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 From:  wastzzz
Thanks, works perfectly on new beta.
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 From:  BurrMan
6507.176 In reply to 6507.174 
Thanks max... i will check out the cfg file too. It sounds handy. I needed the other one because i setup 2 extension scripts with 2 buttons in the commandbar....
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 From:  shayno
Thanks Michael for the latest Beta
In case anyone is interested , on the windows version to easily get my Moi beta back up and running with scripts and custom UI I do this

from the old beta version ( call it old ) I
Copy sidepane.htm from old UI into new UI (mine opens construct and transform at once).
Copy saveas.js and save.js from old commands into new commands overwrite the new ones (mine save a jpg also).

Copy all of the commands folder from old into the new commands folder but do not replace or overwrite anything in there.
This puts any commands you use like ringcircle etc in there

I copy the following so I know where they are.
Copy your moi.ini into the main moi directory of new
Copy your template file in there also
Copy your licience key into moi directory

Installation: of custumui.
- Backup /ui/CommandBar.htm (I just copy to the desktop)
- Extract CustomUI archive into the MoI directory

delete objects in new objects folder
Copy your objects from old objects file to new objects
copy snapshot.htm from old customui to new customui (mine is set to save as a jpg)
rename any parts of custom UI with a - in front that you don't want (I don't use the align buttons)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6507.178 In reply to 6507.177 
Hi Shayne, apart from your sidepane.htm, saveas.js and save.js if you uninstall the previous beta all custom scripts and custom directories will be left behind then it's just a matter copy and paste, the only thing to replace is Max's CommandBar.htm

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 From:  yakas
Hi guys, I am getting this error. When it does load, there is nothing visually different about the UI?
Image Attachments:
Size: 43.3 KB, Downloaded: 158 times, Dimensions: 463x331px
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.180 In reply to 6507.179 
Hi yakas, that error probably means you are using an older beta release - that function that the error mentions is only in the most current v3 beta, the Jun-27-2014 version which you can get from here:

- Michael
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 From:  yakas
6507.181 In reply to 6507.180 
Wow, that was fast. Works fine, woo hoo!
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Camera switcher for CustomUI :)

put .htm file in /ui/customui/ folder

right click - save camera position
left click - load camera position

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  shayno
6507.183 In reply to 6507.182 
Thanks Max thats neat
Is there any way that it can save the set positions on moi close , as it forgets what you set
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
6507.184 In reply to 6507.182 
Is there additional instructions to get this to work? I could find no customui folder in the MoI ui directory, so i created one and put the htm file there but it does not show when I run MoI. What am I missing?

Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.185 In reply to 6507.184 
Hi Don, if I remember right I think you need to unzip the file into MoI's main installation folder.

That will then replace one of Moi's .htm files inside the \ui folder to show the additional UI, and that will also then create the CustomUI folder for you during that unzipping process since it's stored in the .zip file.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.186 In reply to 6507.184 
Post 1 has instructions. It can be easy, but for me it was hard to do it the first time, back with Moi3Betas.

Recently, I placed the file in the x86/Moi3 directory and unzipped it there. Easy :-)

- Brian
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
6507.187 In reply to 6507.186 
Thanks Michael and Brian. I got it to install and work.

Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations
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 From:  BurrMan
6507.188 In reply to 6507.187 
The only thing you should watch out for with this type of "install", is Michael may make changes to something like "CommandBar.htm" and you are overwriting with something outdated...

You "Should" understand what is added in something like CommandBar.htm and just make that edit by hand, so you don't break your future installs.......

2 cents....
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 From:  Don (DON_CHEKE)
6507.189 In reply to 6507.188 
Thanks, I probably won't use it anyway. I really just wanted to see what the camera switch did.

Don Cheke
Visit: Textual Creations
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 From:  Jesse
6507.190 In reply to 6507.1 
Hello all,

It's been a while since I've visited the forum,
so I'm sorry if this has been covered before.
I couldn't find anything on it.

How does the snapshot option of the CustomUI work?

When I click on it, the screen blinks but doesn't put an image in the snapshot folder.
I have the snapshot folder located in MoI's main folder. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

I have a few other questions, but I thought I'd start out with this one 1st. :-)


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 From:  BurrMan
6507.191 In reply to 6507.190 
what os?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.192 In reply to 6507.190 
Hi Jesse, in recent versions of Windows, the operating system tries to prohibit programs from changing anything under c:\Program Files other than when it was installed, as a way to keep things from being messed with by viruses and things like that.

Since the CustomUI Snapshots directory is in there, that means that by default it won't be writable.

But if you give a program elevated privileges it will then allow it to write stuff there.

One way to give a program elevated privileges is to right-click it and choose "Run as administrator". If you do that, does the snapshot function start to work ok for you during that run? If so then you can set it to always run as administrator by right-clicking the shortcut, go to Properties, Compatibility tab and there's a checkbox at the bottom "Run this program as an administrator", if you set that the shortcut will always launch it with elevated privileges.

It would probably be better to have the snapshots folder located somewhere that was writable by default, like under %AppData%\Moi\snapshots, that way it would work without needing the program to have elevated privileges.

- Michael
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
6507.193 In reply to 6507.190 
Hi Jesse,

I agree with Michael with keeping your data out of the Programs directory and putting it somewhere else you can do that following these instructions earlier on this thread

Did the same thing with the objects.

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 From:  matur61
6507.194 In reply to 6507.1 
Hi, is customUI now valid for moi3D ?
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