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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.67 In reply to 6507.66 
Hi Burr,

> I altered Max's plug to also grab my inline scripts from MoI's Scripts folder, and also did some
> experiments with generating some extra sub folders in there too. Max's plug will actually grab
> them from my "my documents" folder if I direct it to.

The only thing to be aware of with other directories is that if the name that is eventually set as the command="" attribute on the does not have a full path on it, like if it's just the plain command name itself, MoI will only find it if it's under the commands or scripts folders. So if you want to put a script somewhere else other than under scripts you can do that but the thing that eventually gets passed to moi.command.execCommand() should be have the full path and file extension on it and not just the plain name.

> So I guess I was just wondering if they run in the context they would normally be
> run as if MoI was running them with it's default behavior..

Yeah, if you haven't modified anything else in that, it looks like it extracts just the plain name and that goes into a command="" attribute on a menu item and so whatever's in there will get passed to moi.command.execCommand() - it will behave the same as if you put that same thing into a keyboard shortcut or typed-in command name. If it finds a matching file of that name inside the commands folder, it will run it as a command. It will also check in the scripts folder, if it finds it there it will load that file and run it as an inline script. If it was passed in a full path it loads it and runs it as inline script. If instead of a file name it starts with "script:" then that text is itself run as inline script instead of being taken as a file name to load, this is all the same as what you get for keyboard shortcuts.

Hope this helps...

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
Several scripts of my shortcut key options are missing from the Ext. Scripts.
They are Ctrl-C, Ctrl-S, Ctrl-O, Ctrl-N, Ctrl-G, and Ctrl-I.
I have not checked everything yet.

Any idea of why this would be?

- Brian

So the Ext. Scripts list was made by scanning "commands" folder, which explains why pipe and rotateobjects are not capitalized,
and why the oneliner scripts are not included.

Checked through all of my shortcuts. _FxGraph and _cMorph are not in the Ext. Scripts list.
ArrayCurve is missing.
ArrayGrid is missing.
IncrementalSave is missing.
PastePart is missing.
CopyClipboard is missing.
Intersect is missing.
Cut is missing.

Nudge is present. Does it do anything? (The six Nudge commands are not present, which is OK.)

New, Open, Paste, and Save are missing, but they do not have htm files.

EDITED: 13 Feb 2014 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  BurrMan
6507.69 In reply to 6507.68 
Hey Brian,
It looks like you're listing MoI's default commands...Not custom ones... There is the ext.scripts FULL that will include MoI's commands in the list. But if you don't want "all the commands listed", If you open the extscripts htm file in notepad, at the top a couple lines down there is an entry for "add command", where you can add just a few that you want. This is the separated list at the top...
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.70 In reply to 6507.69 
Thank you Burrman.

- Brian
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Amazing again!
must try it before French translation manual of this new Max opus!

EDITED: 13 Feb 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Can you put an image of the arborescence ?

Ok I have some results :)

No problem with the scripts :) but for save objects Snapshots!

For the moment I have all in the Moi Folder!

The + appears, i can enter a name, but objects selected don't go on the Folder Objects! (is this the Library Object ?

I see the 3 objects examples from this folder and can load them but not save new!
must I initialize some path even this is yet existing?

Idem for Snaphot : screen don't go on the Snapshot folder!

And I must install the Dinos Lighting Options for run your Light icon?

PS Same result with the CustomInitUAC !

EDITED: 17 Feb 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6507.74 In reply to 6507.73 
Hi Pilou,

I avoided storing things in the MoI application directory so I store Snapshots and Objects in My Documents, just make directories where you like and point to them as I did in the .htm files below...


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.75 In reply to 6507.74 
Not better! :(

Maybe because I am on Vista 32 bits ?

I have believed that the error was from "Moi" and not "MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013" that I have on my arborescence
Object Library;MoI\objects original should be

Object Library;MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013\objects
Object Library;C:\Program Files\MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013\objects

Ok I erase all and reload all and now that works fine! :)

It was that I suspected: Object Library;C:\Program Files\MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013\objects
Object Library;MoI\objects !!!

EDITED: 17 Feb 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Have you the same bug ? And it's a repetive bug!

After use the Max Smirnov SnapShot the "Area, Zoom, Pan, Reset" are not more visible on some views inside MOI!

I have like Danny (thx) the Folder Snapshot out of the Moi Folder so modify only the line !
var Path = moi.command.getOption('ExePath', false) + "\\snapshots\\";
var Path = "C:\\Users\\Pilou\\Desktop\\maxsmirnov\\snapshots\\";

EDITED: 17 Feb 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
And about The Lighting Options by Dinos? Where is it ? adress post ?

What is the installation with Max plugin?

Does it conflict whith the native Lightings options of the Options menu of Moi ?
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.78 In reply to 6507.75 
Hi Pilou,

>> It was that I suspected: Object Library;C:\Program Files\MoI 3.0 beta Nov-19-2013\objects against Object Library;MoI\objects !!!

Object Library;MoI\objects? Of course it doesn't work :)
You should use a full path or MOI (all capitals) abbrevation.

>>After use the Max Smirnov SnapShot the "Area, Zoom, Pan, Reset" are not more visible on some views inside MOI!
Tried to reproduce this issue. Yes, "Area, Zoom, Pan, Reset" dissapears after language switching (my script switches language to disable viewport labels).
But seems it's a MoI bug. If you want to reproduce it follow the steps below:
1. Copy EnglishStrings.txt to TestStrings.txt
2. In the Options menu: Switch language to English, Switch to Test, then back to English.
3. It disappears.

>>And about The Lighting Options by Dinos? Where is it ? adress post ?

>>What is the installation with Max plugin?
Just download Dinos's LightingOptions.htm, and put it to ui/ folder (overwrite the original one)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.79 In reply to 6507.78 
Thx for the infos!

I will try that!

But another little question :)

Say I have several libraries of Objects
I must change the text of the "ObjLibrary.cfg.htm" or i can put several lines inside it or...there is another trick ?
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.80 In reply to 6507.79 
put several lines inside ObjLibrary.cfg.htm
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.81 In reply to 6507.80 
Cool & fabulous for the libraries!!

About the Dinos lighting plugin

I have a PC must i paste also this file ? .DS_Store
French or English i have this result so a path must bad somewhere!

EDITED: 17 Feb 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.82 In reply to 6507.81 
>>I have a PC must i paste also this file ? .DS_Store
Copy the .htm file and go to Options -> View -> Lighting Options
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.83 In reply to 6507.82 
<<< and go to Options -> View -> Lighting Options

Ah Perfect!

The trick was go one time inside the options Menu!

Now I can try to translate all that! :) (text button icons of your plugin if possible etc... :)

EDITED: 17 Feb 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)

After some good sessions and numerous MOI lauching Moi I have that !

I had translated the list of the LightingOptions of Dinoscript but without success (same message ! )

I have all kill and reload the Lighting Script by Dinos
and your script! No Change!

So seems it's from the Options menu / Vews / Lighting Option there is something?

Edit ! Damned that was the same than before :
I must enter a new Tempo Lighting Preset, then kill it for Get back the list! :)

A very vicious bug! :D

So I believe now that I can re translate the all :)

Edit ! not so easy! works one time then comes back! seems accents make trouble!

EDITED: 18 Feb 2014 by PILOU

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.85 In reply to 6507.84 
Hi Pilou,

You need to delete LightingOptions line from moi.ini
But first send this line to me.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.86 In reply to 6507.85 
Sending by PM :)
Seems it's a very big line! :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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