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 From:  doludeli (DOLU)
6507.504 In reply to 6507.1 
Can someone share this file with me? "" please!
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 From:  doludeli (DOLU)
6507.505 In reply to 6507.75 
why didn't this link "" I need this file. Please help me!
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.506 In reply to 6507.504 
Will delete attachment, if Max so requests.

- Brian
I do not have a mac, and do not know anything about this (old) version.

EDITED: 30 Apr 2022 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  marcusaurelius777 (VORONTSOV)
6507.507 In reply to 6507.506 
Need a customui 2.0 link for windows please
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.508 In reply to 6507.507 
Hi Vorontsov,

> Need a customui 2.0 link for windows please

Go to , then Resources , then on the Resources wiki page there's a link for "Max Smirnov's MoI scripts".

That will get you to the mirror archive.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
You have another one here + more few scripts ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  710avfx
6507.510 In reply to 6507.268 
Where is the download link???

Please, can you repost the download link, specifically for the ObjectsLibrary extension

I have no idea why it seems impossible to find and I normally can find dead pixels from across the street!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.511 In reply to 6507.510 
Hi 710avfx, go to , then the "Resources" link, then "Max Smirnov's MoI scripts" and it's on the top there.

- Michael
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 From:  Colin
Hi Michael,

I'm still using V3 & at some point I installed Max's Custom UI.
I've no use for the 4 x Sub-D icons along the bottom Menu pane & so want to remove them.
Looked within Max's instructions for tuning them off...but it would appear it's part of your main MoI coding.
Would you be able to please advise on "how & what" needs to be changed/removed.

regards Colin
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.513 In reply to 6507.512 
Hi Colin, when CustomUI for v3 is installed it has a folder at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui\customui

Inside that folder there are several .htm files, each one of these files will get loaded by CustomInit.js and will generate one or more buttons on the bottom toolbar.

So if you don't want a particular set of buttons, remove the .htm file from that location and then that set of buttons shouldn't get generated.

If you can't find the one to remove there, please post your CommandBar.htm from the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui so I can see if those particular buttons have been added directly to the UI instead of set up as a loaded CustomUI module.

- Michael


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 From:  WN
6507.514 In reply to 6507.512 
Hi Colin.
I don't remember how in version 3.
In version 4 there is a "startup" directory in which there are the files we need.
Create a folder with an arbitrary name and move unnecessary files to it.

image host image host image host

I looked at the description, everything is simpler there. Find the files whose name starts with a two-digit number, these files control the buttons we need. For example, I don't want to use "Nodeeditor", which means I don't need this button, then we look in the directory for a file named "97 Nodeeditor.js" and change its name to "-97 Nodeeditor.js" which will disable the button. Here is another example, I often use "Nodeeditor" and I need the button in the addon that launches "Nodeeditor" to be the first from the left, then rename the file to this form "01 Nodeeditor.js", which will move the button to the leftmost position.

EDITED: 22 Mar 2023 by WN

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 From:  Colin
6507.515 In reply to 6507.513 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for that & yes, that Custom UI folder was the first place I looked & there's NO Sub-D listed within there.
The actual Sub-D icons are part of the MoI V3 installation as I found them within the Icons folder...

I've attached two screen captures of my MoI V3, first is as a "floating window", second as maximised... both cases I have to scroll across to reach stuff I use because of the Sub-D's which I don't use.

If I can get rid of the Sub-D "placement" then I'm hopeful of getting back to NOT having to scroll.

regards Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.516 In reply to 6507.515 
Hi Colin, can you please post the CommandBar.htm file that you have at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MoI 3.0\ui\CommandBar.htm

That probably has the buttons embedded there.

- Michael
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 From:  Colin
6507.517 In reply to 6507.514 
Hi WN,

Thanks for taking the time to look & respond.

When I was saving the various add-on Scripts & Custom stuff, I made a conscious decision to save notes on their install.
So I had the relevant info of Max's Custom UI to reference to but there's nothing related to the block of four Sub-D icons.
Nor is there anything named or inferred as "Sub-D" within the Custom UI folder where stuff can be "turned ON or OFF" using "-"
All of which makes me assume it must be part of the original V3 Command Bar install..?

regards Colin

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 From:  WN
6507.518 In reply to 6507.517 
Hi Colin.

If I remember correctly, this plugin is installed separately, then you need to delete its files.
I also have the file " 88 SubdivTools.js" but renaming it doesn't work, only deleting or moving it.
I don't see it in your screenshot.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.519 In reply to 6507.517 
Hi Colin,

> All of which makes me assume it must be part of the original V3 Command Bar install..?

No, those sub-d buttons are not part of the regular V3 UI.

But they may pre-date CustomUI and may have had instructions to insert them by modifying CommandBar.htm .

If you can post your CommandBar.htm I will see if that's where they are.

- Michael
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 From:  Colin
6507.520 In reply to 6507.519 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for clarifying that.
Here's that CommandBar.htm you're wanting.

HTH, Colin

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.521 In reply to 6507.520 
Hi Colin, yeah they were added in to there.

I've edited them out so if you replace your current CommandBar.htm with this attached version that should get rid of them.

- Michael

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 From:  Colin
6507.522 In reply to 6507.521 
Hi Michael,

Thanks greatly for that, it's much appreciated.
Just tested & works a treat.

regards Colin

EDITED: 23 Mar 2023 by COLIN

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