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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
6507.478 In reply to 6507.477 
Hi Michael,

> That will result in the icon being blank but I think you'll have a blank area taking up the same size as the icon would have.

I think there is no blank unused areas.

If you notice I had removed select buttons hide/unhide button from the Browser Pan area. and I think they are just disappeared without leaving a blank space in their place. I am not sure.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.479 In reply to 6507.478 
Hi Psygorn, sorry maybe I didn't understand what you were asking about. The "icon" of a MoI command button means the part of the button that displays an image in it. When you said you wanted to get rid of those "icons" I thought that meant you wanted to have some buttons where the image part of the button was removed leaving only the text part still in place.

But it seems that when you said you wanted to remove some "icons" you meant you wanted to remove some buttons entirely is that correct?

Anyway seems that you've got it figured out.

- Michael
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 From:  jabber (JABBERMACY)
just one request: DARK UI
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.481 In reply to 6507.480 
Hi jabber,

> just one request: DARK UI

It's still a work in progress but here's a sneak peek:

- Michael
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Message 6507.482 deleted 30 Sep 2021 by MARKY

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Before that if you have a Windows System you can make that ;)
Key Logo windows + "+" toggle on an Inverse color Interface
Key Logo windows + "Escape" toggle on Normal color Interface :)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Zooen
6507.484 In reply to 6507.481 
Hi Michael,

Sorry to ask you despite a subject widely documented on the forum. But I'm not sure I'm doing the right customization of my toolbox on my own.
I wish I had Curve / Solid combined into one tab, because currently with my custom palette, when I click on the "solid" tab to open it, the "Construct" tab or the "Transform" tab closes. I think that would fix the problem which I think is a vertical space issue. I attach my files:
In Moi 4.0:

In Moi > startup:

In case there is an interaction between them. the rest of the palette suits me as it is.

- Zooen

EDITED: 27 Oct 2023 by ZOOEN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.485 In reply to 6507.484 
Hi Zooen, that's the intentionally designed behavior that if you open a tab which would cause the side pane to become longer than the available vertical space that it will collapse tabs at the bottom up until there is enough space to fit it without a scroll bar.

The script SeparateSidePanePalettesNotViewSelect.js is making that situation worse by ungrouping all tabs.

What happens if you just remove SeparateSidePanePalettesNotViewSelect.js and let the UI work as it is supposed to?

- Michael
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 From:  Zooen
6507.486 In reply to 6507.485 
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your quick response (on weekends!). I remove SeparateSidePanePalettesNotViewSelect.js, Solid and Curve are combined as I wanted. But I would really like to have Construct and Transform on two separate (therefore open) tabs because they are the two tabs we use the most. As you can see the selector is on the left. I think, but I could be wrong, that with this position it should work.
Can I make a modification to test the desired layout?

- Zooen

EDITED: 11 Dec 2021 by ZOOEN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.487 In reply to 6507.486 
Hi Zooen, try putting this attached script into the appdata startup folder. It's a modified version of the other script. This one will only ungroup the Construct / Transform palette and not others.

- MIchael

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 From:  Zooen
6507.488 In reply to 6507.487 
Thanks Michael,
This is exactly what I wanted, with even better working comfort!
I was even able to slightly increase the UI size!

- Zooen

EDITED: 12 Dec 2021 by ZOOEN

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Message 6507.489 deleted 27 Dec 2021 by CORNEL

 From:  aum (AUMSTUDIOS)
6507.490 In reply to 6507.1 
Is the link to the file gone? Where is it?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.491 In reply to 6507.490 
Hi aum,

> Is the link to the file gone? Where is it?

Yes it looks like Max has removed the file attachment with his CustomUI mod in it, I don't know why.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.492 In reply to 6507.491 
I was able to get Max's website about a week ago. Now it is "gone", from my location anyway.
I do not know who or how it was caused to go away.

There were some news announcements in the media recently, about unnamed web providers shutting things down...
- Brian


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
There is not a world war in this time and some internet sites closed and forbidden!
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
The Wayback machine has it archived.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.495 In reply to 6507.494 
Max smirnov's archives !

but then files "zipped" are not accessible!!!
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 From:  Limi (LIMINAL4D)
Anyone know of a way to reach out to Max? I'd like to ask if I can repost his plugin. I made a tutorial awhile back and a few moi users are asking about it on youtube. Would reposting a link to download be bad form?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.497 In reply to 6507.496 
Hi Limi,

> Would reposting a link to download be bad form?

I'm really not sure... On one hand removing all of the scripts he had as file attachments here in the forum seems to indicate that he doesn't want to have them distributed anymore but on the other hand they were posted for public access with the seeming intent to have them as open source although there was no specific license attached...

Hopefully someone will be able to get in touch with him to find out what his wishes are. Nobody has had any luck reaching him so far though.

I kind of feel like I shouldn't repost any links myself but if others do I won't remove them unless I receive communication from Max asking for that.

- Michael
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