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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.342 In reply to 6507.340 
Hi Takeda, yes part of the installation of the CustomUI extension is that it overwrites one of MoI's files, it's a file named CommandBar.htm that is in the \ui sub-folder inside of MoI's main installation.

So the backup step means to save your original CommandBar.htm file somewhere else so if you have any problem you can restore the original back again without needing to do a full re-install.

- Michael
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Message 6507.343 deleted 28 Dec 2018 by THARSO

 From:  Tharso
Hi, Where can I find light options addon? I found one that didnt work with this plugin. Thx
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.345 In reply to 6507.344 
Hi Tharso,

> Hi, Where can I find light options addon? I found one that didnt work with this plugin. Thx

Which version of CustomUI are you using - the one for MoI v3 or the one for MoI v4?

- Michael
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 From:  glmr
Just tried to apply CustomUI to new beta, but it doesn't worl correctly - scripts, object and lighting options folders are empty. Anyone has CustomUI setup which works for last beta?
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.347 In reply to 6507.346 
Hi glmr,
The latest version of customUI works very well when installed properly in MoI4 beta.
Are you Mac or Windows?
- Brian
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 From:  glmr
6507.348 In reply to 6507.347 
I am on Windows. MoI 4.0 beta Oct-17-2018

UPD: I'm an idiot who doesn't read instructions. Now it works.

EDITED: 13 Jan 2019 by GLMR

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 From:  glmr
6507.349 In reply to 6507.348 
UPD2: can't find snapshot button even with correct installation
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.350 In reply to 6507.349 
My camera icon is also missing in MoI4beta. It is present in MoI3.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.351 In reply to 6507.349 
Hi glmr,

re: UPD2: can't find snapshot button even with correct installation

Is there a file Snapshot.js located in your MoI appdata\startup folder?

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.352 In reply to 6507.351 
My 82 Snapshot.js file was missing from MoiAppData\startup.
Downloaded max's v2 of customui from his website, to downloads folder, extracted, and copied
82 Snapshot to the MoiAppData\startup directory, and the camera (snapshot) is back.

A few other .js files are still missing, maybe messed up with MiniSidepane.js alterations???

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.353 In reply to 6507.352 
Hi Brian, I wouldn't think that MiniSidepane.js alterations would be able to make files go missing... Is it possible you had an older version of it? The latest one from Max's file archive here: (look for has it, maybe it was missing from previous versions.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.354 In reply to 6507.353 
Hi Michael, You are likely right. My initial install was for the first beta. It is nice to have link to current version. I keep links to such useful sites in Chrome bookmark bar. (I use snaggit13 quite a bit for window captures, rather than snapshot.)
- Brian
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 From:  Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
Hi All,
I would like to install customUI to MoI 4 latest beta and have it portable but what I read so far I would have to extract the custom UI to appdata of user instead of MoI directory.
Is there any way to customize a MoI4 and have it portable?

Super benefit would be if I won't have to go through same complicated process of customization over again if newer version of MoI is released.

Thanks a lot.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.356 In reply to 6507.355 
Hi Mr. Yuri, if you create a folder named "appdata" inside of the MoI portable folder as a sibling to "commands", "ui", etc... then MoI will use that folder as its appdata location instead of the regular spot. So you can use that to make a portable set up of anything that is designed to be in appdata.

> Super benefit would be if I won't have to go through same complicated process of customization
> over again if newer version of MoI is released.

I'd recommend setting up whatever you can inside the appdata folder and then you would just need to copy that folder over into the new version.

- Michael
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 From:  co3Darts (CO3DPRINTS)
6507.357 In reply to 6507.356 
What is the moi portable folder?

Just now trying to convert v3 to v4 Beta and now realize that customizations can be separated in the appdir folder instead of install folder but not sure if I need to make a folder in appdir and install ui, script, commands etc there instead?


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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.358 In reply to 6507.357 
Are people setting up portable MoI on a USB Flash Drive?
- Brian
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 From:  BurrMan
6507.359 In reply to 6507.357 
Max made an update to the custom UI that moved its i stall to the appdata folder, to stay vompatable with MoI's move to that folder... that is where all things are installed now, excepting MoI's root install dir stuff...

To get your "portable" MoI, you need to have all that appdata dir in your MoI root install location. Wotks just fine.


People do!!!! All my MoI installs have been setup this way. It's all on a usb stick. With me wherever i go!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.360 In reply to 6507.357 
Hi Brummett,

> What is the moi portable folder?

It's the folder where you have copied the MoI installation. It's for the case where you're using MoI as a "portable" program meaning that it is copied on to a USB drive and can be run directly from the USB drive on another computer.

> Just now trying to convert v3 to v4 Beta and now realize that customizations can be separated
> in the appdir folder instead of install folder but not sure if I need to make a folder in appdir and
> install ui, script, commands etc there instead?

MoI v4 will automatically create folders in appdata for commands and startup scripts. You can put your custom commands in there instead of inside the install folder, that way new installs will see them automatically and you won't have to copy those into a new install.

If you have made a scripts folder in your install you can also create a scripts sub-folder in the Moi appdata folder and put them there.

UI modifications would still need to be applied to the install, but if the UI modification is done by script code rather than static file changes, in v4 you can put the script file in the appdata startup folder so it will be run when MoI launches. Max's CustomUI extension for v4 has been redone to work this way for example.

- Michael
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 From:  Mr. Yuri (MR_JURAJ)
Michael, that is very clever to set it in this way.
I mean if program detects "appdata" folder in MoI root it will putt settings from it.
And seems very easy to transfer all customizations to later versions.

Good job.

I also have one question.
How can we edit the icons we see in icon bar at the bottom of the program?
I have there 2 icons "Scripts".
One has stuff from custom UI + ones I copied to commands folder under appdata and other has also stuff from commands folder but it looks same as in my MoIv3.
I think I saw the post somewhere but probably putting wrong keywords into search.

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