOI almost as much as C4D and other users.

I went to the C4D site to see what a full package costs - I nearly dropped my mouse like a hott potato when I saw $2200+...
(Not that I was really surprised or that it's not fair but I did sorta have a price in mind I was willing to uh, "swallow"...)

I just spent $1100 earlier this year upgrading my XSI to Ess - I think I will however download and eval C4D just to see what all the talk is about...

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 From:  Josugh
656.47 In reply to 656.45 
Hi Michael Gibson!!

I am the friend of Jacobo, I am testing a lot of CAD Files in MOI and is VERY GOOD!!!
I work also with Lightwave and I am so glad if you can make the LWO Exporter. Actually in my tests I export the files in Quad and Tri...
cause with n-gons it make a lot of mistakes lightawave in the moment that import the obj file.

I found some new Visualization Bugs that if I have time I report to you or to Jacobo.
I sent to Jacobo some Plastic - Cad Files for your testing :)

Thank you very much for this work.
I am a user of Rhino too and this new program seems to be REAL GOOD FOR ME :)

As I have time I make more tests and report to you and Jacobo..

Best Regards
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 From:  Josugh
656.48 In reply to 656.47 
Hi Michael!

About Visualization Bugs.
In some Pipes.... Moi make Strange Visualization. But when I go to export them, it looks good!!

You can see it in this two Images. Before Export and After.

This is another object from Solid Edge --- > Exported to IGES --- > And I use it for Export to OBJ --> Import Lightwave.

I am working a lot these days with MOI and I suppouse that I will found more thins ;) jeje. But this program is the best that I test for
import and Export. ( my old favorite was Rhino )

Best Regards!

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 From:  Matt Gorner (MATT)
656.49 In reply to 656.43 
Michael, this is great, GREAT news!

Not that I want to push you, but when do you think this will released?

Oh and the issue with poly smoothing happens in LW when you create models too, so it's not an import thing (but you knew this!)

Once again, thanks for showing us LightWavers some coding love! It is very MUCH appreciated!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
656.50 In reply to 656.48 
Hi Josu, thank you very much for sending the problem file! That will help me a lot when I try and debug the problem.

I will work on it just after this next beta is finished - I want to try and wrap up this current one so you guys can use the new LWO export. I think that should help enable you to get n-gons over more often instead of only quads and triangles.

> In some Pipes.... Moi make Strange Visualization. But when
> I go to export them, it looks good!!

MoI generally does a more careful job in the export (which is also much slower to calculate though), so sometimes you will find stuff like this where the display mesh has problems but the export mesh is ok. The display mesh sort of takes shortcuts in some areas to make it fast. I would still like to fix these problems, but I've put less priority on them than export mesh bugs.

Can you possibly send one of those problem tubes to me at Just one tube shape would be enough - I will keep your file private and not send it to anyone else. It always helps very much to have an example file so I can reproduce the problem over here.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
656.51 In reply to 656.49 
Hi Matt,

> Not that I want to push you, but when do you think this will released?

I'm hoping for tomorrow, if everything goes ok today....

- Michael
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 From:  jacobo3d
656.52 In reply to 656.45 
Hi Michael,

> When there are smooth pieces next to longer flat pieces, that's when you'll tend to get more shading problems. The way
> LightWave/Modo's shading currently works, a small somewhat angled polygon can have a pretty big effect on the shading
> of a longer flatter polygon next to it.

As somebody said (Matt I think), we still have that kind of problem when we create objects directly in LW/modo, so it's something
we can live with :)).

> Only for planar surfaces you mean? Yup, I've finished this, the setting next to "Divide larger than" is now a drop-down instead
> of a checkbox, the choices are "Curved" (means apply the divide only to curved surfaces, not to planes), "Planes" (apply only to planes),
> or "All" (apply to everything).

Yeah, that's what I meant :O)), and it's great you added that option! Thanks!

Well... I think you are going to make really happy (you already did) to a lot of people with this. I still don't remember where I've found
the first reference to Moi, but I know I was looking for some good way to export NURBS to meshes. Seriously... I think you did
something great here.
The way I see Moi, as a 3D rendering package user, is like a new great and very usable NURBS system almost 'into' my 3D application.


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 From:  Matt Gorner (MATT)
656.53 In reply to 656.52 
> Only for planar surfaces you mean? Yup, I've finished this, the setting next to "Divide larger than" is now a drop-down instead
> of a checkbox, the choices are "Curved" (means apply the divide only to curved surfaces, not to planes), "Planes" (apply only to planes),
> or "All" (apply to everything).

Fantastic!!! That is exactly what we need! Can't wait to test drive this new build!

Thanks Michael!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
656.54 In reply to 656.1 
Hi Jacobo - I have found the bug that caused the problem in your original message of this thread (Cubos10.igs) - this is now fixed for the next beta.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
656.55 In reply to 656.30 
Hi Jacobo, I have looked at the second bug you sent, the one where it looks strange after the fillet.

This one is a bug in the geometry library that I'm using, it will be too difficult for me to fix right now. For this one I will have to wait until I get an updated geometry library which I don't expect to do until after the initial 1.0 version.

Actually, if you save to a .3dm file and then re-load that .3dm file, you will then be able to perform the fillet without that problem. This is because when you do the initial IGES import, there is a special flag on the cylinder object that makes the geometry library do some special processing which is supposed to be faster and more accurate for cylinders. But this special processing is the thing that has the bug in it. After you save to .3dm and reload, those pieces no longer have that special cylinder flag on them, so they are processed just as general NURBS surfaces, which in this particular case actually works better.

- Michael
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