Scherk's second minimal surface script
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 From:  mkdm
6524.32 In reply to 6524.30 
Thanks a lot Brian!

Very handy formula!!

Mathematics, this almost unknown "savage beast"...for me! (sigh)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  bemfarmer
6524.33 In reply to 6524.31 
Thank's Tom and Marco.
The equations, as shown in Wikipedia,, are the same as in the Scherk2 script.

The equations are the comprehensible result of some mathematician managing to integrate the nearly
incomprehensible Weierstrass–Enneper parameterization.

For some other minimal surfaces, like Costa and Gyroid (I think), the integration must be done numerically, programmed with some
program like Mathematica. The programs create a triangle mesh, not NURBS.

- Brian

This Half version looks better, and uses zero. It can be Networked.

_FxGraph3D log((1+u*u+2*u*cos(v)) / (1+u*u-2*u*cos(v))); log((1+u*u-2*u*sin(v)) / (1+u*u+2*u*sin(v))); 2*atan((2*u*u*sin(2*v)) / (u*u*u*u - 1));0;0.8;0;3.141592653589793;24;48;1;;;UV

EDITED: 24 Jul 2017 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
6524.34 In reply to 6524.33 
"nearly incomprehensible Weierstrass–Enneper parameterization"

From my perspective, what you have posted already looks pretty sophitiscated ;-)

Downloaded the last version- Thank you very much !!
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