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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.333 In reply to 6507.332 
Hi LocusDio, you might try putting in a symlink inside of appdata that links to your other folder. See if this helps:

- Michael
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 From:  LocusDio
6507.334 In reply to 6507.333 
I can't thank you enough for that information, Michael. Works flawlessly!
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 From:  zan29 (SUZANNERAMSAY)
6507.335 In reply to 6507.268 

I'm unable to find this folder with my usersame.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.336 In reply to 6507.335 
Maybe you must enable "Show hidden files" ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.337 In reply to 6507.335 
Hi Suzanne,

> C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Moi\
> I'm unable to find this folder with my usersame.

Try using Win+R to bring up the Windows "Run" dialog, and then put in:


That should then open up the MoI userdata folder. I think it may be in slightly different locations on different Windows versions but there is an environment variable named Appdata and if you put % % around it like above it will substitute it in.

- Michael
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 From:  TheSpur (TOLUABISOLA)
6507.338 In reply to 6507.337 
Hi Michael,

I've just started using your wonderful program and I'm wondering if you could help with getting CustomUI to work.

I'm using version 3 and I think I have narrowed down the issue to the commandbar.htm file.

The new version of CustomUI that I've downloaded doesn't seem to have the new version of Commandbar.htm, do you know where I could get this from? I believe the fact that I cannot write over this file is the reason that I can't get CustomUI.

Any help you could provide would be most welcome

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.339 In reply to 6507.338 
Hi TheSpur, the modified CommandBar.htm file for MoI v3 is contained inside the which is an attachment on the first message of this thread, go to the bottom of the first message to find the attachments.

It's inside of the \ui subfolder inside that .zip . To install it, the contents of the .zip file are meant to be copied to MoI's main program directory, so there would be new sub-folders for objects and snapshots that are children of the main installation folder, and the contents of the .zip's ui directory should go into MoI's existing ui folder, overwriting the existing CommandBar.htm file.

- Michael
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6507.340 In reply to 6507.1 

Hello Everyone,

I am new to using Moi and came across this awesome feature.
However I can’t seem to get the icons to appear in Moi. I am using version 3.0 can anyone help ?

The first instruction for installation is backup/ui/CommandBar ?

Really noob question but I have no idea what this means ?

Thank you in advance

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6507.341 In reply to 6507.340 
This means that you must maybe save your original folder ui/CommandBar in your favorite save place in case of problem with your future UI! ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.342 In reply to 6507.340 
Hi Takeda, yes part of the installation of the CustomUI extension is that it overwrites one of MoI's files, it's a file named CommandBar.htm that is in the \ui sub-folder inside of MoI's main installation.

So the backup step means to save your original CommandBar.htm file somewhere else so if you have any problem you can restore the original back again without needing to do a full re-install.

- Michael
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Message 6507.343 deleted 28 Dec 2018 by THARSO

 From:  Tharso
Hi, Where can I find light options addon? I found one that didnt work with this plugin. Thx
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.345 In reply to 6507.344 
Hi Tharso,

> Hi, Where can I find light options addon? I found one that didnt work with this plugin. Thx

Which version of CustomUI are you using - the one for MoI v3 or the one for MoI v4?

- Michael
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 From:  glmr
Just tried to apply CustomUI to new beta, but it doesn't worl correctly - scripts, object and lighting options folders are empty. Anyone has CustomUI setup which works for last beta?
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.347 In reply to 6507.346 
Hi glmr,
The latest version of customUI works very well when installed properly in MoI4 beta.
Are you Mac or Windows?
- Brian
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 From:  glmr
6507.348 In reply to 6507.347 
I am on Windows. MoI 4.0 beta Oct-17-2018

UPD: I'm an idiot who doesn't read instructions. Now it works.

EDITED: 13 Jan 2019 by GLMR

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 From:  glmr
6507.349 In reply to 6507.348 
UPD2: can't find snapshot button even with correct installation
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.350 In reply to 6507.349 
My camera icon is also missing in MoI4beta. It is present in MoI3.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.351 In reply to 6507.349 
Hi glmr,

re: UPD2: can't find snapshot button even with correct installation

Is there a file Snapshot.js located in your MoI appdata\startup folder?

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.352 In reply to 6507.351 
My 82 Snapshot.js file was missing from MoiAppData\startup.
Downloaded max's v2 of customui from his website, to downloads folder, extracted, and copied
82 Snapshot to the MoiAppData\startup directory, and the camera (snapshot) is back.

A few other .js files are still missing, maybe messed up with MiniSidepane.js alterations???

- Brian
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