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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.385 In reply to 6507.384 
Hi Death, since you have already customized the side pane you shouldn't use MiniSidepane.js - the way it works is it shuffles around some of the HTML content using script and it makes assumptions that the side pane contents are in their regular default setup.

It's meant to be used to rearrange the default side pane palettes, it doesn't really make sense to use it if you have customized and reordered it yourself already.

- Michael
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 From:  Death
6507.386 In reply to 6507.385 
The thing is that they are missing...

I didn't change anything with the sidebar except adding the script in the startup folder.

Even if I use the unmodified MOI, they are still missing, so it isn't the customization that made them disappear...

Unless it' a Beta 4 issue?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.387 In reply to 6507.386 
Hi Death, what you are showing there is a customized side pane, you probably got it from the dark UI customization.

> I didn't change anything with the sidebar except adding the script in the startup folder.

You must have done so in order to get what you are showing.

If you didn't make a backup of the original UI before modifying it, you can get it by doing a reinstall.

- Michael
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 From:  Death
6507.388 In reply to 6507.387 
Yeah, but the ONLY script is MiniSidepane.js, your script (in the previous pic) with an clean install, the items are still missing...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.389 In reply to 6507.388 
Hi Death, I'm not sure how to describe it more clearly - the items are missing because you have installed a customized SidePane.htm . The particular version you installed had them removed I guess.

The default UI looks like this:

Note for example the default UI has Draw curve / Draw solid as separate tabs while yours is not like that and instead has Draw/Edit combined together into a single tab. That's due to the custom UI that you are using.

To get back to the default UI you would need to restore the original SidePane.htm and any other files you modified or reinstall.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.390 In reply to 6507.388 
Hi Death, or probably to correct what I wrote above, it's not that your customized SidePane.htm has it missing - it's that MiniSidePane.js is not compatible with your customized SidePane.htm and won't work right, like I wrote above here:

If you want to use MiniSidePane.js you would need to have the default SidePane.htm , not a modified one.

So either remove MiniSidePane.js or keep MiniSidePane.js and restore the default SidePane.htm .

If don't have the original SidePane.htm then do a reinstall to get the default UI back again.

- Michael
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 From:  Death
6507.391 In reply to 6507.389 
Let me try again, because maybe I have been too muddy about this:

On a default installation I wanted the panes to be combined and open, the script to do that is MiniSidepane.js (to be installed into the startup folder), because the default installation doesn't have that.

However, when I do that, the aforementioned items are still missing. I guess Max Smirnov overlooked them? What I need to know is what to do to have them back in there.

Is there a version that has them?

(This is more a question directed a Max).

Suggestion: It would be great, if you (Michael) could implement that (combining/splitting up) of the panes as an checkbox option in the next beta under the Options Menu. I love MoI and think this is the way to go for modeling, but the constant switching between tabs is kind of annoying, especially if one has the screen real-estate to fit the open panes.

Anyway, thanks again for your time, sorry to steal so much of it...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.392 In reply to 6507.391 
Hi Death, oops sorry my problem was that I wasn't quite remembering properly what MiniSidepane.js does, I was thinking that it moved things in a different way (to split apart Construct / Transform tabs into individual tabs).

Sorry I was confused about that - there is additionally a problem with MiniSidepane.js that it should not be applied onto already customized UI.

So yeah it's just designed intentionally to remove those particular tabs. I don't think there is a version that keeps them.

But to modify it how you want, remove the 2 lines that have:


That is the code that is removing the standard Edit / View / Select tabs.

If you then want to remove just the Edit tab on that row and leave View / Select put in this:


Hope I have that straightened out now, sorry for the confusion.

- Michael
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 From:  Death
6507.393 In reply to 6507.392 

And sorry for stealing your time, it is better spent on developing MoI than talking to dummies like me, I appreciate your time and thanks for the solution. I'll try it and let you know things fared...

Have a good night and keep up the good work!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.394 In reply to 6507.393 
No problem Jack, sorry I wasn't understanding it for a while there!

- Michael
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 From:  Death
6507.395 In reply to 6507.394 
You pointed me in the right direction, got it done the way I wanted now...

Here's what I tried to do and achieved thanks to your help.

Many thanks! (again)

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 From:  Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
Hi Death (weird thing to write)
You see all the icons now?
Can you share how and what you had to modify?

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 From:  co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
6507.397 In reply to 6507.396 
When you click on for instance the scale tool, can you show a screen grab of where the sub menu with this config pops up?
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 From:  Death
6507.398 In reply to 6507.396 
Hi Yuri,

I changed a bunch of things, don't all remember the details.

(I didn't include "Select All" and "Deselect All", since that's just CTRL-A and a "click in empty screen space")

Your screen resolution should be at least 1900x1200 to make it work well, font size (in MoI's OPTIONS) should be 9.5

Drop this file into your user's ApData/moi/startup directory and it should work automatically.
In my case that is:

C:\Users\Jack\AppData\Roaming\Moi\startup (just replace "Jack" with whatever your user name is)

If you don't have a "startup" (no quotes and all lower case) directory, just make one and drop it in there. Alternatively you can use the Moi program directory and drop it into there (again, into the startup directory, if it doesn't exist, just create one).

It should then look like you see in the picture attached.

This will even work with the default MoI installation (and should work with any custom UI's, the 2nd screenshot attached uses the grey custom UI).

If you want your normal MoI panes back, just delete the file from the startup directory and MoI works as if nothing ever happened...


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 From:  Death
6507.399 In reply to 6507.397 
Hi co3Darts,

where they usually do...
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 From:  co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
6507.400 In reply to 6507.399 
Thanks! Looks like a nice mini setup :)
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 From:  FENGYANG (A164389772)
6507.401 In reply to 6507.319 
How do you create folder branches in object libraries?
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.402 In reply to 6507.401 
Folders can be manually created, for example by file explorer under %appdata%/Objects (MoI4Beta), but the subfolders and their contents, do not seem to be accessible through the Object Library icon, so are of no use. (As far as I know.)
- Brian
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 From:  jinyicool (ZHANGJINYI)
6507.403 In reply to 6507.398 
Hello! My MAC user file directory is just Application Data, right? How to implement? Thank you very much!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.404 In reply to 6507.403 
Hi jinyicool, on the Mac your appdata folder is in your home directory, under Library/Application Support/Moi.

So the full path is /Users/[your user name]/Library/Application Support/Moi (or ~/Library/Application Support/Moi).

Note that since OSX Lion Apple decided to hide the Library folder by default from Finder. You can use the "Go to folder" menu option and enter it, or use Cmd+Shift+. to temporarily show hidden files, or use one of the methods mentioned here:

- MIchael
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