Enneper Surface Script
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
6521.15 In reply to 6521.13 
Thankyou James. Does the Nodeeitor work for V2 ?
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 From:  James (JFH)
6521.16 In reply to 6521.15 

>> Does the Nodeeitor work for V2 ?

I don't know, I'm using V3.
I can't see why it wouldn't.
Give it a go, it's great fun.

Good Luck
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
6521.17 In reply to 6521.16 
Looks like an amazing tool - will have a look and hope to find instructions
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
About the Node Enneper : Maybe you must limit number of Lobes to 12!
It's freezes and blocks Moi over 12 ! (in reasonable time)

EDITED: 2 Jun 2016 by PILOU

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
6521.19 In reply to 6521.18 
No nodes possible in V2. Thinking about transition to V3 but there are
still lots of secrets for me to unpack in V2 before getting to know all
the new treasures hidden in V3.
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)


The Enneper script generates curveswith very small dimensions around 1,5 mm.
Is there a way to change some numbers in the script to be able to generate curves with much larger dimension - I am currently curves with MaxRadiis around 170mm.

I achieve this by scaling, of cours, bur would be very helpful toe get the desired size directtly.


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 From:  bemfarmer
6521.21 In reply to 6521.20 
Since MoI does Scale, I usually do not put in a scale.

Here is a version with a built in scale multiplier.

- Brian

The enneper curves, depending upon settings, have about 2 orders of magnitude already. (???)

Attachment revised 9/28/2017, with Update error and Scaling error fixed.

See corrected script, post 25 below.

EDITED: 28 Sep 2017 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
6521.22 In reply to 6521.21 
Hey Brian thank you - thats awesome !

I may be doing something wrong as I am getting different curves
with the two scripts using the same values - see attached file.

White _
Originale Enneper script
lobes 5 Max Radius 1,15 - then scaled manually

New Enneper script
lobes 5 Max Radius 1,15 -scaled with slider

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 From:  bemfarmer
6521.23 In reply to 6521.22 
Hi Tom,
That is amazing!
So my thinking must be faulty, applying scale to points. I'll have to think on it some more...

- Brian

EDITED: 28 Sep 2017 by BEMFARMER

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Message 6521.24 deleted 28 Sep 2017 by BEMFARMER

 From:  bemfarmer
So the problem is a very simple error, failing to place parenthesis around the equations for x and y, so that the scale applies to the whole line.
(z was correct as there was no addition, so the curves changed shape.)
- Brian

Script updated again with scaling error corrected. Updating also is corrected.

EDITED: 28 Sep 2017 by BEMFARMER


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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
6521.26 In reply to 6521.25 
Thats it - works perfectly.

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)


I tried out the Ennepernode but ist does not run.

What I relalizeid ist that the node named "convert array" displays Points and Objects" whereas in the JPG posted by James the same node displays "In and Out."

An thought what I could do to get it running ?

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 From:  bemfarmer
6521.28 In reply to 6521.27 
Hi Tom,

The enneper array is working here, in both MoI3 and MoI4Beta.

Maybe install Jame's latest nodeeditor extensions?

I do not understand your sentence with convert array/Points and Objects/In and Out.

- Brian
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 From:  James (JFH)
6521.29 In reply to 6521.27 

I'm not sure what version of nod file you are using, but it may contain deprecated nodes.
This one (attached) however, originally dates from late 2017 and still works.
Latest NE folder can be found here:

Hope this helps

EDITED: 24 Jun 2019 by JFH


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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
6521.30 In reply to 6521.29 
Thanks for helping,
I downloaded the node-file and yes, this one works !
I wonder where I had downloaded the version attached which
is different from the one recently posted.
It offers scaling options which is a feature I would be specially
helpful - but it does not work.
Could you Node Gurus take a look at it ?!
Brian, I added a screenshot to visualize what I meant.

EDITED: 25 Jun 2019 by SIRTOM


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 From:  bemfarmer
6521.31 In reply to 6521.30 
Hi Tom,
My computer cannot open your JPG :(
Your enneper does not work on my computer either :(
It's bedtime, may look again tomorrow... :-)
- B
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Message 6521.32 deleted 25 Jun 2019 by JFH

 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
6521.33 In reply to 6521.32 
Thats terrific James, thank you ! I had a look at your gallery and
am amazed about your Nodeology-skills. Do you have any background
in programming / math ?
Is there a thread collecting all the nodes available. I will have a look
at the simpler ones to understand how the system works.
As nothing seems impossible I am speculating if it would be possible
to also change the radius values of an Enneper with sliders.

PS The attachment was a scrrenshot of the node which does not work because
as you said ""MathArray" was superseded by "MathsPts"

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 From:  James (JFH)
6521.34 In reply to 6521.33 

OK, I've added Umin and Umax sliders which should do what you want.

>> Do you have any background in programming / math ? <<
A programming background would be beneficial, but not necessary (I'm not a programmer).
As far as maths go, some high school level trigonometry is really all you need.

.>> Is there a thread collecting all the nodes available. <<
"Nodebundle for playing with nodes" thread charts the development of NE, but also my own skill acquisition. If you look at my early thread posts, the examples are very rudimentary and become more sophisticated painstakingly over time.

My best advice, if you want to learn NE, is to be persistent. Sometimes you find yourself at a dead-end, take a different tack, and just keep going.

Good luck

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